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Lease: Bridgetown


Lease from Sir John Clopton of Clopton, Knt., to Joseph Freeman of Stratford-upon-Avon, maltster, of a messuage in Bridgtowne, in the tenure of Elizabeth Freeman, widow, called the Bear, with its appurtenances, closes called Home Close (6 acres), Shipston Lane Close (12 acres), Burnt Style Close (6 acres) and the Lower Rushbrooke (7 acres) and meadow called the Upper Part of Harrington's Leyes, all late in the tenure of John Freeman, husband of the said Elizabeth; to hold for 9 years at a yearly rent of £20 for the Bear and £37 for the rest, with £5 for every acre of meadow he should convert into tillage. Sealed with Clopton arms. Witnesses: Josiah Freeman, Samuel Sharpe and N. Mason.