Wills and testamentary papers

Probate of the will of John King of Pailton, yeoman, whereby he devised to his `brother in law' William Iliffe of Lutterworth, co. Leics., apothecary, and to his kinsman Andrew Kinge of Whetston, co. Leics., yeoman, and their heirs, his messuage in which he then dwelt with all appurtenances and all his three quarters of one yard land in Pailton to hold the same to the use of testator's mother, Mary Iliffe, for her life and thereafter to use of Richard Hall and Alice his wife (testator's brother-in-law and sister) until George Hall their son attained 26 years and afterwards upon certain other Trusts therein specified, and he bequeathed to George Iliffe and Thomas Iliffe, children of William Iliffe £6 each, to Andrew King and Ann King his sister £3 each, to Richard King and Elizabeth King his sister £2 each and he appointed his mother Mary Iliffe his sole executrix and residuary legatee. Proved at Coventry the 30th May 1677 by Mary Iliffe.