Wills and testamentary papers

Probate of the will (dated 30 August 1711, but only fragment remains) and codicil (23 November 1713) of Frances Combe [widow of John, formerly Lee]. Codicil Recites 99 year lease in will, of premises in Old Stratford and Hampton Lucy to nephews John Baynes and John Padmore as trustees to pay legacies. Now Annuity of £20 to brother John Lee for life to be paid by trustees. £100 each to nephews Thomas and John Lee at 18. £5 to Dr. Gibbons. £5 to poor of Hartwell and Bishopstone, Bucks. £2.2.0 to nephew John Antonie. £4 to servant Isabell. Diamond ring with 5 stones to niece Baynes. Diamond earrings in shape of cross and piece of old gold to Jane Lowe daughter of cousin Elizabeth deceased, to whom originally bequeathed. Proved in Prerogative Court of Canterbury by Mary Lee, Jane Lee and Lionel Lee, gent., executors. [The will is recited at ER2/513], DR318/4/10 ER4/67.