Shakespeare, William
London : Samuel French, [1888].
Flower, Charles Edward
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Merry wives of Windsor.
OSP - 50.22 texts/1888
77 p. ; 19 cm.
Enquire about this object
At head of title: The Memorial Theatre Edition.
Procter, Bryan W.,
The works of Shakspeare / revised from the best authorities, with a memoir and essay on his genius by Bryan W. Procter (Barry Cornwall), also annotations and introductory remarks on the plays by distinguished writers. And numerous illustrative engravings from designs by Kenny Meadows and T. H. Nicholson.
London : Blackie Son, 1887.
The works : of Shakespear. In six volumes. Adorned with sculptures
Oxford : printed at the Clarendon Press, 1770-71.
Medyda, por Medida / William Shakespeare ; [translated into Spanish by] Manuel Ángel Conejero-Tomas Dionis-Bayer [and] Vicente Fores Lopez.
[Madrid] : Catedra Letras Universales, [2015].
The necessary Shakespeare / [edited by] David Bevington.
Boston : Pearson, [2016].
Poems / by Shakespeare
New York : John B. Alden, [1887].
Saudek, E. A.,
Sonety / William Shakespeare ; prebasnil E. A. Saudek ; ilustrova Jiri Trnka.
[Prague] : Lyra Pragensis, 1975.
[The comedy of errors in Urdu / translated by Lala Sitaram]
[India : publisher not identified, 189-]
The poetical works of William Shakspeare.
Nurnberg ; New York : Frederick Campe and Co., [1837].
The merry wives of Windsor : a comedy / by William Shakespeare ; edited by C. E. Flower.
Mosenthal, H. S.,
Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor : komisch-phantastische Oper in drei Acten, mit Tanz / nach Shakespeare's gleichnamigem Lustspiele von Dr. S. H. Mosenthal ; Musik von Otto Nicolai.
[Wien] : Verlag der Wallishausser Buchhandlung, [1852]
Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor : komisch-phantastische Oper mit Tanz in 3 Akten / Nach Shakespeare's gleichnamigen Lustspiel von H. S. Mosenthal ; Musik von Otto Nicolai.
Amsterdam : De Boer, [18--]
date unknown
De muntra fruarna i Windsor : komisk opera i tre akter. (Efter Shakspeares Lustspel af samma namn) / af H. S. Mosenthal ; Musiken af Otto Nicolai ; Öfversättning fran tyskan af Talis Qualis [pseud. i. e. C. W. Strandberg]
Stockholm : Albert Bonniers Foerlag, [1875]
Roberts, Jeanne Addison.,
Shakespeare's English comedy : 'The merry wives of Windsor' in context / (by) Jeanne Addison Roberts.
Lincoln (Neb.) ; London : University of Nebraska Press, 1979.
Bracy, William
The merry wives of Windsor : the history and transmission of Shakespeare's text / by William Bracy.
Columbia : Curators of the University of Missouri, 1952.
Hotson, Leslie
Shakespeare versus Shallow / by Leslie Hotson.
London : Nonesuch press, 1931.
White, Robert Sommerville
The merry wives of Windsor / R.S. White.
New York ; London : Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991.