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Modern acting plays. Prompt copies, privately marked.

Contents volume one: Pauline (two copies) / Oxenford -- Suspicious husband / Houdly -- Under the gaslight / Daly -- Carpenter of Rouen / Jones -- Foundling of the forest / Dimond -- Ireland as it is / Amherst -- Hearts are trumps / Lemon -- Temptation / Brougham -- The three musketeers / Rice -- Advice gratis / Dance -- The bottle / Taylor -- Black ey'd Susan / Jerrold -- Bamboozling / Wilks -- Balance of comfort / Bernard., Contents volume two: The liar / Foote -- Lioness of the North / Selby -- Pizarro / Sheridan -- John Bull / Golman -- Jessy Vere / Hazlewood -- Trying it on / Brough -- Sptalfield's weaver / Bayly -- She would or she wouldn't / Cibber -- Rob Roy Macgregor / Pocock -- A regular fix / Morton -- Married life / Buckstone -- Monastery of St. Just / Oxenford -- Marble heart / Selby -- London assurance / Boucicault / Robert Marcaire / Selby., Contents volume three: The honeymoon / Tobin -- Husband of an hour / Falconer -- Game of speculation / Lawrence -- The critic / Sheridan -- Corsican brothers / Boucicault -- Esmeralda / Fitzball -- Everybody's friend / Goyne -- Delicate ground / Dance -- Dream at sea / Buckstone -- Serious family / Barnett -- Still water run deep / Taylor -- Friends or foes / Wigan -- Follies of a night / Plarche // Flowers of the forest / Buckstone.