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The arte of gardening, wherunto is added much necessarie matter, with a number of secrets: and the phisicke helps belonging to each hearb, which are easily prepared. Heer-vnto is annexed two proper treatises, the first intituled The meruailous gouerment [sic], propertie, benefite of bees, with the rare secrets of the honie and waxe: the other, The yearly coniectures, verie necessary for husband-men. To these is likewise ioyned a treatise of the arte of graffing and planting of trees. Gathered by Thomas Hill, citizen of London.

General note: "Allde pr[inted]. A-R; Ballard the rest"--STC. "A profitable instruction of the perfect ordering of bees" has separate pagination and title page with imprint "Imprinted at London by H.B. 1608"; register is continuous. The section on grafting is an extract from the "Chronicle" of Richard Arnold. Signatures: A-Y4 2A-2M4. A profitable instrvction of the perfect ordering of bees only; signatures: [pi]2 2A-2L4; -2I2-3; 2L4 lower corners damaged and repaired UK-SUSCL Cited in: STC (2nd ed.), 13497 Format of surrogate: Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1971. 1 microfilm reel; 35mm. (Early English books, 1475-1640; 1242:05). Ownership and custodial history: Donated October 2004 by John Lawson UK-SUSCL Binding Information: Disbound with loose boards; C18th(?) vellum damaged by fire, not affecting the printed text UK-SUSCL