Wills and testamentary papers

27 February 1775 Copy will of Henry Roberts, Droitwich, clerk. To sisters Dorothy and Sarah Roberts, all real and personal estate and house where testator lives, they paying debts and other legacies. To George Roberts `in the Hospital': life annuity of £30. To Rev. James Roberts advowson of Rectory of Wolverton with remainder to Henry son of Rev. James, testator's godson. To Muriel Seymour: annuity of £30 in lieu of any claim on lands at St. Kenelms. To Jenny Roberts, daughter of Rev. George Roberts: £100. To Henry Roberts, son of Rev. George Roberts: £10 p.a. To Nanny Bedford: house she lives in for life. To William Prisdel, old servant: £25 p.a. for life, £6 for his funeral and the house where he lives for life, the same to pass to his wife Ruth plus £8 p.a. for her life. To Margaret Bourne, old servant: £50. To Alice [Lies] twenty pounds To Gregory Watkins: parish land at Alcester. To cousin Wilson Roberts: Stoke estate. Personal estate to Rev. James Roberts and his son, or reputed son, Henry Roberts, testator's godson urging marriage between Henry and daughter of Gregory Watkins. Bequests to poor of Wolverton, Droitwich and Dodderhill, Broadway [After death of testator's sisters] All real and personal estate to descend in eldest male line of Rev. George Roberts: first to his son [Rev.] James, then to his son Henry and lawful heirs. Testator bars all heirs male and female of Thomas Roberts, late of Droitwich and all female line of Roberts. £10 p.a. to Mrs. Gardner, sister of George Roberts. Dispositions as to funeral in Wolverton Churchyard. Witnesses: William Haseldine, Elizabeth Hazeldine, George Howells, Henry Roberts. Codicil Clothes, after choice of sisters to William Prisdel, Margaret Bourne, Alice Lies. To John Taylor, apothecary: £25. One guinea to all tenants of 7 years 5 gns. to James Roberts and Roger Williams, clerks. Draft case with opinions as to same will. 1792 and 1798.