Wills and testamentary papers

Chancery Bill of Complaint arising from the wills (6 May 1834) of William Court, Talton, Worcs., miller, who died 7 July 1848 and of his trustee and executor, Thomas Halford, Alderminster (will 22 December 1855, died 1 November 1858). Plaintiffs: William Brooks and Elizabeth his wife, daughter of William Court, and their children William Halford, Elizabeth Mary Walker, Grace Pauline, Jane, John Thomas, Emily and [H]etty Frederica (all infants). Defendants: Thomas Halford, (great nephew and executor of Thomas Halford of Alderminster), George Cook and Ann his wife (great niece of Thomas Halford) and their children Alice, Ann, George, William and Edith (all infants), Elizabeth Court, spinster, great-niece of Thomas Halford, Halford Sheaf and Ann Sheaf (infants) great nephew and niece of Thomas Halford, Elizabeth Court (widow of William of Talton) and Robert Robins Fletcher, Thomas Garrett, Thomas Southam (assigns in bankruptcy of Charles Halford) and said Charles Halford, nephew of Thomas Halford.