An interpretation of Hamlet based on recent developments in cognitive studies / Meera Tamaya.

Lewiston, N.Y. ; Lampeter : E. Mellen Press, 2001.
Reading Room - 50.07 commentary/TAM
0773476229, 0889461430 (series)
xxv, 70 p. ; 24 cm.
Bibliography, etc. note: Includes bibliographical references and index.
Crane, Mary Thomas, 1956-,
Shakespeare's brain : reading with cognitive theory / Mary Thomas Crane.
Princeton,[N.J.] ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, c2000.
Tamaya, Meera.,
An interpretation of Hamlet based on recent developments in cognitive studies / Meera Tamaya.
Lewiston, N.Y. ; Lampeter : E. Mellen Press, 2001.
Kinney, Arthur F., 1933-,
Shakespeare and cognition : Aristotle's legacy and Shakespearean drama / Arthur F. Kinney.
London : Routledge, 2006.
Bartholomeusz, Dennis
Macbeth and the players / Dennis Bartholomeusz.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1969.
Drakakis, John.,
Shakespearean tragedy / edited and introduced by John Drakakis.
London ; New York : Longman, 1992.
Gajowski, Evelyn.,
The art of loving : female subjectivity and male discursive traditions in Shakespeare's tragedies / Evelyn Gajowski.
Newark : London : University of Delaware Press ; Associated University Presses, c1992.
Waters, D. Douglas, 1929-,
Christian settings in Shakespeare's tragedies / D. Douglas Waters.
Rutherford, [N.J.] : London : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press ; Associated University Presses, 1994.
Wills, Garry, 1934-,
Witches and Jesuits : Shakespeare's Macbeth / Garry Wills.
New York : Oxford : New York Public Library ; Oxford University Press, c1995.
Shattuck, Charles Harlen
The Hamlet of Edwin Booth / by Charles H. Shattuck.
Urbana ; London : University of Illinois P, 1969.
Pennington, Michael,
Hamlet : a user's guide / Michael Pennington.
London : Nick Hern, c1996.
Halio, Jay Leon
Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet : texts, contexts, and interpretation / edited by Jay L. Halio.
Newark, Del. ; London : University of Delaware, c1995.
The renaissance of emotion : understanding affect in Shakespeare and his contemporaries / edited by Richard Meek and Erin Sullivan.
[Manchester] : Manchester University Press, [2015].
Mullaney, Steven.,
The reformation of emotions in the age of Shakespeare / Steven Mullaney.
Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, [2015].
Henderson, Diana E., 1957-,
Passion made public : Elizabethan lyric, gender, and performance / Diana E. Henderson.
Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c1995.
Parker, Langston, 1805?-1871.,
Adams Parker, S
Bates, William
On the effects of certain mental and bodily states upon the imagination, especially as illustrated by Shakespeare and other poets, with other Literary remains of S.W. Langston Parker / [S.W. Langston Parker] with a preface by his son, S. Adams Parker ; edited, with a biographical memoir by William Bates.
Birmingham : printed by Josiah Allen, 1876.
Tamaya, Meera.,
An interpretation of Hamlet based on recent developments in cognitive studies / Meera Tamaya.
Lewiston, N.Y. ; Lampeter : E. Mellen Press, 2001.
Matthews, Paul M.,
McQuain, Jeff, 1955-,
The Bard on the brain : understanding the mind through the art of Shakespeare and the science of brain imaging / Paul M. Matthews and Jeffrey McQuain ; with a foreword by Diane Ackerman.
New York : Bristol : Dana ; University Presses Marketing, 2003.
Tilmouth, Christopher.,
Passion's triumph over reason : a history of the moral imagination from Spenser to Rochester / Christopher Tilmouth.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007.
Vaught, Jennifer C.,
Masculinity and emotion in early modern English literature / Jennifer C. Vaught.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2007.
Shakespeare, William
Hamlet, the dainty : an Ethipian burlesque on Shakespeare's Hamlet / By G. W. H. Griffin, Esq.
New York : Samuel French, [1840?]
Erlich, Avi.,
Hamlet's absent father / Avi Erlich.
Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1977.
Shakespeare, William
Hamlet : with notes and illustrations. People's edition.
London : J. S. Virtue Co., [1882]
Shakespeare, William
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark : a tragedy / by William Shakespeare ; edited by C. E. Flower.
London : Samuel French, [1894]
Shakespeare, William
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark / by Shakespeare.
New York : John B. Alden, [1894]
Shakespeare, William
Hamlet / from the text of the editions by Charles Knight [no. 26, 1845]
London : Charles Knight and Co., 1845.
Shakespeare, William
Hamlet : the story of the play concisely told. With 55 illustrations taken from the cinematograph film showing Sir J. Forbes-Robertson and Miss Gertrude Elliott and their company from the Theatre Royal Drury Lane / by William Shakespeare.
London : Stanley Paul Co., [date not identified]
date unknown
Shakespeare, William
Hamlet : the story of the play concisely told. With 55 illustrations taken from the cinematograph film showing Sir J. Forbes-Robertson and Miss Gertrude Elliott and their company from the Theatre Royal Drury Lane / by William Shakespeare.
London : Stanley Paul Co., [date not identified]
date unknown
Kiehl, Bruno,
Wiederkehrende Begebenheiten und Verhaeltnisse in Shakespeares Dramen : ein Beitrag zur Shakespeare-Pschologie / von Bruno Kiehl.
[place of publication unknown : publisher not identified, date not identified]
date unknown
The renaissance of emotion : understanding affect in Shakespeare and his contemporaries / edited by Richard Meek and Erin Sullivan.
[Manchester] : Manchester University Press, [2015].
Mullaney, Steven.,
The reformation of emotions in the age of Shakespeare / Steven Mullaney.
Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, [2015].
Garber, Marjorie B.,
Dream in Shakespeare : from metaphor to metamorphosis / Marjorie B. Garber.
New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, 1974.
Garber, Marjorie B.,
Coming of age in Shakespeare / Marjorie Garber.
London : Methuen, 1981.
Arthos, John
Shakespeare's use of dream and vision / John Arthos.
London : Bowes and Bowes, 1977.
Boorman, Stanley Clifford
Human conflict in Shakespeare / S.C. Boorman.
London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1987.
Girard, René Noël Théophile
A theater of envy : William Shakespeare / Rene´ Girard.
New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1991.