Wills and testamentary papers

Copy will of Albright Taylor of Mickleton whereby he devised to his son John Taylor his house and two closes called Hunks Walk and Phipps Hole in Mickleton for his life with remainder to his first and other sons successively in tail with remainder in default of such issue to his daughters in tail, with remainder in default of such issue to the testator's son Samuel Taylor for his life with similar remainders over. Devise of other property to Samuel Taylor and bequest to testator's daughters Ann and Frances Sophia. Appointment by testator of John Taylor to be his executor and Thomas Corbet Southam of Quinton and James Herbert Barnes of Mickleton to be his trustees. Witnesses: James Herbert Barnes, William Newman and John Groves. Proved at Canterbury by William Barnacle and Susannah Wrighton, executors of the will of the said John Taylor junior, 18 December 1841. Another rough copy enclosed. [Administration 1809]