Wills and testamentary papers

Copy will of Michael Pettipher, Sibford Ferris, Oxon., yeoman. To wife Elizabeth: confirms marriage settlement : house, yard, gardens and land in Sibford Ferris in his occupation for life, then to 3 daughters Elizabeth, Ann and Mary. : household goods and furniture for life, she to dispose among children by will. To daughter Ann : £200 which, together with £100 left her by her Aunt Mead, will equal sister's marriage portions To son Michael : 2 pieces of land in Sibford Ferris (43 acres) derived from testator's uncle Thomas Shaw, but charged with payments. To 3 daughters, Elizabeth, Ann and Mary: life annuities of £25 each To son Michael: 7¾ acres in Sibford Ferris, bought by Thomas Shaw To trustees: Joseph Lamb and William Gillett, both of Sibford executors Ferris: house, barn, stable and 42 acres in Hook Norton, bought of John Hopkins. : all personal estate To sell and divide equally between three daughters Witnesses: Jeremiah Lamb, John Goffe, Ann Goffe. Codicil: 29 August 1814 Recites death of wife Elizabeth, therefore Household goods and furniture to daughter Ann Revokes bequest of house and land in Sibford to 3 daughters and gives same to daughter Ann for life, then to son Michael Reduces annuity to Ann from £25 to £20. Books equally among children. Witnesses: Richard Chapman, J.U.Golby, Mary Treadwell.