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26 Ely Street, Stratford-upon-Avon


Lease and release, the release being: i) a conveyance from Thomas Gould Marshall of Harvington, co. Worcs., (eldest son and heir of Wilson Marshall, late of the same, gentleman), at the request of John Lord, gentleman, William Chattaway, draper, and William Hemings, surveyor, all of Stratford-upon-Avon (assignees of the estate and effects of Robert Hobbes late of the same, a bankrupt), with the consent of Francis Honfray, clerk, George Baylis, John Marshall the elder, John Marshall the younger and John Heywood (executors of the will and codicil of Wilson Marshall), to Edmund Chambers, late of Binton, but now of Milcote, farmer, and his trustee, Robert Fisher of Long Marston, gentleman, (reciting DR316/16-17, 19-20, 28-30) for £250 paid to the executors of Wilson Marshall in discharge of the recited mortgage (DR316/16-17), of the freehold messuage described in DR316/16-17, now in the tenure of Thomas Sanders, lace-manufacturer; ii) a conveyance from John Lord, William Chattaway, and William Hemings to Edmund Chambers, for £1040 owing to him under the recited mortgage of 1 May 1810 (DR316/28), of a piece of ground on which a messuage and cottages once stood, but which had been taken down and school buildings erected in their place, and which are also now in the tenure of the said Thomas Sanders; iii) an assignment from the executors of Wilson Marshall, with the consent of the assignees of Robert Hobbes, to Edmund Chambers, of the residue of a term of 1000 years in a piece of leasehold ground in Ely Street as described in DR316/28.