The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by John Gerarde of London Master in Chirurgerie: very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson, citizen and apothecarie of London.

London : printed by Adam Islip, Joice Norton, and Richard Whitakers, anno 1636.
Botany Pre-Linnean works Early works to 1800
SR - Flat storage - OS97.7/
[40], 30, 29-30, 29-1630, [50] p. : ill. (woodcuts) ; 2°.
General note: Largely based on: Dodoens, Rembert. Cruydenboeck. With an additional engraved title page, signed: Io: Payne sculps:. In this edition D1r last line begins "of"; 7B5v has editor's "Aduertisement to the readers". Running title reads: Of the historie of plants. The first leaf and the last leaf are blank. Includes indexes. Signatures: [par.]8 2[par.]-3[par.]6 A-B8 C-6V6 6X4 6Y-7B6. Dampstained throughout, slightly affecting text; MS. ink annotations throughout, in Latin and English, and accompanied by 2 leaves folded of notes in the same hand UK-SuSCL Cited in: STC (2nd ed.), 11752 Format of surrogate: Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1970. 1 microfilm reel; 35mm. (Early English books, 1475-1640; 1203:7). Ownership and custodial history: MS. annotations and leaves probably by an owner living near Cambridge in the 1680s; MS. ink signature inside front board: "Wm. Lease" (C18th?); old library stamp on [para]3r of the Microscopical Society; purchased 1997 from Maggs UK-SuSCL Binding Information: Original full leather, spine replaced in ?C19th UK-SuSCL
Gerard, John
Catalogus arborum, fruticum ac plantarum tam indigenarum, quam exoticarum, in horto Iohannis Gerardi ciuis chirurgi Londinensis nascentium.
Londini : Ex officina Arnoldi Hatfield, impensis Ioannis Norton, 1599.
Gerard, John
Dodoens, Rembert
Rogers, William
The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by Iohn Gerarde of London Master in Chirurgerie
Imprinted at London : by [Edm. Bollifant for [Bonham Norton and] Iohn Norton, 1597.
Gerard, John
Johnson, Thomas
Payne, John, d. 1647?, engraver.,
Dodoens, Rembert
The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by John Gerarde of London Master in Chirurgerie: very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson, citizen and apothecarie of London.
London : printed by Adam Islip, Joice Norton, and Richard Whitakers, anno 1636.
Gerard, John
Woodward, Marcus.,
Leaves from Gerard's herball / arranged for garden lovers by Marcus Woodward.
New York : Dover Publications, 1969.
Gerard, John
Johnson, Thomas
Payne, John, d. 1647?, engraver.,
Dodoens, Rembert
The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by Iohn Gerarde of London Master in Chirurgerie very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Iohnson citizen and apothecarye of London
London : Printed by Adam Islip Ioice Norton and Richard Whitakers, anno 1633.
Gerard, John
Dodoens, Rembert
Rogers, William
The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by Iohn Gerarde of London Master in Chirurgerie
Imprinted at London : by [Edm. Bollifant for [Bonham Norton and] Iohn Norton, 1597.
Gerard, John
Johnson, Thomas
Payne, John, d. 1647?, engraver.,
Dodoens, Rembert
The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by John Gerarde of London Master in Chirurgerie: very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson, citizen and apothecarie of London.
London : printed by Adam Islip, Joice Norton, and Richard Whitakers, anno 1636.
Gerard, John
Woodward, Marcus.,
Gerard's herbal : John Gerard's Historie of plants / edited by Marcus Woodward.
London : Senate, 1994.
Dodoens, Rembert
Lyte, Henry
A nievve herball, or historie of plantes: wherin is contayned the vvhole discourse and perfect description of all sortes of herbes and plantes: their diuers [and] sundry kindes: their straunge figures, fashions, and shapes: their names, natures, operations, and vertues: and that not onely of those whiche are here growyng in this our countrie of Englande, but of all others also of forrayne realmes, commonly vsed in physicke. First set foorth in the Doutche or Almaigne tongue, by that learned D. Rembert Dodoens, physition to the Emperour: and nowe first translated out of French into English, by Henry Lyte Esquyer.
At London [i.e. Antwerp : printed by Henry Loeê, sold] by my [sic] Gerard Dewes, dwelling in Pawles Churchyarde at the signe of the Swanne, 1578.
Turner, William
The first and seconde partes of the herbal of William Turner Doctor in Phisick, lately ouersene, corrected and enlarged with the thirde parte, lately gathered, and nowe set oute with the names of the herbes, in Greke Latin, English, Duche, Frenche, and in the apothecarie and herbaries Latin, with the properties, degrees, and naturall places of the same. Here vnto is ioyned also a booke of the bath of Baeth in England, and of the vertues of the same with diuerse other bathes, moste holsom and effectuall, both in Almanye and England, set furth by William Turner Doctor in Phisick. God saue the Quene.
Imprinted at Collen : by [the heirs of] Arnold Birckman, in the yeare of our Lorde M. D. LXVIII. [1568]
Gerard, John
Dodoens, Rembert
Rogers, William
The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by Iohn Gerarde of London Master in Chirurgerie
Imprinted at London : by [Edm. Bollifant for [Bonham Norton and] Iohn Norton, 1597.
Gerard, John
Johnson, Thomas
Payne, John, d. 1647?, engraver.,
Dodoens, Rembert
The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by John Gerarde of London Master in Chirurgerie: very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson, citizen and apothecarie of London.
London : printed by Adam Islip, Joice Norton, and Richard Whitakers, anno 1636.
Pechey, John
The compleat herbal of physical plants. Containing all such English and foreign herbs, shrubs and trees, as are used in physick and surgery. And to the virtues of those that are now in use, is added one receipt, or more, of some learned physician. The doses or quantities of such as are prescribed by the London-physicians, and others, are proportioned. Also directions for making compound-waters, syrups simple and compound, electuaries, pills, powders, and other sorts of medicines. Moreover, the gums, balsams, oyls, juices, and the like, which are sold by apothecaries and druggists, are added to this herbal; and their virtues and uses are fully described. By John Pechey, of the College of Physicians, in London.
London : printed for Henry Bonwicke, at the Red Lyon in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1694.
Dodoens, Rembert
Lyte, Henry
A new herball, or historie of plants: wherein is contained the whole discourse and perfect description of all sorts of herbes and plants: their diuers and sundrie kindes: their names, natures, operations, vertues: and that not onely of those which are heere growing in this our countrie of England but of al others also of forraine realms commonly vsed in physicke. First set foorth in the Dutch or Almaigne toong, by that learned D. Rembert Dodoens, phisition to the Emperor: and now first translated out of French into English, by Henrie Lyte Esquier.
Imprinted at London : by Edm. Bollifant, 1595.
L'Obel, Matthias de, 1538-1616.,
Pena, Pierre
Matthiae de L'Obel medici insulanj, sereniss. inuictiss. Iacobi. I. Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, Hyberniae Regis botanographi, siue plantarum historiæ physicæ, tam indigenarum Britanniæ inquilinarum, quam exoticarum scriptoris, in G. Rondelletii inclytæ Monspeliensis scholæ medicæ professoris quondam Regij cancellarij celeberrimi methodicam pharmaceuticam officinam animaduersiones, quibus deprauata mutilata ex authoris mente corriguntur restaurantur. Accesserunt auctaria, in antidotaria vulgata censurae beneuolæ, dilucidæ simplicium medicamentorum explicationes, aduersariorumque volumen, eorumq´[ue] pars altera illustramenta, quibus ambigua enodantur. Cum Ludouici Myrei pharmacopolæ reginej paragraphis vtiliss. Contenta reliqua suis locis designantur.
Londini : 1605. Excudebat prælum Thomæ Purfootij, [1605 (13 April)]
Gerard, John
Dodoens, Rembert
Rogers, William
The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by Iohn Gerarde of London Master in Chirurgerie
Imprinted at London : by [Edm. Bollifant for [Bonham Norton and] Iohn Norton, 1597.
Coles, William
Adam in Eden: or, Natures paradise. The history of plants, fruits, herbs and flowers. With their several names, whether Greek, Latin or English; the places where they grow; their descriptions and kinds; their times of flourishing and decreasing; as also their several signatures, anatomical appropriations, and particular physical vertues; together with necessary observations on the seasons of planting, and gathering of our English simples with directions how to preserve them iu [sic] their compositions or otherwise. A work of such a refined and useful method, that the arts of physick and chirurgerie are so clearly laid open, that apothecaries, chirurgions, and all other ingenuous practitioners, may from our own fields and gardens, best agreeing with our English bodies, on emergent and sudden occasions, compleatly furnish themselves with cheap, easie, and wholsome cures for any part of the body that is ill-affected. For the herbarists greater benefit, there is annexed a Latin and English table of the several names of simples; with another more particular table of the diseases, and their cures, treated of in this so necessary a work. By William Coles, Herbarist.
London : printed by J. Streater, for Nathaniel Brooke at the Angel in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, 1657.
Gerard, John
Dodoens, Rembert
Rogers, William
The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by Iohn Gerarde of London Master in Chirurgerie
Imprinted at London : by [Edm. Bollifant for [Bonham Norton and] Iohn Norton, 1597.
Culpeper, Nicholas
The English physician, or An astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation. Being a compleat method of physick, whereby a man may preserve his body in health; or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things onely as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed, 1. The way of making plaisters, oyntments, oyls, pultisses, syrups, decoctions, julips, or waters of all sorts of physical herbs, that you may have them ready for your use at all times of the year. 2. What planet governeth every herb, or tree (used in physick) that groweth in England. 3. The time of gathering all herbs, but vulgarly, and astrologi[c]ally. 4. The way of drying and keeping the herbs all the year. 5. The way of keeping the juyces ready for use at all times. 6. The way of making and keeping all kinde of usefull compounds made of herbs. 7. The way of mixing medicines according to cause and mixture of the disease, and part of the body afflicted. By N. Culpeper, student in physick and astrology.
London : printed for the benefit of the Commonwealth of England, 1652.
Gerard, John
Johnson, Thomas
Payne, John, d. 1647?, engraver.,
Dodoens, Rembert
The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by John Gerarde of London Master in Chirurgerie: very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson, citizen and apothecarie of London.
London : printed by Adam Islip, Joice Norton, and Richard Whitakers, anno 1636.
Pechey, John
The compleat herbal of physical plants. Containing all such English and foreign herbs, shrubs and trees, as are used in physick and surgery. And to the virtues of those that are now in use, is added one receipt, or more, of some learned physician. The doses or quantities of such as are prescribed by the London-physicians, and others, are proportioned. Also directions for making compound-waters, syrups simple and compound, electuaries, pills, powders, and other sorts of medicines. Moreover, the gums, balsams, oyls, juices, and the like, which are sold by apothecaries and druggists, are added to this herbal; and their virtues and uses are fully described. By John Pechey, of the College of Physicians, in London.
London : printed for Henry Bonwicke, at the Red Lyon in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1694.
Westmacott, William.,
Historia vegetabilium sacra: or, A scripture herbal; wherein all the trees, shrubs, herbs, plants, flowers, fruits c. mentioned in the Holy Bible, are in an alphabetical order, rationally discoursed of: shewing, their names, kinds, qualities, various uses, natural principles, countries, manner of propagation, c. Also their medicinal preparations, vertues and dose, gallenically and chymically handled and performed according to the newest doctrines of phylosophy, herbarism, and physick. Absolutely necessary for all ministers and other persons, to understand the Holy Scriptures, and tocure [sic] all diseases. The like never attempted befor.[sic] By W. Westmacot, Med. Prof.
London : printed for John Salusbury, at the Rising Sun in Cornhill, 1695.
Turner, Robert
Botanolo'gia. The Brittish physician: or, The nature and vertues of English plants. Exactly describing such plants as grow naturally in our land, with their several names, Greek, Latine, or English, natures, places where they grow, times when they flourish, and are most proper to be gathered; their degrees of temperature, applications and vertues, physical and astrological uses, treated of; each plant appropriated to the several diseases they cure, and directions for their medicinal uses, throughout the whole body of man; being most special helps for sudden accidents, acute and chronick distempers. By means whereof people may gather their own physick under every hedge, or in their own gardens, ... For what climate soever is subject to any particular disease, ... With two exact tables, the one of the English and Latine names of the plants; the other o the diseases, and names of each plant appropriated to their diseases, with their cures. By Robert Turner, botanolog. stud.
London : printed by R. Wood for Nath. Brook. at the Angel in Cornhill, 1664.
Gerard, John
Woodward, Marcus.,
Leaves from Gerard's herball / arranged for garden lovers by Marcus Woodward.
New York : Dover Publications, 1969.
Gerard, John
Dodoens, Rembert
Rogers, William
The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by Iohn Gerarde of London Master in Chirurgerie
Imprinted at London : by [Edm. Bollifant for [Bonham Norton and] Iohn Norton, 1597.
Gerard, John
Johnson, Thomas
Payne, John, d. 1647?, engraver.,
Dodoens, Rembert
The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by John Gerarde of London Master in Chirurgerie: very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson, citizen and apothecarie of London.
London : printed by Adam Islip, Joice Norton, and Richard Whitakers, anno 1636.
Gerard, John
Johnson, Thomas
Payne, John, d. 1647?, engraver.,
Dodoens, Rembert
The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by Iohn Gerarde of London Master in Chirurgerie very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Iohnson citizen and apothecarye of London
London : Printed by Adam Islip Ioice Norton and Richard Whitakers, anno 1633.
Gerard, John
Dodoens, Rembert
Rogers, William
The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by Iohn Gerarde of London Master in Chirurgerie
Imprinted at London : by [Edm. Bollifant for [Bonham Norton and] Iohn Norton, 1597.
Gerard, John
Johnson, Thomas
Payne, John, d. 1647?, engraver.,
Dodoens, Rembert
The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by John Gerarde of London Master in Chirurgerie: very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson, citizen and apothecarie of London.
London : printed by Adam Islip, Joice Norton, and Richard Whitakers, anno 1636.