Grant of rent from manor of Tittleshall
Grant from John Fastolf, knight, Henry Inglose, knight, William Paston of Paston, John Fastolf of Jernemuth [Yarmouth], esquire, and John Kyrtelyngg, clerk, to John Berney, of Redham, esquire, John Lynford of Stalham and William Granor, of an annual rent of 20 marks to be taken from the manor of Tytelleshale [Tittleshall co. Norfolk] called Peekhalls, late belonging to Robert Ty, knight, lying in the vills of Tytelleshale, Godewyk, Wyssynsete, Pattesley, Reynham and Wellynham, which the grantors held by gift of the grantees by the charter dated 10 April 1428, on condition that they made no claim to the manor or castle in Flegg' called Bosonnes; and if the condition was observed the collection of the rent would be suspended, but if broken, the present indenture would take effect.