Wills and testamentary papers

In the name of God Amen, I Joyce Clopton daughter of Sir John Clopton of Clopton in the County of Warwick Knt being in perfect health of mind (thanks be to God for it) allthough weake and infirme in body doe make this my last Will and testament Imprimis I doe bequeath my soul to our Saviour Christ that redeemed it and my body to Christian buriall Item I doe give and bequeath to my dear sister Elizabeth Clopton all that money which was given me by my Grand-ffather Sir Edward Walker Knt late Garter Principall King of Armes by Legacy or otherwise Item I doe give and bequeath unto my dear Sister Agnes Keyte wife of William Keyte of Clopton Esq, the sume of eighteen pounds which is now in my ffather Sir John Cloptons hands togeather with all the interest that is due thereupon Item I doe give and bequeath unto my dear brother Hugh Clopton my Topaz Watch Item I Doe give and bequeath unto my dear Sister Elizabeth Clopton all my reall estate and all my personal estate except what is above mentioned to be given to my sister Agnes Keyte and my brother Hugh Clopton and doe make her sole Executrix of this my last Will and testament. Joyce Clopton. Signed and sealed and published by the above-mentioned Joyce Clopton as her last Will and testament this present twenty third day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred ninety five and in the seaventh year of the Reigne of King William over England in the presence of Eleanor Newman Jone Harris Elizabeth Millward her marke. Proved at Stratford upon Avon Peculiar 30 January 1695/6 [Old style 1696] by Elizabeth Clopton, before Richard Croft M.A. Presented by Richard G-, March 1898