Wills and testamentary papers

Probate of the will of John Drury of Evesham, co. Worcs., brazier. Recites an agreement dated 23 November 1780 prior to his marriage between 1. himself, 2. his present wife Margery by her then name of Margery Pitway, widow, and 3. John Pearsehouse of Stratford-upon-Avon, gent., and Joseph Higgins of Halford, yeoman, and devises: To his wife Margery an annuity of £20 p.a. and £10 to buy her mourning. To his second son John Pearsehouse Drury his bedstead with yellow furniture and bedding therewith, his oaken chest of drawers, and £300 on his attaining the age of 23 years; said son John to complete the remainder of his apprenticeship unserved with him, testator, with his, testator's, eldest son Pearsehouse Drury. To his eldest son Pearsehouse Drury the rest of his personal estate and the messuage in which he, testator, dwelt in Bridge Street, Evesham. Appoints his uncle Mr. John Pearsehouse, wife Margery and eldest son Pearsehouse Drury executors. Witnesses: Charles Savage, Cha: Welch, Thos. Blayney. Proved at Worcester, 3 July 1781.