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The first and second volumes of Chronicles, comprising 1 The description and historie of England, 2 The description and historie of Ireland, 3 The description and historie of Scotland: first collected and published by Raphaell Holinshed, William Harrison, and others: now newlie augmented and continued (with manifold matters of singular note and worthie memorie) to the yeare 1586. by Iohn Hooker alia`s Vowell Gent. and others. With conuenient tables at the end of these volumes.

  • Accession number


  • Class

    SR - OS - 93/

  • Language


  • Physical description

    3 v. (vol. 1: [10], 250; [4], 202, [2] p.; vol. 2: 61, [13], 183, [1]; 421, 424-430, 436-438, 431-433, 439-445, 450-464, [56] p.; vol. 3: [8], 1080, 1080-1327, [2], 1332-1371, 1371-1421, 1490-1491, 1536-1555, 1574-1592, [62] p.) ; 2°.

  • Credit line

    CC-BY-NC-ND Image Courtesy of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

General note: Other contributors to this edition include Abraham Fleming, Francis Thynne, and John Stow. Printer's name from STC; rest of imprint from colophon. Vol. 2 has imprint date 1586. The first leaf and the last leaf of vol. 1, the last leaf of vol. 2, the leaf preceding the index in vol. 3 (leaf 7O4), and the last leaf of vol. 3 are blank. Vol. 1: "The historie of England" has separate title page, pagination, and register. Vol. 2 has title "The second volume of chronicles: ..."; "The Irish historie composed and written by Giraldus Cambrensis, and translated into English ... by Iohn Hooker" has separate title page and pagination; p. 61 of the previous section is printed on A1; the "Irish historie" title page is a singleton, usually bound between A1 and A2. "The description of Scotland, written at the first by Hector Boetius in Latine, and afterward translated into the Scotish speech by Iohn Bellenden, ... and now finallie into English by R.H. ..." has separate pagination, register, and title page dated 1585. Within this series, "The historie of Scotland" has separate title page dated 1585. Vol. 3 has title "The third volume of chronicles, ...". Vol. 2: 2Q3-4 are cancelled by a leaf paginated 421 (recto) and 424 (verso); 2R3-4 are cancelled by a leaf paginated 438/431; 2S2-5 are cancelled by two leaves paginated 443/444 and 445/450. Vol. 3: 6M3-4 are cancelled by a leaf paginated 1328/1330; quires 6V-7I are cancelled by four leaves paginated 1419/1420, 1421/1490, 1491/1536, and 1537/1538; quires 7L-7M are cancelled by three leaves paginated 1551/1552, 1553/1554, 1555/1574. The cancelled leaves were reprinted three times in the eighteenth century; for general descriptions of these see "The Library", ser. 5, XII (1958), p. 120-4. There may be undocumented eighteenth-century reprints of quire 7K; see "Huntington Library Quarterly", Fall 1992, p. 569 (concerning Huntington copy 61510). Titlepage of vol. 3 reads: The third volume of Chronicles, beginning at duke William the Norman, commonlie called the Conqueror; and descending by degrees of yeeres to all the kings and queenes of England in their orderlie successions: first compiled by Raphaell Holinshed, an by him extended to the yeare 1577. Now newlie recognised, augmented, and continued (with occurrences and accidents of fresh memorie) to the yeare 1586. Wherein also are conteined manie matters of singular discourse and rare obseruation, fruitfull to such as be studious in antiquities, or take pleasure in the grounds of ancient histories. With a third table (peculiarlie seruing this third volume) both of names and matters memorable. Includes indexes. Signatures: A-Y6, ²A-R6; ³A-E6, 4A6(4A1+chi1) 4B-Q6 ³R², 5A-V6 2A-2N6 2O4 2P6 2Q6(-2Q3.4+'2Q3') 2R6(-2R3.4+'2R3') 2S6(-2S2-5+'2S2',3) 2T6, 6A6 6B8 *6 [par.]8; 7A-V6 ²2A-2V6 3A-3V6 4A-4V6 5A-5V6 6A-6L6 6M6(-6M3.4+'6M3') 6N-6T6 6V6(-6V6+'6V1') 7A-7I6(-7A-7I6+'A,B,C,D,E'1,2,3) 7K6 7L-7M6(-7L-7M6+7L²,7M1) 7N6 7O4, 8C-G6. L. Harrison's rights ass'd to Woodcock 15 July 1587; the revision entered to all 5 stationers in imprint 6 October 1584 and to Newbery and Denham 30 December 1584. Three volumes bound in four; -A1 of Vol. 1; tp. of Vol. 1 mounted; F4 of Vol. 1 torn; quire A of Vol. 3 torn and patched; final leaf of Vol. 4 damaged and patched; some staining, show-through and burn marks throughout, slightly affecting text; cancellandums supplied in C18th reprint; some MS. ink marginal annotations throughout UK-SuSCL Cited in: STC (2nd ed.), 13569 Format of surrogate: Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1946. 1 microfilm reel; 35mm. (Early English books, 1475-1640: 265-273). Ownership and custodial history: MS. ink signature on final leaf of Vol. 4 I. Bethewell; purchased 20 November 1954 from Bernard Holliday UK-SUSCL Binding Information: C19th full red leather with gold tooling on spine, border and border inside boards UK-SUSCL [[London] : Finished in Ianuarie 1587, and the 29 of the Queenes Maiesties reigne, with the full continuation of the former yeares, at the expenses of Iohn Harison, George Bishop, Rafe Newberie, Henrie Denham, and Thomas VVoodcocke. At London printed [by H