Wills and testamentary papers

Copy of the Will of Frances Partheriche Clopton, parish of Old Stratford, widow - mentions late husband John Partheriche Esq. - Charles Boothby Skrymsher, Clarges Street, Piccadilly, Esq, - Edward Ingram, Barnet, co Herts, Esq. - John Ingram Barnet, Esq. - Anthony Clopton - Kingdom of Ireland, gent, who she believes to be related to the Cloptons of Warwickshire - Miss Barbara Ingram, Wolverton co Warwick, spinster - Miss Frances Campion, daughter of Mr Edward Campion, wine merchant - Miss Harriet Campion, decd William Campion Esq., Mrs Alice Lucy Mason of Stratford upon Avon, widow - Mrs Margaret Bagshaw who now lives with me - Miss Lucy Frances Nason of Stratford upon Avon, daughter of Mr John Robert Nason son of the said Alice Lucy Nason. Lyster Dighton of Clifford Chambers and Michael Woodhull of Thenford, Northants trustees