Wills and testamentary papers

Original will and codicil of William Farebrother, Coton, Oxon., gent. All lands and premises at Great and Little Bourton, Oxon., and elsewhere to son William for life (subject to payment of other legacies) then to the heirs of his body. In default to testator's daughters Elizabeth Cole and Sarah Taylor. To daughters Elizabeth Cole and Sarah Taylor: £100 each. To granddaughter Elizabeth Cole: £250 at 21 and bed and furnishings in best chamber. To granddaughters Mary, Ann and Sarah Cole and Sarah Taylor: £50 each at 21. If there are no surviving children of testator's son William, 10 years after testator's decease, then legacies to granddaughters are doubled. To poor of Great Bourton and Little Bourton: £5. Residue of real and personal estate to son William who is sole executor. Overseers: William Wyatt, Banbury, mercer; John Farebrother, Helmdon, Northants., gent. Signed and sealed. Witnesses: John Loggin, William Andrews, Robert Sparrow. Codicil - 15 November 1760 Revokes legacy of £250 to granddaughter Elizabeth Cole: now £150 and further £150 is no issue of William. To daughter Elizabeth Cole: £100 more. Witnesses: William Andrews, Robert Sparrow, Rebekah Neal.