Wills and testamentary papers

Draft will of Philemon Williams, Kington [Kineton], Harks., mercer Trustees: John William, Buckingham, Doctor of Physic John Parks, Warwick, gent. William Russell, Warwick, draper. John Mabson, Birmingham, merchant. All household goods in house at Kington to trustees for use of wife Ann during widowhood and after her death or remarriage to sell and use for maintenance of children until 21 or if daughters marry with consent. When all are 21 or married to be divided equally between them. To trustees: freehold land in Radway; copyhold land and premises in Little Kington and all personal estate UPON TRUST to sell and invest proceeds and pay interest to wife until all children 21 or married and wife not remarried, for education of children. When all children 21 etc. and wife still unmarried then interest on £1000 to wife during widowhood in lieu of £300 under marriage settlement; if she remarries, interest on £400 only for life. After her death to be divided among surviving children. When all 21 etc. residue of trust monies to be divided equally among children, shares of dying to survivors. If any marry without consent - only interest for life. Heirs of body according to marriage settlement entitled to house at Kineton; house to be valued at £350 by trustees for purposes of allotting equal shares to children. Sons Philemon Baylies Williams and William Cromwell Williams heirs under the will of their uncle John Cromwell, Bromsgrove, etc., deceased, therefore testator desires that trustees debit their shares in father's estate by £200 and £300 respectively. Trustees empowered to disburse up to £100 to establish children, to be deducted from share. Wife and trustees to be executors and guardians.