Homosexuality in Renaissance and Enlightenment England : literary representations in historical context / Claude J. Summers, editor.

New York ; London : Haworth Press, 1992.
English literature -- Early modern, 1500-1700 -- History and criticism.
Homosexuality and literature England History
English literature 18th century History and criticism
Reading Room - 93.0244/HOM
222p ; 23 cm.
General note: "Has also been published as Journal of homosexuality, volume 23, numbers 1/2, 1992". Bibliography, etc. note: Includes bibliographical references and index.
Summers, Claude J.,
Homosexuality in Renaissance and Enlightenment England : literary representations in historical context / Claude J. Summers, editor.
New York ; London : Haworth Press, 1992.
Summers, Claude J.,
Pebworth, Ted-Larry.,
Representing women in Renaissance England / edited by Claude J. Summers and Ted-Larry Pebworth.
Columbia ; London : University of Missouri Press, c1997.
Lievsay, John Leon.,
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Ithaca, N.Y. : Published for the Folger Shakespeare Library [by] Cornell University Press, [1964].
King, Bruce 1933-,
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Kusunoki, Akiko, 1943-,
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The Elizabethan top ten : defining print popularity in Early Modern England / edited by Andy Kesson and Emma Smith.
Farnham, Surrey ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2013.
The apocalypse in English Renaissance thought and literature : patterns, antecedents and repercussions / C.A. Patrides, Joseph Wittreich, editors.
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Desire in the Renaissance : psychoanalysis and literature / edited by Valeria Finucci and Regina Schwartz.
Princeton, N.J : Princeton University Press, [1994]
Crewe, Jonathan V.,
Trials of authorship : anterior forms and poetic reconstruction from Wyatt to Shakespeare / Jonathan Crewe.
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Atkins, John William Hey
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London New York : Methuen ; Barnes and Noble, [1968]
Summers, Claude J.,
Homosexuality in Renaissance and Enlightenment England : literary representations in historical context / Claude J. Summers, editor.
New York ; London : Haworth Press, 1992.
DiGangi, Mario.,
The homoerotics of early modern drama / Mario DiGangi.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Keevak, Michael, 1962-,
Sexual Shakespeare : forgery, authorship, portraiture / Michael Keevak.
Detroit : Wayne State University Press, 2001.
Summers, Claude J.,
Homosexuality in Renaissance and Enlightenment England : literary representations in historical context / Claude J. Summers, editor.
New York ; London : Haworth Press, 1992.
Zwicker, Steven N.,
The Cambridge companion to English literature, 1650-1740 / edited by Steven N. Zwicker.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Knights, Lionel Charles
Explorations : essays in criticism mainly on the literature of the seventeenth century / by L.C. Knights.
London : Chatto Windus, 1963.
Rogers, Pat.,
Grub street : studies in a subculture / Pat Rogers.
London : Methuen Co Ltd, 1972.
A short history of English literature / compiled by Liu Bingshan.
Henan People's Publishing House, 1992.
Zimmerman, Susan, 1939-,
Erotic politics : desire on the Renaissance stage / edited by Susan Zimmerman.
New York ; London : Routledge, 1992.
Summers, Claude J.,
Homosexuality in Renaissance and Enlightenment England : literary representations in historical context / Claude J. Summers, editor.
New York ; London : Haworth Press, 1992.
Daileader, Celia R.,
Eroticism on the Renaissance stage : transcendence, desire and the limits of the visible / Celia R. Daileader.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Waith, Eugene M.,
Patterns and perspectives in English Renaissance drama / Eugene M. Waith.
Newark : London : University of Delaware Press ; Associated University Presses, c1988.
McLuskie, Kate
Renaissance dramatists / Kathleen McLuskie.
Hemel Hempstead : Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989.
Andrews, Michael Cameron
This action of our death : the performance of death in English Renaissance drama / Michael Cameron Andrews.
Newark, Del. : London : University of Delaware Press ; Associated University Presses, c1989.
Levin, Richard Louis, 1922-,
New readings vs. old plays : recent trends in the reinterpretation of English Renaissance drama / (by) Richard Levin.
Chicago ; London : University of Chicago Press, 1979.
Spinrad, Phoebe S.,
The summons of death on the medieval and Renaissance English stage / Phoebe S. Spinrad.
Columbus : Ohio State University Press, c1987.
Ferguson, Arthur B.,
The chivalric tradition in Renaissance England / Arthur B. Ferguson.
Washington (D.C.) : London : Folger Shakespeare Library ; Associated University Presses, c1986.
Chaney, Edward.,
Mack, Peter, 1955-,
Trapp, J. B. (Joseph Burney),
England and the Continental Renaissance : essays in honour of J. B. Trapp / edited by Edward Chaney and Peter Mack.
Woodbridge : Boydell, 1990.
Wilks, John S., 1946-,
The idea of conscience in Renaissance tragedy / John S. Wilks.
London : Routledge, 1990.
The plays of Beaumont and Fletcher : sexual themes and dramatic representation / Sandra Clark.
New York ; London : Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1994.
Desens, Marliss C.,
The bed-trick in English Renaissance drama : explorations in gender, sexuality, and power / Marliss C. Desens.
Newark : London : University of Delaware Press ; Associated University Presses, c1994.
Summers, Claude J.,
Homosexuality in Renaissance and Enlightenment England : literary representations in historical context / Claude J. Summers, editor.
New York ; London : Haworth Press, 1992.
Williams, Gordon
Shakespeare, sex and the print revolution / Gordon Williams.
London ; Atlantic Highlands, NJ : Athlone, 1996.
Roberts, Jeanne Addison.,
The Shakespearean wild : geography, genus, and gender / Jeanne Addison Roberts.
Lincoln, (Neb.) : University of Nebraska Press, c1991.
Breitenberg, Mark.,
Anxious masculinity in early modern England / Mark Breitenberg.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Hall, Michael, 1951-,
The structure of love : representational patterns and Shakespeare's love tragedies / Michael Hall.
Charlottesville : University Press of Virginia, 1989.
Smith, Bruce R
Homosexual desire in Shakespeare's England : a cultural poetics / Bruce R. Smith.
Chicago ; London : University of Chicago Press, 1991.