The fairy-queen: an opera. Represented at the Queen's-Theatre by Their Majesties Servants.

London : printed for Jacob Tonson, at the Judges-Head, in Chancery-Lane. 1692. Where you may have compleat sets of Mr. Dryden's Works in four volumes; the plays in the order they were written, [1692]
Shakespeare William as Author,
SR - 50.23 versions 1692/
[6], 52 p. ; 4°.
General note: Libretto perhaps by E. Settle. Cf. Loewenberg, A. Annals of opera, 1597-1940; Brown, F.C. Elkanah Settle, p. 95-96. Based on Shakespeare's Midsummer night's dream. Libretto only. The music was written by Henry Purcell. Cf. New Grove. In this issue there are [6] preliminary pages, i.e. p. [1] t.p., [2] blank, [3]-[4] preface, [5] prologue, [6] "The names of the persons". Quire B in 2 settings; on leaf B1r, stage directions begin: Setting 1) "Enter Duke", or Setting 2) "Enter Quince". Quire G in 2 settings; leaf G1r, line 4 has: Setting A) "flower", or Setting B) "Flower". [A]3 B-G4; setting 1B UK-SuSCL Cited in: Wing (CD-Rom, 1996), S2681 Woodward McManaway, 1035 Ownership and custodial history: Donated by J.O. Halliwell [James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps], 1864 UK-SuSCL