Verse: Edith Lister papers

Single verse compositions arranged alphabetically by title:
All Souls Day And there cometh unto you...
Anthony of Padua
At the hand press (The Reckoning)
At the prize giving
Avenues of time The ball A bedtime song The box A broken bridge The broken flute But yet --- (The Reckoning) By Paradise gate Change, everywhere is change (The Reckoning) A `charm' song Chorus of the down-and-outs Christmas Eve (In a country town) Christmas Eve, New Style. The coming of the god (The Reckoning) Corn in Paradise Creeds Dandelions Dead dreams Dedication (Apollo to Christ) Derelict (The Reckoning) Deserters (The Reckoning) Dita Down Poplar way The dream world The dreams Every mother's son The exchange A farm boy's song The flight of birds The flying man, Also: The flying man (for D.M.B) [At foot] E.M.M. [Stratford-upon-Avon, Bloomfield Co., 1936?] broadside. Title and capital W in red 1 copy plus; 3 proofs The fool The four winds Friends Given by Daddy to Charles The glory that's behind Going The heritage (The Reckoning) Holden The hundred hands (The Reckoning) Hurrying wings In Elysium (The Reckoning) In Hampshire; a memory In praise of candle-light In Surrey; Friday Street In this world underground Invocation (Apollo to Christ) Island men Jerusalem beads (The Reckoning) The judgement day Lady Day, March 1933 The lament of the old knight (Apollo to Christ) Late autumn Leaseings Leporello's last service Life was sweet The little grey men A lost god The lost summer The lovely wood Love's arithmetic The magic maker March winds Marshland and sea The master Merchant-men The middle string Milling gold A misanthrope in May Mistress or friend (Apollo to Christ) The mother; New Year's Eve 1931 The move on Nineveh The musician My account book New Year's Eve/Day, 1917- [38] The nightmare's foal 19 January 1921 to --- Not many giants left The old house in war-time An old song Old Time's new bride (New Year's Day 1934) The only welcome The outlook (To A.W.) The overthrow (The Reckoning) Peel and the pool (after Mallarmé) The piper A puzzled mind The question (Apollo to Christ) Rabelais Rebel days The reckoning (The Reckoning) Le retour The reunion Revolt The Roman way (The Reckoning) The rustling thieves Sarabande in C Minor (Debussy) Secret Love Shadows The shield The silver stag's across the moon (The Reckoning) The slate So Helen passed (The Reckoning) Solomon the King (Apollo to Christ, `From the king's house') A song of autumn A song of life A song of Ludlow A song of ten (Apollo to Christ) A song of a country town Such ways the water had They walked (Apollo to Christ) Those lights along the Romney road To a poet (The Reckoning) To the dreamers of dreams To --- (Come with me through the golden gate) To the gently-born (Chorus of the unborn) To the singers (The Reckoning) The tollman The trees 24 March The unknown Values The voice The wandering man The wanton The way of escape The way that Villon went The welcoming wine What Grandfather told us What she told me (Apollo to Christ) With criticism by Leslie B. Taylor dated 11.2.22 on verso What time might bring, 1933-2133 White horses (New Year's Eve 1926) Whitsun Day The wine cups (The Reckoning) Winged words Wisest of men The wrong side of the wall