Papers of Edith Lister, Stratford-upon-Avon, author Items No. Essays
Papers of Edith Lister, comprising essays, novels, short stories, verse and personal papers
Gentleman's Magazine ER137/1 - 11,
Wayside Wisdom ER137/12 - 19,
Writings of Mr. W.B. Yeats ER137/20,
Dreams in wartime ER137/21,
The happy fields ER137/22 - 28,
Later essays ER137/29 - 35,
Other essays ER137/36 - 40,
Fiction: Novels ER137/41 - 43,
Short stories ER137/44 - 60,
Verse: Collections ER137/61 - 64,
Single compositions ER137/65 - 66,
Verse of uncertain provenance ER137/67,
The Shepheards Gyrlond ER137/68,
Correspondence ER137/69 - 70,
Commonplace book ER137/71,
Notes and extracts ER137/72 - 74,
Personal papers ER137/75,
Life in Munich c. 1890 ER137/76,
Press cuttings ER137/77,
Prints, various ER137/78,
Miscellanea ER137/79 - 80.