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Joss Whedon as Shakespearean moralist : narrative ethics of the Bard and the Buffyverse / J. Douglas Rabb and J. Michael Richardson ; foreword by Kim Fedderson.

Contents: Foreword by Kim Fedderson -- Introduction -- Joss Whedon, the Shakespeare for our time -- Shakespeare's brain and Whedon's brains: cognitive theory in narrative and ethics -- Joss Whedon's "big brain": the Espenson authorship -- Controversy -- Shakespeare and popular culture: uses and echos of the Bard in the Whedonverses and ours as well -- Persons, personation and character development: the transformative nature of narrative -- The moral imagination in Shakespeare: pre-modern and early modern ethics -- The moral imagination in Whedon: post-modern and post-Christian love ethics -- Reason and rules in ethics: the Parfit pathology -- Conclusion: narrative ethics in action.