General note: Greek and Latin in parallel columns. First issued in 10 parts, Cantabrigiæ, 1670-71. cf. Brit. Mus. Catalogue. Title page in red and black. Leaves ²2F4 and ²D8 are blank. Signatures: pi1 A-C8 D² 2A-2C8 2D8 (±2D5) 2E-2F8 ²2F4 2G-2I8 2K¹° 2L-2R8 2S² ²D8 3A-P8 3Q4. Each of the ten parts has a separate title page, with imprint date 1670, and pagination. Identified as Wing O125 on UMI "Early English books, 1641-1700", microfilm reel 1022, which has "O¯kellos o leykanos philosophos" ([2], 51 p. section) only. Quires 3A-P8 3Q4 (sections [26], 111, [3], 106, [4] p.) bound in at beginning, just after t.p.; quires 2A-2F8 [superscript 2]2F4 (sections [6], 35, [3], 12, [2], 44, [2] p.) bound between 2L8 and 2M8; 2D5 slashed and backed, slightly affecting text UK-SuSCL Cited in: Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), G156 Format of surrogate: Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich. University Microfilms International, 1980, 1983. 2 microfilm reels ; 35mm. (Early English books, 1641-1700 1022:14; 1443:6). Ownership and custodial history: Presented to Shakespeare Memorial Library by William Salt Brassington, 1910; deposit from RSC