Wills and testamentary papers

Probate of the will of Samuel Brayne of Wellesbourne Mountford, husbandman, whereby he devised a yearly rent charge of £3 to his wife Elizabeth charged upon the testator's messuage in Wellesbourne in which he then dwelt, for her life in case she should not agree to live in the same with his executor and he bequeathed to his wife one bed with three paire of sheets and blanketts, 6 plates, 2 pewter dishes, one pottage pot and one kettle such as she should choose. And he bequeathed to his daughter Judith £30. To his son John £30 if he should attain 21 years. To his daughter Anne £20 if she should attain 21 years. And he bequeathed to his son Samuel Brayne the residue of his estate and appointed him sole executor. Witnesses: Hannah Blackford by her mark, Elizabeth Radford by her mark, Mor' Hopper. Proved at Worcester by Samuel Brayne 30 September 1728. Seal of paper and wax.