Deeds, letters c.: Wheler Papers

Grant indented by William Smart, B.A., `now scollmaster of ye gramer scoll of Stratford uppon Aven', to Sir William Dalam, of Stratford, clerk, during their joint lives, of £6.13.4, out of his stipend of £20; with further grant towards the repair of tenements belonging to the town of Stratford now `far in rwyne and decay' of 5 marks a year for 2 years, and 33 shillings a year for another two years, and covenant with the Corporation of Stratford at the end of the said four years and after the death of the said Sir William Dalam to abate, out of his stipend of £20, £4 yearly `to be bestowed towards ye fyndynge of an usshear' or on repair of the said tenements at the discretion of the bailiff, aldermen, etc. Dated in `the Councell hous of Stratford', 1 January 1 2 1554/5 Philip and Mary Signed `By me Wylliam Smart'. Vellum, f. 28.