Wills and testamentary papers

Probate of the will of Elizabeth Fisher of Great Alne, widow, whereby she bequeathed to her nephews Henry, John and Lewis Gale, sons of her brother Lewis Gale, £5 each. To her godson William Gale (son of her nephew Edward Gale) £5. To Thomas and William Gale (sons of her nephew William Gale) £5 each. To Elizabeth Gale, daughter of her nephew William Gale, £40. To her nephew Edward Gale and her niece Anne Field, to her son-in-law John Fisher and to his sister Mary Pettipher 1/- each. To her goddaughter Anne Knight two satin petticoates. To Sarah Milborne 5/- To John Godfrey and Elinor Ainge 2/6 each And she devised the house in which she dwelt at Great Alne and the shop, penthouse and yard to her nephew William Gale (son of Lewis Gale) upon trust for sale, the proceeds thereof to be held as to one half in trust for the said William Gale and the other half in trust for Anne and Hannah Pettipher, daughters of Mary Pettipher of Killingworth. And she devised to her said nephew William Gale her half moiety of the Manor of Abbotts Moreton together with the advowson of the Rectory of Abbotts Moreton. Witnesses: R. Reeve, William Hopkins and William Heming. Probate granted at Worcester, 11 March 1719/20 [Old style 1720].