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Riders dictionarie, corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages, such as were and are with us in common use, but never printed till now, to the perfecting of the worke. The barbarou words which were many hundreds are expunged, to the helpe of young scholars, which before they used in stead of good words. In the end of the dictionarie you shall finde certaine generall heads of birds, colours, dogs, fishes, hawkes, hearbs, numbers, stones, trees, weights. Lastly, the names of the chiefe places and townes in England, Scotland, and Ireland, c. which were never in Riders before. Also hereunto is annexed certaine tables of weights and measures, the valuation of auncient and moderne coines; as also a table of the Hebrew, Greek, and Latine measures, reduced to our English standard and assise: and the weights used in physick, none of which were ever in Riders worke. Whereunto is joyned a dictionarie etymologicall, deriving each word from his proper fountaine, the first that ever was extant in this kind, with many worthy castigations and additions, in this last edition, as will appeare in the title and epistle before it. Now newly corrected and much augmented by Francis Holy-Oke.

General note: Rider's part was first published in 1589 under title "Bibliotheca scholastica, a double dictionarie". Holyoake's revision was first published in 1606. One of at least 3 imprint variants of this edition. "Dictionarium etymologicum Latinum" has separate dated title page, pagination, and register. Signatures: [superscript pi]A4 A-2C8 2D² ²2A-4Q8 5A-5L8 5M4. Lacks quire 5M; MS. ink notes (C19th) about the book on slips attached to inside front board and front fly leaf UK-SuSCL Identified as Wing R1442A on UMI microfilm "Early English books, 1641-1700. Cited in: Wing (CD-Rom, 1996), R1442C Format of surrogate: Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich. University Microfilms International, 1981. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. (Early English books, 1641-1700; 1211:26). Ownership and custodial history: MS. ink inscription on t.p.: "Wm. Scudamore, 1705"; donated by Lt. Col. Fordham Flower, 1957 UK-SuSCL