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Romeo and Juliet / William Shakespeare ; [editors: Fiona Banks, Paul Shuter ; consultant: Shirley Wakley ; play text: Hayley Bartley ... et al.].

The Globe Education Shakespeare series presents a bold new approach to exploring Shakespeare plays with 11-16 year olds. Activities and unique resources from Shakespeare's Globe enable students to actively engage with each play's language and key themes in both print and digital formats. They are designed for use across Key Stages 3 and 4 with an emphasis on developing students' enthusiasm, understanding and achievement from Key Stage 3 through to success at GCSE. This printed play text of Romeo Juliet is in large format and full colour throughout, with stunning photographs from Globe productions to help students understand the play as a performance text. Includes easy-to-use resources with activities directly opposite the text and a clear glossary Offers actives approaches, devised by Globe Education over the past 14 years at Shakespeare's Globe, to help students understand characterisation, themes and language Provides actors' viewpoints from a range of productions that introduce students to differing interpretations of the play Contains Examiner's Notes to prepare students for success in Controlled Assessment and Examinations (covering each Awarding Body)