Assorted legal and financial papers: Alice Hendley, deceased, and Solomon Hendley, deceased
Original bundle of papers following the deaths of Miss Alice Hendley of Sandfields, Luddington, spinster (22nd August 1929) and of Solomon Hendley, her brother, of Sandfields Farm, Old Stratford, farmer, (died 10th December 1928): 1-2. Probate of the will and codicil of Alice Hendley, made 10th January 1929, proved 23rd December 1929. Probate of the will of Solomon Hendley, made 22nd October 1907, proved 14th February 1930. 3-4. Bank books of Miss Alice Hendley and of her executors, 1908-1932, 1929-1931. 5-9 Inland Revenue papers in connection with the death of Alice Hendley: residuary account, receipts for duty payable by legatees, etc., 1930-1932, and succession duty account of Alice Hendley on death of Solomon Hendley, 1930. 10-11 Executorship account of Miss Alice Hendley deceased in account with the beneficiaries, and copy account, 1931. 12-16. Accounts of the executors of Alice Hendley with the Slatter Son More, 1929-1931 (4), and with [the legatees], undated, c.1930. 17-19. Account of the administrators of the estate with will annexed of Solomon Hendley with the executors of the will of Alice Hendley (1928-1930), 1931. Accounts of his executrix and of his administrators, (1928-1931). 20. Bundle of legacy receipts under the will of Alice Hendley, March and June 1930 21. Bundle of receipts for shares of the proceeds of the sale of the residuary real and personal estate of Alice Hendley, October 1930. 22. Three receipts or letters of receipt for legacy under the will of AH, 14th-15th June 1931. 23. Two receipts for shares of income tax on the estate of Alice Hendley, deceased, June-July 1932