This sceptred isle : Shakespeare's message for England at war / by G. Wilson Knight ...

Oxford : Basil Blackwell, MCMXL [1940].
Pamphlet - 65.09/KNI
35, [1] p. ; 19 cm.
Knight, G Wilson
The imperial theme : further interpretations of Shakespeare's tragedies including the Roman plays / By G. Wilson Knight.
Oxford ; London : Oxford University Press : Humphrey Milford, 1931.
Knight, G Wilson
Shakespearian production : with especial reference to the tragedies / by G. Wilson Knight.
London : Faber, 1964.
Knight, G Wilson
The wheel of fire : essays in interpretation of Shakespeare's sombre tragedies / by G. Wilson Knight.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1930.
Knight, G Wilson
Shakespearian dimensions / G. Wilson Knight.
Brighton : Harvester, 1984.
Knight, G Wilson
The Shakespearian tempest / G.Wilson Knight.
London : Oxford University Press, 1932.
Knight, G Wilson
The mutual flame : on Shakespeare's "Sonnets" and "The phoenix and the turtle" / by G. Wilson Knight.
London : Methuen, 1955.
Knight, G Wilson
Ball, Patricia M
The sovereign flower : on Shakespeare as the poet of royalism together with related essays and indexes to earlier volumes / indexes composed by Patricia M. Ball.
London : Methuen, 1958.
Knight, G Wilson
The olive and the sword : a study of England's Shakespeare / G. Wilson Knight.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1944.
Howlett, V.,
Around London with William Shakespeare / V. Howlett.
[London] : V. Howlett, [1969]
Knight, G Wilson
This sceptred isle : Shakespeare's message for England at war / by G. Wilson Knight ...
Oxford : Basil Blackwell, MCMXL [1940].
Lievsay, John Leon.,
The Elizabethan image of Italy / by John L. Lievsay.
Ithaca, N.Y. : Published for the Folger Shakespeare Library [by] Cornell University Press, [1964].
Draper, John W.,
Shakespeare and Florence and the Florentines / [John W. Draper]
[place of publication unknown : publisher not identified, 1946]
Shakspeare, a seaman : Shakspeare's sea-lore.
[place of publication unknown : publisher not identified, 1862]
Schuemann, Johannes.,
See und Seefahrt, nebst dem metaphorischen Gebrauch dieser Begriffe, in Shakspere's Dramen / [Johannes Schuemann].
Leipzig : Druck von Alexaner Edelmann, 1876.
Bejblik, Alois
Bohemia in Shakespeare's plays / [Alois Bejblik]
[Prague : Orbis Press Agency, 1979]
Gourcuff, Olivier de.,
Le francais de Shakespeare / Olivier de Gourcuff.
Paris : Bibliotheque de l'auteur, 1920.
Knight, G Wilson
This sceptred isle : Shakespeare's message for England at war / by G. Wilson Knight ...
Oxford : Basil Blackwell, MCMXL [1940].
Hunt, Doris.,
The flowers of Shakespeare / compiled by Doris Hunt ; foreword by Flora Robson.
Exeter : Webb and Bower, [1980].
The Shakespearian dictionary : forming a general index to all the popular expressions, and most striking passages in the works of Shakespeare : from a few words to fifty or more lines : an appropriate synonym being affixed to each extract, with a reference to the context : the whole designed to introduce the beauties of Shakespeare, into the familiar intercourse of society / by Thomas Dolby.
London : Smith, Elder, Co., 1832.
The Shakespearian dictionary : forming a general index to all the popular expressions, and most striking passages in the works of Shakespeare : from a few words to fifty or more lines : an appropriate synonym being affixed to each extract, with a reference to the context : the whole designed to introduce the beauties of Shakespeare, into the familiar intercourse of society / by Thomas Dolby.
London : Smith, Elder, Co., 1832.
Hirst, Shakespeare.,
A bouquet of poetical beauties, or, "Choice and rarest parts," in a concise form, from Shakespeare's comedies, histories, and tragedies, as recited by Mr. Shakespeare Hirst, Shakespearian thespian and characteristic elocutionist.
Huddersfield : B. Brown, Printer, Market Place Corner, [ca. 1850?]
Savage, Richard
Shakespearean extracts from "Edward Pudsey's booke" : temp. Q. Elizabeth K. James I. which include some from an unknown play by William Shakespeare [or rather from Chapman's "Blind beggar of Alexander"] Also a few unpublished records of the Shakespeare / Collected by Richard Savage, secretary and librarian, Shakespeare's birthplace. Printed and published at Stratford-on-Avon by John Smith.
London : Simpkin and Marshall, [1887?].
Risden, Edward L.
Shakespeare's dramatic maxims : a politics of rhetoric and irony / [compiled by] E. L. Risden.
Palo Alto, California : Academica Press, [2016].