Garrick Jubilee volume: Wheler Papers
'An Account of the Jubilee at Stratford on Avon in honor of the immortal Shakespeare the 6th and 7th September 1769. D. Garrick, esq., steward', consisting of copies and extracts by Robert Bell Wheler of matter in prose and verse relating to the Jubilee of 1769; including Garrick's Ode and Oration and 'Shakespeare's Garland'. A great part of the contents was printed by Wheler in his History and Antiquities of Stratford upon Avon, 1806 pp. 164-209. The volume also includes, besides copies of verses in honour of Shakespeare by Milton, Dr. Samuel Johnson, and others: The original cover of the volume (now f.1) is dated 13 June 1801, but the dates of the entries extend to 1810.