Wills and testamentary papers

Office copy of the will of Humphrey Colles of Chilvers Coton, esq. £200 to grandson William, eldest son of son William Colles for his maintenance. Executors to invest money in land which to be estated on William the younger for life. To `very loving cosen' Richard Chamberlyns, 33 shilling piece of gold to make a ring and to his wife and children a 10 shilling gold ring each. 20 marks for funeral expenses. Residue to sons William, Michael and John and daughter Marie to be divided equally except lease of Alderney estate which to son John and his wife. Executors: brothers Henry and Michael Colles, with 20 shillings each. Overseers: Richard Westley, gent., £1 for pains. Edward Warner, servant, £5 for pains. 18 March 1639/40 [Old Style 1640] Codicil Testator's brother Michael to be Executor too. Testator's best new suit and riding mare to Edward Warner. To cousin Mrs. Ann Chamberlyn, gold ring with which she was married and which testator gave her at her marriage. Proved in Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 11 June 1640 by Henry Colles and Michael Colles, testator's brothers.