Wills and testamentary papers

Attested copy of will of John Dench, Longdon, Worcs., gent. Subjects half real estate in Naunton Beauchamp and Inkberrow and half share of mortgage on house and malthouse in Evesham in occupation of Henry Smith, with payment of debts and funeral expenses. Trustees: wife Mary Dench, William Wadhams, Ardens Grafton, blacksmith; John Wadhams Junior, Ardens Grafton, yeoman, and John Clarke, Studley, gent. To Trustees - interest in Evesham mortgage and half share in Inkberrow and Naunton Beauchamp premises to sell and pay debts and expenses -All other real estate in Longdon and Bishampton, Worcs. -Residue of personal estate IN TRUST To wife Mary: rents from real estate and interest of personal estate until son John Dench, 21, for maintenance and education of children Elizabeth, Mary and John. - Then £30 annuity for life in lieu of dower. To son John: real estate at Longdon and Bishampton subject to various rent charges and to conveyance of Bishampton estate to testator's daughters Elizabeth and Mary equally except land called Fords which to Mary only. BUT If John pays £400 to each sister then estates to John. To mother Elizabeth Dench: £20 annuity charged equally on estates : Use of bedchamber in testator's house at Longdon for life with furniture and £3 household goods. To wife Mary: residue of real and personal estate for life then equally to 3 children. Trustees as executors. Witnesses: W Wrenford, Robert Dickenson and Joseph Beale.