The comedy of errors : a comedy in five acts / by William Shakespeare.

London ; New York : Samuel French ; Samuel French Son, [187-].
OSP - 50.04 versions/187-
38 p. ; 19 cm.
Shakespeare, William
Procter, Bryan W.,
The works of Shakspeare / revised from the best authorities, with a memoir and essay on his genius by Bryan W. Procter (Barry Cornwall), also annotations and introductory remarks on the plays by distinguished writers. And numerous illustrative engravings from designs by Kenny Meadows and T. H. Nicholson.
London : Blackie Son, 1887.
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The works : of Shakespear. In six volumes. Adorned with sculptures
Oxford : printed at the Clarendon Press, 1770-71.
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Sonety / William Shakespeare ; prebasnil E. A. Saudek ; ilustrova Jiri Trnka.
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Nurnberg ; New York : Frederick Campe and Co., [1837].
Shakespeare, William
The comedy of errors : a comedy, in five acts / by William Shakspeare [sic]
London : John Cumberland, [1829].
Shakespeare, William
Shakspeare's [sic] comedy of errors : as represented at the Royal Princess's Theatre, under the management of Mr. George Vining.
London : [W. S. Johnson], 1864.
Shakespeare, William
The comedy of errors / by William Shakespeare.
London : Thomas Hailes Lacy, [1866].
Shakespeare, William
The comedy of errors : a comedy in five acts / by William Shakespeare.
London ; New York : Samuel French ; Samuel French Son, [187-].
Jaggard, Gerald Quentin
An informative pamphlet on William Shakespeare's The comedy of errors : containing the story of the play with notes on its stage and literary history and details of outstanding players and performances... / written and published by G. Q. Jaggard.
Stratford-upon-Avon : G. Q. Jaggard, The Shakespeare Press, 1963.
Lang, Andrew
The comedies of Shakespeare : with illustrations by E. A. Abbey, and comments by Andrew Lang.
[U.S. A.] : Harper's New Monthly Magazine, [1891].
Lang, Friedrich.,
Shakespeare's comedy of errors in englischer Buehnenbearbeitung : mit besonderer Beruecksichtigung der vor der ersten Drucklegung von fremder Hand gemachten Interpolationen / von Friedrich Lang.
Rostock : Carl Hinstorffs Buchdruckerei, 1909.
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Shakespeare's comedy of errors and the nature of kinds / by Arthur F. Kinney.
[U.S.A.] : University of North Carolina Press, 1988.
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New York : Samuel French, [1840?]
Shakespeare, William
The comedy of errors : a comedy, in five acts / by William Shakspeare [sic]
London : John Cumberland, [1829].
Shakespeare, William
Shakspeare's [sic] comedy of errors : as represented at the Royal Princess's Theatre, under the management of Mr. George Vining.
London : [W. S. Johnson], 1864.
Shakespeare, William
The comedy of errors / by William Shakespeare.
London : Thomas Hailes Lacy, [1866].
Shakespeare, William
The comedy of errors : a comedy in five acts / by William Shakespeare.
London ; New York : Samuel French ; Samuel French Son, [187-].
Shakespeare, William
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De klucht der vergissingen : zeer vrij naar William Shakespeare / door Dr. P. H. Schroeder.
Assen : Van Gorcum Comp., [1951]
Shakespeare, William
Die Komödie der Irrungen : Lustspiel in 3 Aufzügen / von W. Shakespeare ; Nach Schlegel's Übersetzung für die Darstellung neu eingerichtet von Teodor Mehl.
Altona : Verlags Bureau, [1879]
Jaggard, Gerald Quentin
An informative pamphlet on William Shakespeare's The comedy of errors : containing the story of the play with notes on its stage and literary history and details of outstanding players and performances... / written and published by G. Q. Jaggard.
Stratford-upon-Avon : G. Q. Jaggard, The Shakespeare Press, 1963.