Lease and Release: Honington and Tredington

Indentures of Lease and Release between the Reverend Henry Parker of Trinity College, Oxford, M. A., Hyde Parker of London, mariner, Ann Parker and Beata Parker, both of Oxford, spinsters (children of Hyde Parker late of Tredington, clerk, deceased, and grandchildren of Dame Margaret Parker, deceased, late widow of Sir Henry Parker) of the first part, Samuel Underhill of Idlicote, esq. and William Thomas of Winchester, clerk of the second part, Sir Henry John Parker of Honington, Bart. of the third part, Joseph Townsend of New Burlington Street, London of the fourth part, and Chauncey Townsend of London, merchant of the fifth part (reciting that Dame Margaret Parker by her will dated 23 November 1728 bequeathed and devised to Samuel Underhill and William Thomas all her real and personal estate not specifically disposed in trust for her four grandchildren, Henry, Hyde, Ann and Beata Parker, children of her deceased son, Hyde Parker, and devised to Sir Henry John Parker, after the said four children had all attained the age of 21 years, her hereditaments in Tredington and Honington upon condition that the said Sir Henry John Parker paid to the said four children of Hyde Parker, deceased, the sum of £330 apiece and that, if such condition be not fulfilled, then the said hereditaments should remain to the said Samuel Underhill and William Thomas in trust for sale and division among the said children of Hyde Parker, deceased; and reciting the death of Dame Margaret and that the said children of Hyde Parker had attained the age of 21 years and that the said Sir Henry John Parker had taken possession of the hereditaments but had not paid the sum directed to be paid to the children of Hyde Parker, deceased; and reciting that Joseph Townsend has purchased the hereditaments of Sir Henry John Parker in Honington), whereby it was witnessed that, in consideration of £359 14s 0d apiece paid to the said Henry Parker, Hyde Parker, Ann Parker and Beata Parker, children of the said Hyde Parker, deceased, and grandchildren of Sir Henry Parker and Dame Margaret his wife, they the said Samuel Underhill and William Thomas conveyed and assigned all their interest in the said hereditaments in Honington to Joseph Townsend in fee simple, and all their interest in the hereditaments at Tredington, subject to a proviso for redemption by Sir Henry John Parker upon payment of the principal mortgage sum mentioned in ER3/2029; and the said four children of Hyde Parker, deceased, assigned all their interest in the said hereditaments to Chauncey Townsend in trust for Joseph Townsend. Witnesses: John Rayner, Thomas Rawlins of Essex Street, Thomas Branch, clerk to Mr. Ford, and James Cox and Edmund Reilly, clerks to Mr. Rayner, and Mr. Ashburner.