Wills and testamentary papers

Copy will of John Southam of Ilmington, yeoman. To son John Southam: messuage, orchard, garden and one yard land in the common fields of Ilmington, for life, but subject to an annuity of £7 payable to testator's wife. After decease of son John, then premises to grandson, John Southam, son of said John. BUT if grandson die before 21 or has no lawful heirs, then house and premises to grand-daughters Ann and Elizabeth Southam as tenants in common. If either die before 21 or without lawful issue, then whole to the survivor but if both die without issue, then premises to testator's other son William and his heirs for ever. To sons Thomas and William as tenants in common 42a 1r 14p of freehold land in Ilmington known as the Wood Meadows (subject to legacy and annuity below). To wife, Elizabeth Southam: annuity of £12 chargeable as £7 on house and premises, £5 on the Wood Meadows. Wife to have right to enter and make a distress if annuity not paid. To daughter Elizabeth Southam: £250 payable within 12 months of decease and chargeable upon the Wood Meadows. Interest for 12 months to be paid as £10.10s.0d. To daughter Mary Toms: 1 guinea to buy a mourning ring. To executrixes: mourning rings. To wife and daughter Elizabeth: all goods, chattels, money, deeds etc. Executrixes: wife Elizabeth and daughter Elizabeth. Signed by mark. Witnesses: Thomas Beavington, Nathan Pleden, John Hughes.