Nine plays of Shakespeare / edited by G. Gordon.

Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1928.
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 Merchant of Venice.
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 Henry V.
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 As you like it.
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 Julius Caesar.
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 Tempest.
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 Hamlet.
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 Richard II.
xxxvi, 661 p. ; 19 cm.
Shakespeare, William
Procter, Bryan W.,
The works of Shakspeare / revised from the best authorities, with a memoir and essay on his genius by Bryan W. Procter (Barry Cornwall), also annotations and introductory remarks on the plays by distinguished writers. And numerous illustrative engravings from designs by Kenny Meadows and T. H. Nicholson.
London : Blackie Son, 1887.
Shakespeare, William
The works : of Shakespear. In six volumes. Adorned with sculptures
Oxford : printed at the Clarendon Press, 1770-71.
Shakespeare, William
Medyda, por Medida / William Shakespeare ; [translated into Spanish by] Manuel Ángel Conejero-Tomas Dionis-Bayer [and] Vicente Fores Lopez.
[Madrid] : Catedra Letras Universales, [2015].
Shakespeare, William
The necessary Shakespeare / [edited by] David Bevington.
Boston : Pearson, [2016].
Shakespeare, William
Poems / by Shakespeare
New York : John B. Alden, [1887].
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Saudek, E. A.,
Sonety / William Shakespeare ; prebasnil E. A. Saudek ; ilustrova Jiri Trnka.
[Prague] : Lyra Pragensis, 1975.
Shakespeare, William
[The comedy of errors in Urdu / translated by Lala Sitaram]
[India : publisher not identified, 189-]
Shakespeare, William
The poetical works of William Shakspeare.
Nurnberg ; New York : Frederick Campe and Co., [1837].
Shakespeare, William
Gordon, George Stuart, 1881-1942.,
Nine plays of Shakespeare / edited by G. Gordon.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1928.
Cefalu, Paul
Revisionist Shakespeare : transitional ideologies in texts and contexts / Paul Cefalu.
New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
Wrestling with Shylock : Jewish Responses to The Merchant of Venice / edited by Edna Nahshon ; Michael Shapiro.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, [2017]
Shakespeare, William
Gordon, George Stuart, 1881-1942.,
Nine plays of Shakespeare / edited by G. Gordon.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1928.
Shakespeare, William
The Kittredge Shakespeares / edited and with notes by G. L. Kittredge.
Boston ; New York [etc.] : Ginn and company, [c1939].
Wilding, C. J.,
Notes on "As you like it", act II, scene one; and letters relative thereto from Edward Doden.
[U.K. : [publisher not identified, 18--]
Wuerzburg, C. A.,
Character in 'As you like it' : an inductive study / [C. A. Wuerzburg]
[Bathesda : Poet-lore, 1892]
Lee, Sidney
"As you like it" and Stratford-upon-Avon / [Sir Sidney Lee]
[London : The Gentleman's Magazine, 1885]
Shakespeare, William
Drinkwater, John, 1882-1937.,
As you like / with introduction by John Drinkwater.
[U.K.] : Collins Clear Type Press, [1925]
Shakespeare, William
Gordon, George Stuart, 1881-1942.,
Nine plays of Shakespeare / edited by G. Gordon.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1928.
Shakespeare, William
The Kittredge Shakespeares / edited and with notes by G. L. Kittredge.
Boston ; New York [etc.] : Ginn and company, [c1939].
Thorndike, Ashley Horace
The relation of "As you like it" to Robin Hood plays / [Ashley Horace Thorndike]
[Bloomington : Journal Publishing Company, 1902]
Jaggard, Gerald Quentin
An informative pamphlet on William Shakespeare's As you like it : containing the story of the play with a note on outstanding actors performances... / written and published by G. Q. Jaggard.
Stratford-upon-Avon : G. Q. Jaggard, The Shakespeare Press, 1957.
Shakespeare, William
Gordon, George Stuart, 1881-1942.,
Nine plays of Shakespeare / edited by G. Gordon.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1928.
Shakespeare, William
Taylor, Henry S.,
[Complete works of Shakespeare] / arranged by Henry S. Taylor.
London : Ginn and Company, [1955].
Shakespeare, William
The New Warwick Shakespeare / edited by Stanley Gardner.
London : Blackie, [1969-].
National Theatre,
Granville-Barker, Harley
Julius Caesar / foreword by Richard Eyre.
London : Nick Hern, 1993.
McMurtry, Jo, 1937-,
Julius Caesar : a guide to the play / Jo McMurtry.
Westport, Conn. ; London : Greenwood Press, 1998.
Van Oort, Richard
Shakespeare's big men : tragedy and the problem of resentment / Richard van Oort.
Toronto ; Buffalo ; London : University of Toronto Press, [2016].
Watts, Cedric 1937-,
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar : a critical introduction / Cedric Watts.
[London] : PublishNation, [2015.]
Sullivan, Arthur
The music to Shakespeare's Tempest / composed ... by Arthur S. Sullivan ; [arranged from the score by F. Taylor]
London : Novello, Ewer Co., [18--]
date unknown
Taubert, Wilhelm.,
Der Sturm von Shakspeare / Musik von Wilhelm Taubert.
Leipzig : Breitkopf Haertel, [18--]
date unknown
Shakespeare, William
Gordon, George Stuart, 1881-1942.,
Nine plays of Shakespeare / edited by G. Gordon.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1928.
Cefalu, Paul
Revisionist Shakespeare : transitional ideologies in texts and contexts / Paul Cefalu.
New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
Shakespeare, William
The tempest / by William Shakespeare ; edited from the Folio of 1623 by David Hirst.
[London : Shakespeare workshop], 1969.
Paton, J. Noël (Joseph Noël)
Compositions from Shakespeare's Tempest : fifteen engravings in outline / by Sir J. Noel Paton.
London ; Edinburgh : W.P. Nimmo, 1877.
The Tempest and late romances / edited by Sarah Hatchuel and Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017.
Kerrigan, John.,
Shakespeare's originality / John Kerrigan.
[Oxford] : Oxford University Press, [2018.]
Gutzkow, Karl,
Hamlet in Wittenberg : Umrisse / von Karl Gutzkow.
[Germany : Theater-Revue, 18--]
Shakespeare, William
Hamlet ; Much ado about nothing ; Richard III / edited by O.B. Davis ; Charles Church ; Philip Burnham.
[New York] : An Avon Book, [1964.
The tragedie of Hamlet, prince of Denmarke / William Shakespeare ; edited by J. Dover Wilson from the text of the second quarto printed in 1604-5, "according to the true and perfect coppie" ; with which are also printed the Hamlet stories from Saxo Grammaticus and Belleforest and English translations therefrom ; illustrated by Edward Gordon Craig.
Weimar : Cranach Press, 1930.
Shakespeare, William
Gordon, George Stuart, 1881-1942.,
Nine plays of Shakespeare / edited by G. Gordon.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1928.
Shakespeare, William
Taylor, Henry S.,
[Complete works of Shakespeare] / arranged by Henry S. Taylor.
London : Ginn and Company, [1955].
Kiefer, Carol Solomon.,
The myth and madness of Ophelia / Carol Solomon Kiefer.
Seattle, Wash. : Chesham : University of Washington Press ; Combined Academic, 2002.
Nicholas, Nick.,
Strader, Andrew.,
Klingon Language Institute.,
Shakespeare, William
Hamlet : Prince of Denmark / by William Shakespeare ; restored to the original Klingon by Nick Nicholas and Andrew Strader ; edited by Mark Shoulson with assistance from Will Martin and d'Armond Speers.
London : Simon Schuster, 2000.
Grove, Victor.,
Hamlet : the drama of modern man / Victor Grove.
Muênster : London : Lit ; Transaction, c2004.
Shakespeare, William
Gordon, George Stuart, 1881-1942.,
Nine plays of Shakespeare / edited by G. Gordon.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1928.
Shakespeare, William
The Kittredge Shakespeares / edited and with notes by G. L. Kittredge.
Boston ; New York [etc.] : Ginn and company, [c1939].
Quiring, Björn
Shakespeare's curse : the aphorias of ritual exclusion in early modern royal drama / Björn Quiring ; translated by Michael Wrinkler and Björn Quiring.
London ; New York : Routledge, [2014].
Tate, Nahum
The history of King Richard the Second. Acted at the Theatre Royal, under the name of the Sicilian usurper. With a prefatory epistle in vindication of the author. Occasion'd by the prohibition of this play on the stage. By N. Tate.
London : printed for Richard Tonson, and Jacob Tonson, at Grays-Inn Gate, and at the Judges-Head in Chancery-Lane near Fleet-street, 1681.
Shakespeare, William
Lindo, Mark Prager
Macbeth / by William Shakespeare ; with an introduction, critical and historical notes, c., by M. P. Lindo. Second revised edition.
Arnhem : D. A. Thieme, 1867.
Macbeth : a tragedy / by William Shakespeare ; edited by C. E. Flower.
London : Samuel French, [1893?].
Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare's tragedy of Macbeth / edited, with notes, by William J. Rolfe.
London ; Paris ; New York ; Melbourne : Cassell and Company, Limited, 1886.
Shakespeare, William
Gordon, George Stuart, 1881-1942.,
Nine plays of Shakespeare / edited by G. Gordon.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1928.
Shakespeare, William
The New Warwick Shakespeare / edited by Stanley Gardner.
London : Blackie, [1969-].
Maley, Willy.,
Murphy, Andrew.,
Shakespeare and Scotland / edited by Willy Maley Andrew Murphy.
Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2004.
Royal National Theatre (Great Britain),
Macbeth / foreword by Richard Eyre.
London : Nick Hern, 1993.
"Macbeth" in Yefimovs' puppet theatre / [Adrian Yefimov]
[Moscow : publisher not identified, 1964]
Shakespeare, William
Gordon, George Stuart, 1881-1942.,
Nine plays of Shakespeare / edited by G. Gordon.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1928.
Lamb, Mary Ellen
The popular culture of Shakespeare, Spenser and Jonson / Mary Ellen Lamb.
London : Routledge, 2006.
Shakespeare, William
A midsummer night's dream / [William Shakespeare]
New York : Little Theater Company, [date not identified]
date unknown
Shakespeare, William
A midsummer night's dream : a comedy / by William Shakespeare ; edited by C. E. Flower.
London : Samuel French, [1908]
Shakespeare, William
A midsummer night's dream / edited by Abigail Rokison-Woodall.
London : Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, [2017.]
Shakespeare, William
A midsummer night's dream / edited by Sukanta Chaudhuri.
London : Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, [2017]