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Shakespeare studies / by members of the Department of English of the University of Wisconsin, to commemorate the Three-hundredth anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare, April 23, 1616.

Formatted contents note: Sonnets on the self of William Shakespeare, by W.E. Leonard.--Locrine and Selimus, by F.G. Hubbard.--Shakespeare's pathos, by J.F.A. Pyre.--The function of the songs in Shakespeare's plays, by J.R. Moore.--An Elizabethan defence of the stage, by K. Young.--Some principles of Shakespeare staging, by T.H. Dickinson.--The collaboration of Beaumont, Fletcher, and Massinger, by L. Wann.--An obsolete Elizabethan mode of rhyming, by R.E.N. Dodge.--Shakespeare's sonnets and plays, by A. Beatty.--Garrick's vagary, by Lily B. Campbell.--A Dutch analogue of Richard the Third, by O.J. Campbell, Jr.--Joseph Ritson and some eighteenth century editors of Shakespeare, by H.A. Burd.--Charles Lamb and Shakespeare, by F.W. Roe.