Early modern European witchcraft : centres and peripheries / edited by Bengt Ankarloo and Gustav Henningsen.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, [1990]
The damned art : essays in the literature of witchcraft / edited by Sydney Anglo.
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Vale, Marcia.,
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Cambridge : D. S. Brewer, [1977]
Thoms, William John
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London : Printed for the Camden Society, by John Bowyer Nichols and Son 1839
Wildeblood, Joan b. 1904,
The polite world : a guide to English manners and deportment from the thirteenth to the nineteenth century / [by] Joan Wildeblood and Peter Brinson.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1965.
Verney, Richard Greville
Hunting the fox / by Richard Greville Verney, lord Willoughby de Broke.
London : Constable, 1920.
Verney, Richard Greville
The sport of our ancestors : being a collection of prose and verse setting forth the sport of fox-hunting as they knew it / ed. and selected with an introduction and appreciations by Lord Willoughby de Broke; illustrated by G. D. Armour.
London : Constable and Co., 1925.
Strutt, Joseph
The sports and pastimes of the people of England including the rural and domestic recreations, May games, mummeries, shows, processions, pageants, and pompous spectacles from the earliest period to the present time / by Joseph Strutt ; edited by William Hone.
London : Chatto Windus, 1898.
Stories of golf / collected by William Knight and T.T. Oliphant ; with rhymes on golf by various hands ; also Shakespeare on golf, etc.
London : William Heinemann, mdcccxciv [1894].
Barrow, Albert Stewart
Monarchy and the chase / by "Sabretache."
London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, [1948].
Sim, Alison
Pleasures pastimes in Tudor England / Alison Sim.
[Stroud, Gloucestershire] : Sutton, [1999].
Taylor, John,
A concise history of Abington.
Taylor Son
Stalker, James.,
How to read Shakspeare : a guide for the general reader / by James Stalker.
London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1913.
Masters of English landscape painting : J. S. Cotman. David Cox, Peter De Wint / ed. by Charles Holme.
London ; New York [etc.] : Office of 'The Stvdio" 1903.
Shakespeare, William| Bindley, Frank
Romeo and Juliet / by William Shakspere [sic] ; with nine illustrations in photogravure from designs by Frank Bindley.
London : Marcus Ward Co. [1896]
Campbell, Lorne.,
Renaissance portraits : European portrait-painting in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries / Lorne Campbell.
New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, 1990.
Strong, Roy Colin
The English Renaissance miniature / Roy Strong.
[London] : Thames and Hudson, [1983].
Dynasties : painting in Tudor and Jacobean England 1530-1630 / edited by Karen Hearn.
[London] : Tate Gallery, [1995]
Landau, David 1950-, | Parshall, Peter W.,
The Renaissance print, 1470-1550 / David Landau and Peter Parshall.
New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, [1994].
Strong, Roy Colin
The English icon : Elizabethan Jacobean portraiture / Roy Strong.
London New York : Paul Mellon Foundation for British Art, in association with Routledge Kegan Paul ; Pantheon Books, 1969.
The black book of Warwick/ edited by Thomas Kemp
Henry T. Cooke
Lee, Sidney
Shakespeare and true patriotism / Sir Sidney Lee.
[London : Printed by William Clowes and Sons], 1900.
Williams, T.W.,
Shakespeare and patriotism / by T. W. Williams.
Bristol ; London : Arrowsmith ; Simpkin,Marshall, 1914.
Bejblik, Alois
Bohemia in Shakespeare's plays / [Alois Bejblik]
[Prague : Orbis Press Agency, 1979]
Phillips, Owen Hood
Shakespeare and Gray's Inn / by Professor O. Hood Phillips, Q. C.
[London : Geoffrey Hawker, 1970].
Huang, Long.,
[Shakespeare's views on complexion / by Huang Long]
[Nanjing : publisher not identified, 1983]
Lamy, Felix.,
Shakespeare et la musique / F. Lamy.
[place of publication unknown : publisher not identified, 1912]
Lee, Sidney
Shakespeare and public affairs / [Sir Sidney Lee].
[London : The Contemporary Review Company, 1913].
Gourcuff, Olivier de.,
Le francais de Shakespeare / Olivier de Gourcuff.
Paris : Bibliotheque de l'auteur, 1920.
Coleman, Marguerite
Shakespeare, apotre de l'alliance Franco-Anglaise / [Marguerite Coleman]
[place of publication unknown : publisher not identified, 1922]
Raleigh, Walter Alexander
Shakespeare and England / Sir Walter Alexander Raleigh.
London : Published for the British academy by H. Milford, Oxford University Press, [1918]
Spencer, Terence John Bew
The tyranny of Shakespeare / by T.J.B. Spencer.
London : Oxford University Press, 1959.
Sisson, Charles Jasper
Shakespeare / by C. J. Sisson.
[Harlow] : Longman for the British Council, [1971].
Nicoll, Allardyce
Co-operation in Shakespearian scholarship : annual Shakespeare lecture of the British Academy, 1952 / by Allardyce Nicoll.
London : Geoffrey Cumberlege, 1952.
Shakespeare without words / by Alfred Harbage.
Oxford University Press : London, [1969].
Butt, John 1906-1965.,
Pope's taste in Shakespeare : a paper read before the Shakespeare Association on March 22nd, 1935 / by John Butt.
London : Published for the Shakespeare Association by Oxford University Press 1936
Arrowsmith, William Robson
Shakespeare's editors and commentators / by W.R. Arrowsmith.
London : J. Russell Smith, 1865.
Mullin, Michael
"Our Shakespeares" : Shakespeare across cultures / Michael Mullin.
Urbana, Ill. : University of Illinois, 1993.
Herford, Charles Harold
A sketch of the history of Shakespeare's influence on the continent / by C. H. Herford.
Manchester London ; New York : The University Press ; Longmans, Green Co. 1925
Xianqiang, Meng., | Lingui, Yang.,
A report from China : her teaching and studying of Shakespeare / by Meng Xianqiang [and] Yang Lingui.
[China : publisher not identified, date not identified]
date not identified
Qiu, Ke'an.,
Shakespeare and China / Qiu Ke'an.
[China : publisher not identified, 1984]
Tsao, Wei-Feng.,
Shakespeare in China / Tsao Wei-Feng.
[place of publication unknown : publisher not identified, 1955]
Yu, Weijie.,
Topicality and typicality, the acceptance of Shakespeare in China / Yu Weijie.
[Tuebingen : Gunter Narr Verlag, 1990].
Shakespeare Society founded.
[place of publication unknown : publisher not identified, 1985]
Lee, Sidney
Shakespeare in France / by Sidney Lee.
[London : Sampson Low, Marston, Company, 1899].
Doran, J.,
Shakespeare in France / [J. Doran]
[place of publication unknown : publisher not identified, 1878]
Desch, Cecil H.,
Some phases of Shakespearean criticism in France : a paper read before the Stratford-on-Avon Club on the 11th of January, 1898 / by Cecil H. Desch.
Stratford-upon-Avon : [publisher not identified], 1898.
Lewes, George Henry.,
Shakspeare in France / [by G. H. Lewes]
[place of publication unknown : publisher not identified, 1865]
Garrick Club, | Adams, Charles Kingsley
A catalogue of the pictures in the Garrick club : [including the Charles Mathews collection]
London : The Club, 1936.
Encyclopedia of pantomime / editor David Pickering ; adviser John Morley.
[Andover] : Gale Research, [1993
Nicoll, Allardyce
Film and theatre / by Allardyce Nicoll.
London : George G. Harrap Company, Ltd., [1936]
O'Connor, Garry.,
The Mahabharata : Peter Brook's epic in the making / Garry O'Connor ; photography by Gilles Abegg.
London : Hodder Stoughton, 1989.
Ceram, C. W. 1915-1972.,
Archaeology of the cinema / illustrations editor Olive Cook, translated from the German by Richard Winston.
London : Thames Hudson, [1965]
Brewster, Ben| Jacobs, Lea.,
Theatre to cinema : stage pictorialism and the early feature film / Ben Brewster, Lea Jacobs.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1997.
Tilney, Edmund, d. 1610.,
The flower of friendship : a Renaissance dialogue contesting marriage / by Edmund Tilney ; edited and with an introduction by Valerie Wayne.
Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 1992.
Lee, Sidney
Shakespeare in France / [Sir Sidney Lee]
[place of publication unknown : publisher not identified, 1899]
Kendall, Frank A. (Frank Alexander) b. 1865.,
William Shakespeare and his three friends, Ben, Anthonie and Francis / by Frank A. Kendall.
Boston : W.A. Butterfield, 1911.
Beeton, Samuel Orchart
Shakspeare memorial :1564-1864.
S.O. Beeton
Dowden, Edward, 1843-1913.,
King Henry VIII / with twelve illustrations by Sir James D. Linton, P.R.I. With an introduction by Edward Dowden, LL.D.
London ; Paris ; Melbourne : Cassell Company, 1892.
Shakespeare, William| Dicksee, Frank
Othello : the Moor of Venice / with twelve illustrations by F. Dicksee ; with introduction by Edward Dowden, LL.D.
London : Cassell Company, 1890.
Shakespeare, William| Dowden, Edward, 1843-1913., | Bayard, Emile
As you like it / with twelve illustrations by Emile Bayard ; with an introduction by Edward Dowden.
London ; Paris ; New York ; Melbourne : Cassell Company, 1887.
Shakespeare, William| Dowden, Edward, 1843-1913., | Dicksee, Frank
Romeo and Juliet / With twelve illustrations by F. Dicksee ; reproduced in photogravure by Messrs. Goupil co. ; with an introduction by Edward Dowden.
London ; Paris ; New York ; Melbourne : Cassell Company, 1884.
Shakespeare, William
[Taming of the Shrew in Russian]
[Russia : publisher not identified, 1995]
Jusserand, J. J.,
Shakespeare en France sous l'Ancien Regime / J. J. Jusserand.
London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1897.
Shakespeare, William
Lewis's plays of Shakespeare.
Liverpool : Lewis's, [1886].
The home of Shakespeare.
[place of publication unknown : publisher not identified, date not identified]
date unknown
Hill, Joseph.,
Shakespeare's birthplace and adjoining properties / by Jos. Hill.
[place of publication unknown : publisher not identified], 1885.
Hales, John.,
Shakespeare and puritanism / John Hales.
[place of publication unkown : publisher not identified, 1895]
Fishwick, Henry, 1835-1914.,
Shakespeare's London / by Lieut. Col. H. Fishwick, F. S. A.
Rochdale : James Clegg, The Aldine Press, 124 Drake Street, 1905.
Chamberlain, Molly.,
Shakespeare and Shoreditch / by Molly Chamberlain, B. A. (Lond.) ; foreword by Hugh Walpole.
London : Ed. J. Burrow Co. Ltd., 1933.
Yeatman, John Pym.,
Shakespeare's ancestry / [John Pym Yeatman]
[place of publication unknown : publisher not identified, 1895]
Yeatman, John Pym.,
Shakespeare's ancestry / [John Pym Yeatman]
[place of publication unknown : publisher not identified, 1895]
Tyler, Thomas.,
Shakespeare's two loves / by Thomas Tyler.
London : London Society, 1884.
Terry, W. N.,
Abington Manor and the last of the Shakespeare / [W. N. Terry]
Northampton : The Mercury Press, 1964.
Sutherland, Carter R.,
The grants of arms to Shakespeare's father / Dr. R. Carter Sutherland.
London : The Coat of Arms, 1964.
Tannenbaum, Samuel Aaron
The Shakspere coat-of-arms / described by Saml. A. Tannenbaum.
New York : Tenny Press for the author, 1908.
Craig, E. T.,
Shakspere, and the heritage of genius / by E. T. Craig., Shakspere, or, the Ardens of Warwickshire and the heritage of genius / by E. T. Craig.
London : Fred Pitman, 20, Paternoster Row, 1865.
Crisp, Chales.,
Shakespeare's ancestors / Charles Crisp.
[place of publication unknown : publisher not identified, 1960]
Taylor, Rupert.,
Shakespeare's cousin, Thomas Greene, and his kin : possible light on the Shakespeare family background / Rupert Taylor.
New York : Modern Language Association of America, 1945.
Le Huray, Peter.,
Music and the Reformation in England 1549-1660 / Peter Le Huray.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1978.
The Adam Carse collection of old musical wind instruments., Catalogue of the Adam Carse collection of old musical wind instruments
London : London County Council, [1951].
Kerman, Joseph 1924-2014., | American Musicological Society,
The Elizabethan madrigal : a comparative study / Joseph Kerman.
[place of publication unknown] : American Musicological Society, 1962.
Companion to medieval and renaissance music / edited by Tess Knighton and David Fallows.
Berkeley : University of California Press, 1992.
Naylor, E. W. (Edward Woodall),
An Elizabethan virginal book : being a critical essay on the contents of a manuscript in the Fitzwilliam Museum at Cambridge / E.W.Naylor.
London New York : J.M.Dent ; E.P.Dutton, 1905.
Baines, Anthony
The Oxford companion to musical instruments / written and edited by Anthony Baines.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1992.
Perkins, Leeman L. (Leeman Lloyd) 1932-,
Music in the age of the Renaissance / Leeman L. Perkins.
New York ; London : Norton, 1999.
Women, "race," and writing in the early modern period / edited by Margo Hendricks and Patricia Parker.
London ; New York : Routledge, 1994.
Harvey, Elizabeth D.,
Ventriloquized voices : feminist theory and English Renaissance texts / Elizabeth D. Harvey.
London ; New York : Routledge, 1992.
Subject and object in Renaissance culture / edited by Margreta de Grazia, Maureen Quilligan, and Peter Stallybrass.
Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Grant, Patrick 1914-,
Literature and the discovery of method in the English Renaissance / Patrick Grant.
[London] : Macmillan, [1985].
Rethinking the Henrician era : essays on early Tudor texts and contexts / edited by Peter C. Herman.
Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c1994.
Grabes, Herbert
The mutable glass : mirror-imagery in titles and texts of the Middle Ages and English Renaissance / Herbert Grabes ; translated from the German by Gordon Collier.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1982.
Herford, Charles Harold
Studies in the literary relations of England and Germany in the sixteenth century / Charles E. Herford.
Cambridge : University Press, 1886.
Greenblatt, Stephen Jay
Learning to Curse : Essays in Early Modern Culture / Stephen J. Greenblatt.
London ; New York : Routledge, 1992.
Greenblatt, Stephen Jay
Renaissance self-fashioning : from More to Shakespeare / Stephen Greenblatt.
Chicago, Ill. : University of Chicago Press, c1980.
English literary criticism : The Renaissance / edited by O.B. Hardison.
Englewood Cliff, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1967.
Jusserand, Jean Jules
A literary history of the English people : from the origins to the renaissance / by J. J. Jusserand.
London, T. F. Unwin, 1895.
Jusserand, Jean Jules
A literary history of the English people : from the origins to the renaissance / by J. J. Jusserand.
London, T. F. Unwin, 1895.
Jusserand, Jean Jules
A literary history of the English people : from the origins to the renaissance / by J. J. Jusserand.
London, T. F. Unwin, 1895.
Jusserand, Jean Jules
Histoire littéraire du peuple anglais / par J.J. Jusserand.
Paris : Libraire de Paris, 1904.
A new spirit of the age / ed. by R.H. Horne.
London : Smith, Elder and Co., 1844.
Grierson, Herbert John Clifford
Cross currents in English literature of the XVIIth century : or, the world, the flesh the spirit, their actions reactions : being the Messenger Lectures on the evolution of civilization Cornell University 1926-27 / by Herbert J.C.Grierson.
London : Chatto Windus, 1958.
Lewalski, Barbara Kiefer 1931-,
Writing women in Jacobean England / Barbara Kiefer Lewalski.
Cambridge, Mass : Harvard University Press, 1993.
Knott, John R. (John Ray),
Discourses of martyrdom in English literature, 1563-169 / John R. Knott.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1993.
Lewis, CS
The allegory of love : a study in medieval tradition / by C.S. Lewis.
[London] : Oxford University Press, [1967].
Linden, Stanton J. 1935-,
Darke hierogliphicks : alchemy in English literature from Chaucer to the Restoration / Stanton J. Linden.
Lexington : University Press of Kentucky, 1996.
Lucas, Caroline
Writing for women : the example of woman as reader in Elizabethan romance / Caroline Lucas.
Milton Keynes [England] ; Philadelphia : Open University Press, 1989.
Lloyd, Peter 1920-,
Perspectives identities : the Elizabethan writer's search to know his world / Peter Lloyd.
London : Rubicon, c1989.
Manley, Lawrence.,
Literature and culture in early modern London / Lawrence Manley.
Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Kinney, Arthur F., 1933-,
Classical, Renaissance, and postmodernist acts of the imagination : essays commemorating O.B. Hardison, Jr. / edited by Arthur F. Kinney.
Newark London : University of Delaware Press ; Associated University Presses, c1996.
Kinghorn, Alexander Manson.,
The chorus of history : literary-historical relations in Renaissance Britain, 1485-1558 / A. M. Kinghorn.
New York : Barnes and Noble, 1971.
Lindenbaum, Peter.,
'Changing landscapes' : anti-pastoral sentiment in the English Renaissance / Peter Lindenbaum.
Athens ; London : University of Georgia P., 1986.
Lyons, Bridget Gellert
Voices of melancholy : studies in literary treatments of melancholy in Renaissance England / [by] Bridget Gellert Lyons.
London : Routledge and K. Paul, 1971.
Literature and nationalism / edited by Vincent Newey and Ann Thompson.
Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, 1991.
Nuttall, Anthony David.,
Two Concepts of Allegory : A Study of Shakespeare's The Tempest and the Logic of Allegorical Expression / A.D. Nuttall.
London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1967.
A biographical history of English literature, being an elementary introduction to the greater English writers.
London : Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent and Co., [1880?]
Morris, Helen Soutar,
Elizabethan literature / Helen Morris.
London, New York, Oxford University Press, 1958.
Mais, S. P. B.,
From Shakespeare to O. Henry / by S. P. B. Mais.
London : Grant Richards, 1923.
Patterson, Annabel M.,
Reading between the lines / Annabel Patterson
London : Routledge, 1993.
Travitsky, Betty
The Paradise of women : writings by Englishwomen of the Renaissance / compiled and edited by Betty Travitsky.
Westport, Conn. ; London : Greenwood Press, 1981.
The Oxford illustrated history of English literature / edited by Pat Rogers.
London : Guild Publishing, 1987.
Bush, Douglas 1896-1983.,
English literature in the earlier seventeenth century, 1600-1660 / by Douglas Bush.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, [1946]
Reed, Henry, 1808-1854.,
Lectures on English literature : from Chaucer to Tennyson / by Henry Reed.
Philadelphia : Claxton, Remsen Hafelfinger, 1873.
Petrie, Ronald,
The Stratford anthology of favourite quotations of eminent men and women / compiled by Ronald Petrie.
London : G. G. Harrap Co., 1929.
Petrie, Ronald,
The Stratford anthology of favourite quotations of eminent men and women / compiled by Ronald Petrie.
London : G. G. Harrap Co., 1929.
Elizabethan humour / edited by Chris Meads.
London : Robert Hale, [1995]
Jacobean theatre / general editors, John Russell Brown Bernard Harris.
London : Arnold, [1960]
Early Shakespeare.
London : Edward Arnold, 1961.
Contemporary theatre / [edited by] J.R. Brown B. Harris.
London : Edward Arnold, [1962]
Hamlet / [general editors John Russell Brown and Bernard Harris]
London : Edward Arnold, 1963.
Restoration theatre / [general editors John Russell Brown Bernard Harris].
London : E. Arnold, 1965.
Later Shakespeare / [general editors: J.R. Brown and B. Harris]
London : Edward Arnold, 1966.
Elizabethan theatre / [general editors, John Russell Brown Bernard Harris]
London : Edward Arnold, 1966.
American theatre / [edited by J. R. Brown B. Harris]
London : Edward Arnold, 1967.
Bradbury, Malcolm
The American novel and the nineteen twenties / [Malcolm Bradbury].
London : Edward Arnold, 1971.
Bradbury, Malcolm
Shakespearian comedy / [edited by Malcolm Bradbury and David Palmer].
London : Edward Arnold, 1972.
Medieval drama / associate editor Neville Denny.
London ; New York : Edward Arnold ; Crane Russak, 1973.
Meadows, T.,
Thespian gleanings, a collection of comic recitals, songs, tales, etc. : selected and adapted from Foote, George Alexander Stevens, O'Keeffee, T. Dibdin, Cross, Dodd, Harrison, C. Dibdin, etc. etc. Including a variety of comic sketches, from Dodd's lecture on hearts, a farce called Who's to blame; or No fool like an old one; and many originals / by T. Meadows, comedian.
Ulverston : Printed and sold by George Ashburner, 1813.
Stopes, Charlotte Carmichael
Shakespeare's family, part 1 / by Mrs. Charlotte Carmichael Stopes.
London : Elliot Stock, 1897.
Shekels, Howard D.,
The mysterious death of Hamnet Shackspeare : a study of an Elizabethan cipher / by Howard D. Shekels Scott H. Shekels.
Phoenix, Ariz. (8619 N. Cardinal Dr., Phoenix 85028) : Control Systems Associates, 1988.
[place of publication unknown] : The Monthly Magazine, 1818.
Daiches, David 1912-2005., | Flower, John 1929-,
Literary landscapes of the British Isles : a narrative atlas / David Daiches John Flower.
London : Bell Hyman, 1981, c1979.
Lee, Sidney
Ovid and Shakespeare's sonnets / by Sidney Lee.
London : John Murray, 1909.
Shakespearian manuscripts at Abington Abbey.
[place of publication unknown : publisher not identified, date not identified]
date unknown
Stopes, Charlotte Carmichael
Shakespeare's aunts and the Snitterfield property, part 1 / [by Charlotte Carmichael Stopes]
[place of publication unknown] : The Athenaeum, 1909.
[Extracts from books in the Herald's College as to the family arms of Shakspere / Philarchaiotetos, pseudonym]
London : [The European Magazine, 1816]
Montague-Smith, Patrick.,
The Shakespeare connection / Patrick Montague-Smith.
[place of publication unknown : publisher not identified, 1982]
Isham, Gyles
A glimpse of Shakespeare's grand-daughter in Northamptonshire / [Gyles Bart Isham]
[Northampton : Northamptonshire Record Society, 1953]
Hallen, Arthur Washington Cornelius
Pedigree of the family of Shakspeare... / compiled from J. O. Halliwell-Phillipp's folio editio of Shakspeare ; by A. W. Cornelius Hallen.
[place of publication unknown : publisher not identified, 1885]
Pape, T.,
Early names of Shakespeares : fourteenth century Shakespeare of the Manor of Newcastle-under-Lyme / [T. Pape]
[place of publication unknown] The Field, The Country Gentleman's Newspaper, 1916.
Pape, T.,
Early names of Shakespeares : fourteenth century Shakespeare of the Manor of Newcastle-under-Lyme / [T. Pape]
[place of publication unknown] The Field, The Country Gentleman's Newspaper, 1916.
Shakespeare, William
The pocket Shakespeare.
London : W. Kent Co., [1880].
Edwards, Eliezer.,
Personal recollections of Birmingham and Birmingham men : reprinted from the "Birmingham Daily Mail", with revisions, corrections, and additions / by E. Edwards.
Birmingham : Midland Educational Trading Company, 1877.
Aydelotte, Frank
Elizabethan rogues and vagabonds/ Frank Aydelotte
Oxford : Clarendon, 1913.
Taylor, Philip A. M. (Philip Arthur Michael),
The origins of the English Civil War : conspiracy, crusade, or class conflict? / edited with an introduction by Philip A.M. Taylor.
Lexington, Mass. ; London : Heath, 1960.
England, Martha Winburn.,
Garrick and Stratford / by Martha Winburn England.
New York : New York Public Library, 1962.
England, Martha Winburn.,
Garrick and Stratford / by Martha Winburn England.
New York : New York Public Library, 1962.
Kimbrough, Robert.,
Shakespeare's Troilus Cressida and its setting / Robert Kimbrough.
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1964.
Whitaker, Virgil K. (Virgil Keeble), 1908-,
The mirror up to nature : the technique of Shakespeare's tragedies / By Virgil K. Whitaker.
San Marino (Calif.) : Huntington Library, 1965.
Knachel, Philip A
England and the Fronde : the impact of the English Civil War and Revolution on France / Philip A. Knachel.
Ithaca : Cornell University Press for the Folger Shakespeare Library, 1967.
Westfall, Alfred Van Rensselaer.,
American Shakespearean criticism, 1607-1865 / Alfred van Rensselaer Westfall.
New York : Benjamin Blom, 1968.
Woodfield, Denis B., | Bibliographical Society of America,
Surreptitious printing in England, 1550-1640 / Denis B. Woodfield
New York : Bibliographical Society of America, 1973.
Twain, Mark
1601 : and, Is Shakespeare dead? / Mark Twain ; [edited by Shelley Fisher Fishkin] ; foreword, Shelley Fisher Fishkin ; introduction, Erica Jong ; afterword, Leslie A. Fiedler.
New York : Oxford University Press, 1996.
Quaritch, Bernard, 1819-1899., | Burbidge, Edward.,
Contributions towards a dictionary of English book-collectors, as also of some foreign collectors whose libraries were incorporated in English collections or whose books are chiefly met with in England / by Edward Burbidge... [et al.] ; edited by Bernard Quaritch.
Nieuwkoop : B. de Graaf, 1969.
Rowse, AL
The England of Elizabeth : the structure of society / by A.L. Rowse.
London : Macmillan, 1950.
Summerson, John Newenham, Sir, 1904-,
Architecture in Britain, 1530-1830.
Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1953.
Goldsmith, Robert Hillis.,
Wise fools in Shakespeare / by Robert Hillis Goldsmith.
Liverpool : Liverpool U. P., 1958.
Byrne, Muriel St. Clare
Elizabethan life in town and country / by M. St. Clare Byrne.
London : Methuen, 1961.
Bovill, E. W.,
English country life 1780-1830 / E.W. Bovill.
London : Oxford University Press, 1962.
Camp, Anthony John| Bouwens, Bethell Godefroy
Wills and their whereabouts / being a thorough revision and extension of the previous work of the same name by B.G. Bouwens.
Chichester : Published for the Society of Genealogists by Phillimore, 1963.
Williamson, James Alexander, 1886-,
The Tudor age / by James A. Williamson.
London : Longmans, 1964.
Danby, John F. (John Francis),
Shakespeare's doctrine of nature : a study of King Lear / by John F. Danby.
London : Faber, 1949.
Mendelson, Sara Heller 1947-,
The mental world of Stuart women : three studies / Sara Heller Mendelson.
Brighton [England] : Harvester Press, 1987.
Roberts, Charles, 1805-1897.,
Calendarium genealogicum : Henry III and Edward I / edited by Charles Roberts.
London : Longmans, Green, and Co., 1865.
King, R. Bolton., | Ibbotson, E. M. H., | Warwickshire Local History Society., | Browne, J.D.,
Bolton King, practical idealist : Director of Education for Warwickshire, 1904-28, historian of Italian unity / [by] R. Bolton King, J.D. Browne, E.M.H. Ibbotson.
Warwickshire : Warwickshire Local History Society, 1978.
Wilson, H. R. (Horace Reginald), | Parkes, David, 1763-1833.,
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Catalog of manuscripts of the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington D.C..
Boston (Mass.) : G.K. Hall, 1971.
Clark, George Norman
The later Stuarts, 1660-1714 / by Sir George Clark.
Oxford : Clarendon, 1987.
Cooper, John.,
A report of the proceedings against Abraham Thornton at Warwick Summer Assizes, 1817, for the murder of Mary Ashford....
Warwick : Heathcote and Foden, 1818.
Collison-Morley, Lacy, 1875-, | Shakespeare Head Press,
Shakespeare in Italy / by Lacy Collison-Morley.
Stratford-upon-Avon : Shakespeare Head Press, 1916.
Collison-Morley, Lacy, 1875-, | Shakespeare Head Press,
Shakespeare in Italy / by Lacy Collison-Morley.
Stratford-upon-Avon : Shakespeare Head Press, 1916.
Collison-Morley, Lacy, 1875-, | Shakespeare Head Press,
Shakespeare in Italy / by Lacy Collison-Morley.
Stratford-upon-Avon : Shakespeare Head Press, 1916.
Collison-Morley, Lacy, 1875-, | Shakespeare Head Press,
Shakespeare in Italy / by Lacy Collison-Morley.
Stratford-upon-Avon : Shakespeare Head Press, 1916.
Hutton, William, 1723-1815.,
An history of Birmingham / by W. Hutton.
Birmingham : Knott and Lloyd, 1806.
Thorne, James.,
Rambles by rivers : the Avon / James Thorne.
London : Charles Knight Co, 1845.
Thorne, James.,
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An image of Shakespeare / Frank Mathew.
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