Wills and testamentary papers

Office copy of will of William Crowther, Somerville Aston, Evesham, esq. Trustees executors: Richard Crowther (brother), John Foster Adams, Olton Hall, Solihull, gent., William Marshall, Darlaston, Staffs., gent., Watkins Garrall, Hidcote, Glos., farmer. To wife: wines, stores, provisions and her personal jewels absolutely; life use of household furniture, books and effects. To brother Richard: plate (subject to wife's interest). Residue and reversion of personal estate to trustees to sell. Real estate to trustees to sell and pay legacies. £1000 to each trustee. Residue to be invested in trust :- Interest to wife for life then to education of any children until youngest is 21, then divided equally between them. If no issue, then: 1/8 to brother Richard 1/8 to sister Sarah Crowther 1/8 to sister Ann Umbers 1/8 to sister Elizabeth Crowther 1/8 to sister Margaret Sowdon 1/8 to sister Emma Hastings 1/8 to sister Janette Barlow 1/8 to sister Jemima Crowther Witnesses: Thomas Garrett, farmer, Compton Scorpion and James Garrett, farmer, Brailes.