Wills and testamentary papers

Copy will of John Rawlings of Shipston-on-Stour, tanner, dated 29 September 1778, bequeathing his messuage and lands in Little Wolford in the tenure of Edward Fletcher to his daughter Mary Ann Rawlings and her issue, or, in default, to his nephew, Richard Rawlings (son of his brother Richard Rawlings, deceased) subject to the payment of £100 to his sister, Ann Rawlings; and bequeathing his personal estate to Joseph Roberts of Clopton in Mickleton, co. Glos., gent., William Russell of Broadway, co. Worcs., gent., and John Corbett the younger of Quinton, gent., in trust to apply the profits thereof `to breeding up' his daughter, Mary Ann Rawlings, to the age of 24 years, but should she die without issue before that time then to release the said personal estate to the testator's sisters, Ann Smith and Mary Corbett, subject to payments to his kinsman, William Russell, and Richard his brother, John Corbett the younger, Robert Rawlings and Richard Rawlings, the testator's nephews, and Elizabeth Blackmore, the testator's niece, Anne Blackmore, her sister, and John and William Blackmore, her brothers; and bequeathing to his housekeeper, Elizabeth Bevington, £20; to the poor of the parish of Long Compton, £20; and to Mary Blackmore, wife of William Blackmore, late of Stratford-upon-Avon but now of Birmingham, barber, an annuity of £5 should she survive her husband. Witnesses: Robert Braine, Stephen Clarke and Thomas Townsend. Proved at London.