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Cheeke, Russell Tipping families: Archer of Tanworth


Bundle, pinned together at the top left corner, consisting of 9 accounts of the expenses of Edward Cheeke and his tutor Germain Colladon during their journeying in Europe, from 25 April 1694 to 6 September 1698. The accounts, in the hand of Germain Colladon, show the minutest details of expenditure, from ' ye Guitarre master for four months - 10 crowns ', 'ye master of Architecture 1 month - 3crowns, 2 livers, 5 pence ', and ' a suite of blew cloth with ye Vest of silver cloth with ye lining of silk to ye suite to ye Vest with ye furnitures ye making - 102 crowns, 5 pence ',to ' half a pound of candles - 4 pence', and ' spent to see what's to be seen, for ye coach and for ye Antiquary - 3 crowns, 2 livers, 17 pence '. Corrections, comments and endorsements are in the hand of William Hill. The wrapping is £6 of a (?draft or copy) petition concerning a consignment of sugar which arrived at London in 1684 and was sold by Stephen Mason for £900, which he paid to William Beeston. Sir Charles Modiford is mentioned.

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[See also no. 96.]