Copy Conveyance: High Street and Wood Street, Stratford-upon-Avon

Copy conveyance by Robert Ingram of Alcester, haberdasher, to Edward Croft of Sutton, co. Glouc., gent., and Lionel Croft of the same town and county, gent., (reciting that a marriage had been solemnized between the said Robert Ingram and Sibilla Croft, daughter of the said Edward Croft and that £100 had been paid as a marriage portion) of three tenements in the borough of Stratford-upon-Avon:
one in High Street, between a tenement in the occupation of William Hiccox on the North and a tenement in the holding of Mr. Richard Castell on the South and now in the tenure of John Townsend,
another in Wood Street between a tenement in the holding of one Bucklie, widow, on the East and a tenement in the holding of ... Postons, widow, on the West and now in the occupation of William Johnsons and,
the third in Wood Street aforesaid between the tenement in the occupation of the said William Johnsons on the East and a tenement in the holding of one Thomas Kerke, on the West and now in the occupation of the said .... Postons;
to hold to the use of the said Robert Ingram and Sibilla his wife etc.
Witnesses: Francis Jarritt and Nicholas Knottisford.
Copy certified by William Challoner and Henry Browne.