Fry, F. Charlton.,
Charles Fry : his life and work / by his eldest son.
[place of publication unknown : publisher not identified, 1932?]
Fox, Levi
The Shakespeare anniversary book / Levi Fox.
Norwich, Eng : Jarrolds, (1964).
Constantin-Weyer, Maurice, 1881-,
Shakespeare / par M. Constantin-Weyer.
Paris : Rieder, [1929].
Constantin-Weyer, Maurice, 1881-,
Shakespeare / par M. Constantin-Weyer.
Paris : Rieder, [1929].
Fowler, Gene, 1890-1960.,
Good night, sweet prince : the life and times of John Barrymore / by Gene Fowler.
London : Hammond, Hammond, (1949?).
Ford, Harold, 1858-,
Shakespeare: his ethical teaching / by Harold Ford.
(London : Smiths' Printing Co., Ltd, n. d.).
Fitzgerald, Percy Hetherington
Sir Henry Irving, a biography.
London : T.F. Unwin, 1906.
Cardim, Luiz
A vida de Shakespeare, factos, landas e problemas / por Luiz Cardim.
Lisboa, 1942.
Cardim, Luiz
Shakespeare e o drama ingles / Luis Cardim.
Porto : Faculdade de Letras, 1931.
Kemp, Thomas.,
The Book of John Fisher : Town Clerk and Deputy Recorder of Warwick (1580-1588) / transcribed and edited by Thomas Kemp ; with preface by Alfred Lyttelton.
Warwick (Warwickshire) : H.T. Cooke, (19--?).
Fisher, H. A. L. (Herbert Albert Laurens), 1865-1940.,
The history of England : from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of Henry VIII. (1485-1547) / by H.A.L. Fisher.
London ; New York : Longmans, Green, and Co, 1910.
Farzaad, Masuud
Woodbine and honeysuckle / by M. Farzaad.
Hertford : Privately Printed, 1946.
Edwards, Henry Sutherland
Idols of the French stage / by H. Sutherland Edwards.
London : Remington, 1889.
Collins, Herbert F.,
Talma, a biography of an actor / by Herbert F. Collins.
London : Faber and Faber, 1964.
Edgar, George, 1877-,
Martin Harvey : some pages of his life / by George Edgar.
London : Grant Richards, 1912.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher : notes and lectures / by S.T. Coleridge.
Liverpool : E. Howell, 1881.
Elze, Karl, 1821-1889., | Schmitz, L. Dora.,
William Shakespeare : A literary biography / by Karl Elze ... tr. by L. Dora Schmitz.
London : G. Bell and sons, 1888.
Douce, Francis
Illustrations of Shakspeare [sic] and of ancient manners : with dissertations on the clowns and fools of Shakespeare, on the collection of popular tales entitled Gesta Romanorum, and on the English Morris dance / by Francis Douce ; the engravings on wood by Jackson.
London : Printed for T. Tegg, 1839.
Farmer, Richard| Cradock, Joseph, 1742-1826.,
An essay on the learning of Shakespeare : addressed to Joseph Cradock, Esq. / by Richard Famer, D.D.
London : Printed for T. and H. Rodd, 1821.
Farmer, Richard| Cradock, Joseph, 1742-1826.,
An essay on the learning of Shakespeare : addressed to Joseph Cradock, Esq. / by Richard Famer, D.D.
London : Printed for T. and H. Rodd, 1821.
Doran, Madeleine, 1905-,
Endeavors of art : a study of form in Elizabethan drama / Madeleine Doran.
Madison ; London : University of Wisconsin Press, c1972.
Garrett, John, 1902-,
More talking of Shakespeare / edited by John Garrett.
London : Longmans, 1959.
Kaufmann, Ralph James, 1924-,
Elizabethan drama: modern essays in criticism / edited by R. J. Kaumann.
New York : Oxford University Press, 1961.
Fitzgerald, Percy Hetherington
The life of David Garrick : from original family papers,and numerous published and unpublished sources / by Percy Fitzgerald.
London : Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent Co., 1899.
British Broadcasting Corporation, | Emmison, FG
Introduction to archives / F.G. Emmison.
[London] : British Broadcasting Corp, 1964]
Edwardes, David., | Edguardus, David., | O'Malley, Charles Donald., | Russell, K. F.,
Introduction to anatomy, 1532 : a facsimile reproduction with English translation and an introductory essay on anatomical studies in Tudor England / by C.D. O'Malley and K.F. Russell.
London (England) : Oxford University Press, 1961.
Gardiner, Samuel Rawson, 1829-1902., | Parliament,
The constitutional documents of the Puritan revolution, 1625-1660 / selected and edited by Samuel Rawson Gardiner.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1906.
Conway, Anne| More, Henry, 1614-1687., | Nicolson, Marjorie Hope, 1894-1981.,
Conway letters : The correspondence of Anne, Viscountess Conway, Henry More, and their friends, 1642-1684 / Collected from manuscript sources edited with a biographical account by Marjorie Hope Nicolson.
London : Published by Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press and to be sold in America by Yale University Press, 1930.
Fox, Levi| Dugdale Society,
English historical scholarship in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries : a record of the papers delivered at a conference arranged by the Dugdale Society to commemorate the tercentenary of the publication of Dugdale's Antiquities of Warwickshire / edited by Levi Fox.
London ; New York : published for the Dugdale Society by the Oxford University Press, 1956.
Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard| Shakespeare Society,
Illustrations of the fairy mythology of A midsummer night's dream / edited by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps.
London : Printed for The Shakespeare Society, 1845.
Collier, John Payne| Shakespeare Society,
Memoirs of Edward Alleyn : including some new particulars respecting Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Massinger, Marston, Dekker, c / by J. Payne Collier.
London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society, 1841.
Collier, John Payne| Shakespeare Society,
Memoirs of Edward Alleyn : including some new particulars respecting Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Massinger, Marston, Dekker, c / by J. Payne Collier.
London : Printed for the Shakespeare Society, 1841.
Hotson, Leslie
Shakespeare versus Shallow / by Leslie Hotson.
London : Nonesuch press, 1931.
Garrick, David| Little, David Mason| Kahrl, George Morrow, 1904-,
Letters / Edited by David M. Little and George M. Kahrl. Associate editor: Phoebe deK. Wilson.
London : Oxford University Press, 1963.
Coleman, John, d. 1904., | Coleman, Edward.,
Memoirs of Samuel Phelps / by John Coleman ... assisted by Edward Coleman.
London : Remington co, 1886.
Hotson, Leslie
Mr. W. H. / Leslie Hotson.
London : Rupert Hart-Davis, 1964.
Harington, John| Donno, Elizabeth Story, 1921-,
A new discourse of a stale subject, called The metamorphosis of Ajax.
London : Routledge and K. Paul, (1962).
Foulkes, Richard., | Society for Theatre Research,
The Calverts : actors of some importance / Richard Foulkes.
London : The Society for Theatre Research, 1992.
Fraser, Claud Lovat| Fraser, Grace Lovat., | Victoria and Albert Museum,
Claud Lovat Fraser / by Grace Lovat Fraser.
London : H.M.S.O, 1970.
McWhirter, Norris, 1925-2004., | Kenyon, Robert Lloyd, 1848-1931,
Kenyon's gold coins of England / including an addendum by Norris D. McWhirter, listing gold coins issued up tp 1969.
Bath (Eng.) : Firecrest Pub, (1969).
Hunter, GK
Shakespeare: Henry IV, parts I and II : a casebook / edited by G.K. Hunter.
London : Macmillan, 1970.
Finkelpearl, Philip J.,
John Marston of the Middle Temple : an Elizabethan dramatist in his social setting / Philip J. Finkelpearl.
Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1969.
Irving, Laurence, 1897-,
The successors / by Laurence Irving.
London : Hart-Davis, 1967.
Harbage, Alfred, 1901-,
Conceptions of Shakespeare / Alfred Harbage.
Cambridge,Mass. : London : Harvard University Press ; Oxford University Press, 1966.
Fothergill, Brian.,
Mrs. Jordan : portrait of an actress / Brian Fothergill.
London : Faber, 1965.
Emmison, FG
Some types of common-field parish : with maps / by F.G. Emmison.
London : published for the Standing Conference for Local History by The National Council of Social Service, 1965.
Gloag, John, 1896-,
The Englishman's chair : origins, design, and social history of seat furniture in England / by John Gloag.
London : Allen and Unwin, 1964.
Lelyveld, Toby.,
Shylock on the stage / by Toby Lelyveld.
London : Routledge Kegan Paul, 1961.
Jacob, E. F. (Ernest Fraser), 1894-,
The fifteenth century, 1399-1485 / by E. F. Jacob.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1961.
Dodd, Arthur Herbert.,
Life in Elizabethan England / A.H. Dodd.
London : New York : Batsford ; Putnam, 1961.
Dunbar, Janet.,
Flora Robson.
London [etc.] : Harrap, 1960.
Joseph, Bertram Leon
Acting Shakespeare / by Bertram Joseph.
London : Routledge Kegan Paul, 1960.
Gittings, Robert.,
The living Shakespeare / edited by Robert Gittings.
London : Heinemann, 1960.
Halliday, FE
The cult of Shakespeare / F. E. Halliday.
London : Duckworth, [1957]
Friedman, William Frederick., | Friedman, Elizebeth Smith.,
The Shakespearean ciphers examined : an analysis of cryptographic systems used as evidence that some other author other than William Shakespeare wrote the plays commonly attributed to him / by William F. Friedman Elizebeth S. Friedman.
Cambridge : Cambridge U.P, 1957.
Hardwick, Michael, 1924-, | Kean, Charles John| Kean, Ellen| Quayle, Anthony
Emigrant in motley : the journey of Charles and Ellen Kean in quest of a theatrical fortune in Australia and America, as told in their hitherto unpublished letters / edited by J.M.D. Hardwick ; with a foreword by Anthony Quayle.
London : Rockliff, 1954.
Francis, Raymond
Looking for Elizabethan England / Raymond Francis
London : Macdonald, 1954.
Feuillerat, Albert, 1874-1953.,
The composition of Shakespeare's plays : authorship, chronology / by Albert Feuillerat.
New Haven : London : Yale University Press ; Oxford University Press, 1953.
Lascelles, Mary.,
Shakespeare's 'Measure for measure' / by Mary Lascelles.
London : Athlone Press, 1953.
Joseph, Bertram Leon
Conscience and the king : a study of Hamlet / by Bertram Joseph.
London : Chatto and Windus, 1953.
Halliday, FE
The enjoyment of Shakespeare / By F. E. Halliday.
London : Duckworth, 1952.
Hobson, Harold, Sir.,
Verdict at midnight : sixty years of dramatic criticism / by Harold Hobson.
London : Longmans, Green, [1952].
James, David Gwilym, 1905-1968.,
The dream of learning : an essay on "The advancement of learning", "Hamlet" and "King Lear" / by D. G. James.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1951.
Harrison, Michael
The story of Christmas : its growth and development from the earliest times / Michael Harrison.
London : Odhams P, 1951.
Francis, Basil.,
Fanny Kelly of Drury Lane / by Francis Basil.
London : Rockliff, [1950]
Given, Welker.,
A further study of the Othello : have we misunderstood Shakespeare's Moor? / By Welker Given.
New York ; London, Truebner Co : The Shakespeare Press, [c1899]
Dörnermann, Kurt
Shakespeare-Theater : Bochum 1919-1979 / Kurt Dörnermann.
Bochum : Verlag Laupenmuêhlen-Druck, 1979.
Khanna, Urmilla.,
William Shakespeare, King Lear : a critical introduction / Urmilla Khanna.
Delhi : Doaba House, 1978, c1977.
Iwasaki, Sōji
The sword and the word : Shakespeare's tragic sense of time / With a foreword by M. C. Bradbrook.
Tokyo : Shinozaki Shorin, 1973.
Cooke, Katharine.,
A. C. Bradley and his influence in twentieth-century Shakespeare criticism / Katharine Cooke.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1972.
Hakluyt, Richard| Beeching, Jack
Voyages and discoveries : the principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English Nation / Edited, abridged and introduced by Jack Beeching.
(Harmondsworth, Eng ; Baltimore) : Penguin Books, (1972).
Fisher, Sidney T
An engineer looks at Shakespeare / by Sidney T. Fisher.
Hamilton (Ont.) : McMaster University, Faculty of Engineering, 1967.
Corelli, Marie
'Ardath' : the story of a dead self / by Marie Corelli.
London : Methuen Co., 1897.
Comenius, Johann Amos, 1592-1670.,
Orbis sensualium pictus : facsimile of the third London edition 1672 / (by) Joannes Amos Comenius. With an introduction by James Bowen.
(Sydney) : Sydney University Press, 1967.
Hackett, James Henry, 1800-1871.,
Notes, criticisms, and correspondence upon Shakespeare's plays and actors.
New York : B. Blom, 1968.
Lerner, Laurence.,
Shakespeare's comedies : an anthology of modern criticism / edited by Laurence Lerner.
Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1967.
East, John Marlborough.,
'Neath the mask : the story of the East family / by John M. East.
London : Allen Unwin, 1967.
Eagleton, Terry
Shakespeare and society : critical studies in Shakespearean drama / Terence Eagleton.
London : Chatto Windus, 1967.
Dine, Jim, 1935-, | Shakespeare, William| Museum of Modern Art,
Jim Dine designs for A midsummer night's dream / Introd. by Virginia Allen. Selected from the drawings and prints collection of the Museum of Modern Art. General editor, William S. Lieberman.
New York : Museum of Modern Art, (1968).
Harrison, William| Edelen, Georges.,
The description of England / edited by Georges Edelen.
Ithaca, N.Y : Published for the Folger Shakespeare Library by Cornell University Press, (1968).
Eastman, Arthur M., 1918-,
A short history of Shakespearean criticism / Arthur Eastman.
New York : Random House, 1968.
Frye, Northrop.,
Fools of time : studies in Shakespearean tragedy.
(Toronto) : University of Toronto Press, (1967).
Girouard, Mark, 1931-, | Smythson, Robert, 1534 or 5-1614.,
Robert Smythson and the architecture of the Elizabethan era / Mark Girouard.
London : Country Life, 1966.
Guthrie, Tyrone
In various directions : a view of theatre / Tyrone Guthrie.
London : Joseph, [1965]
Eagle, Roderick L. (Roderick Lewis), b. 1887., | Shakespeare, William
The secrets of the Shakespeare Sonnets / by Roderick L. Eagle.
London : Mitre Press, (1965).
Knachel, Philip A
Eikon basilike : the portraiture of his sacred majesty in his solitudes and sufferings / edited by Philip A. Knachel.
Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press for the Folger Shakespeare Library, 1966.
Durang, John., | Downer, Alan Seymour, 1912-, | Historical Society of York County., | American Society for Theatre Research,
The memoir of John Durang : American actor, 1785-1816 / edited by Alan S. Downer.
Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 1966.
Martin, G. H. (Geoffrey Haward), 1928-,
The Royal charters of Grantham : 1463-1688 / edited by G.H. Martin.
Leicester : Leicester University Press, 1963.
Fleissner, Robert F.,
Dickens and Shakespeare : a study in histrionic contrasts / by Robert F. Fleissner.
New York : Haskell House, 1965.
Horowitz, David, 1939-,
Shakespeare: an existential view / David Horowitz.
New York : Hill and Wang, [1965].
Fowler, Elaine W.,
English sea power in the early Tudor period, 1485-1558 / by Elaine W. Fowler.
Ithaca : Cornell University Press for the Folger Shakespeare Library, 1965.
Elton, William R
King Lear and the gods / by William R. Elton.
San Marino, Calif. : Huntington Library, 1966.
Leech, Clifford.,
Twelfth night and Shakespearian comedy / Clifford Leech.
(Halifax, N.S.) : Dalhousie University Press, (1965).
Hawkes, Terence.,
Shakespeare and the reason : a study of the tragedies and the problem plays.
London : Routledge Paul, (1964).
Laver, James
Costume in the theatre / James Laver.
London : Harrap, [1964]
Coghill, Nevill Henry Kendal Aylmer Coghill
Shakespeare's professional skills / Neville Coghill.
Cambridge (Eng.) : University Press, 1964.
Haller, William, b. 1885.,
Elizabeth I and the Puritans.
Ithaca, N.Y : Published for the Folger Shakespeare Library (by) Cornell University Press, (1964).
Girling, F. A.,
English merchants' marks : a field survey of marks made by merchants and tradesmen in England between 1400 and 1700.
London ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1964.
Lerner, Laurence.,
Shakespeare's tragedies : a selection of modern criticism / edited by Laurence Lerner.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1963.
Dutton, Ralph, 1898-,
English court life : from Henry VII to George II.
London : B.T. Batsford, (1963).
Landry, Hilton.,
Interpretations in Shakespeare's sonnets / Hilton Landry.
Berkeley : University of California Press, 1963.
Lawson, John, 1913-,
A town grammar school through six centuries : a history of Hull Grammar School against its local background.
London ; New York : Published for the University of Hull by Oxford University Press, 1963.
Eburne, Richard.,
A plain pathway to plantations (1624) / Edited by Louis B. Wright.
Ithaca, N.Y : Published for the Folger Shakespeare Library by Cornell University Press, (1962).
Lambarde, William| Read, Conyers, 1881-1959.,
William Lambarde and local government : his "Ephemeris" and twenty-nine charges to juries and commissions / Edited by Conyers Read.
Ithaca, N.Y : Published for the Folger Shakespeare Library by Cornell University Press, (1962).
Green, William, 1926-,
Shakespeare's Merry wives of Windsor / by William Green.
Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1962.
Gittings, Robert.,
Shakespeare's rival : a study in three parts / by Robert Gittings.
London : Heinemann, (1960).
Gomes, Eugênio
Shakespeare no Brasil / Eugenio Gomes.
(Rio de Janeiro) : Ministe´rio da Educa|ca~o e Cultura, Servi|co de Documenta|ca~o, [1961].
Eccles, Mark
Shakespeare in Warwickshire / Mark Eccles.
Madison, Wis. : University of Wisconsin Press, 1961.
LaMar, Virginia A.,
Travel and roads in England / Virginia A. LaMar
Washington : Folger Shakespeare Library, 1960.
Holmes, Martin Rivington
Shakespeare's public : the touchstone of his genius / Martin Holmes.
London : J. Murray, [1960].
Handover, P. M.,
The second Cecil : the rise to power, 1563-1604 of Sir Robert Cecil, late first earl of Salisbury / P. M. Handover.
(London) : Eyre Spottiswoode, 1959.
Joseph, Bertram Leon
The tragic actor.
London : Routledge and Paul, 1959.
Fairfax-Lucy, Alice, 1908-,
Charlecote and the Lucys : the chronicle of an English family.
London : Oxford University Press, 1958.
Dickey, Franklin M.,
Not wisely but too well : Shakespeare's love tragedies / Franklin M. Dickey.
San Marino[California] : The Huntington Library, 1966.
Findlater, Richard, 1921-,
Michael Redgrave, actor / by Richard Findlater. With an introd. by Harold Clurman.
London : W. Heinemann, (1956).
Hartmann, Cyril Hughes, 1896-,
Enchanting Bellamy.
London : Heinemann, (1956).
Donald, Maxwell Bruce
Elizabethan copper : the history of the Company of Mines Royal, 1568-1605.
London : Pergamon Press, 1955.
Dobson, George| Horsman, E.A. (Ernest Alan), 1918-,
Dobson's drie bobbes : a story of sixteenth century Durham / edited by E. A. Horsman.
London : Oxford University Press, 1955.
Harbage, Alfred, 1901-,
Theatre for Shakespeare / Alfred Harbage.
(Toronto) : University of Toronto Press, (c1955).
Keown, Eric, 1904-,
Peggy Ashcroft : an illustrated study of her work, with a list of her appearances on stage and screen.
London : Rockliff, (1955).
Halliday, FE
The poetry of Shakespeare's plays / F. E. Halliday.
London : Duckworth, 1954.
Hunt, Hugh Sydney
Old Vic prefaces : Shakespeare and the producer / Hugh Hunt.
(London) : Routledge Paul, (1954).
Levin, Harry, 1912-,
The overreacher : a study of Christopher Marlowe / Harry Levin.
London : Faber Faber, 1954.
Edwards, Arthur Charles., | Essex Record Office,
English history from Essex sources, 1550-1750 / Prepared for the Records Committee by A. C. Edwards.
Chelmsford : County Council of Essex, 1952.
Hutton, Thomas Winter.,
King Edward's School, Birmingham, 1552-1952 / T.W. Hutton.
Oxford : Blackwell, (1952).
Kemp, Thomas C., | Trewin, John Courtenay
The Stratford festival : a history of the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre / by T. C. Kemp and J. C. Trewin.
Birmingham : Cornish Bros, 1953.
Eliot, Thomas Stearns| Fluchère, Henri
Shakespeare / by Henri Fluchere ; translated by Guy Hamilton ; with a foreword by T.S. Eliot.
London : Longmans, Green, 1953.
Hole, Christina
The English housewife in the seventeenth century / Christina Hole.
London : Chatto Windus, 1953.
Findlater, Richard, 1921-,
The unholy trade / by Richard Findlater.
London : Gollancz, 1952.
Isaac, Winifred F. E. C.,
Alfred Wareing : a biography / With forewords by James Bridie and others.
[London : publisher not identified, 1951]
Greg, WW
The editorial problem in Shakespeare : a survey of the foundations of the text.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1951.
Greg, WW
The editorial problem in Shakespeare : a survey of the foundations of the text.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1951.
Harbage, Alfred, 1901-,
Shakespeare and the rival traditions / by Alfred Harbage.
New York : Macmillan, 1952.
Hosking, George Llewellyn| Barnes, Ronald
The life and times of Edward Alleyn : actor, master of the King's bears, founder of the College of God's Gift at Dulwich : With a brief account of the foundation up to its remodelling in 1857 and a note on the picture galley / by G.L. Hosking ; With a foreword by Lord Gorell.
London : Cape, [1952]
Woods, Mary A.,
Studies in Shakespeare for his tercentenary / by Mary A. Woods.
London : Truslove and Hanson, 1916.
Disher, Maurice Willson, 1893-,
Mad genius : a biography of Edmund Kean with particular reference to the women who made and unmade him.
London ; New York : Hutchinson, 1950.
Hotson, Leslie
Shakespeare's sonnets dated and other essays / Leslie Hotson.
London : Rupert Hart-Davis, 1949.
Duthie, George Ian.,
Elizabethan shorthand and the first quarto of King Lear / by George Ian Duthie.
Oxford : B. Blackwell, 1949.
Hudson, Lynton Alfred, 1886-,
The English stage, 1850-1950 / by Lynton Hudson.
London : Harrap, [1951].
Heppenstall, Rayner, 1911-, | Innes, Michael, 1906-,
Three tales of Hamlet / by Rayner Heppenstall and Michael Innes (pseud.).
London : Gollancz, 1950.
Farnham, Willard.,
Shakespeare's tragic frontier : the world of his final tragedies / By Willard Farnham.
Berkeley : University of California Press, 1950.
Huhner, Max, 1873-1947,
Shakespeare's Hamlet / by Max Huhner.
New York : Farrar, Straus, [1950]
Flatter, Richard, 1891-1960.,
The Moor of Venice / by Richard Flatter.
London : Heinemann, (1950).
Fox, Levi
Stratford-upon-Avon / with drawings by Horace Wright and a foreword by Fordham Flower.
Bristol : Garland Press, (1949).
Fox, Levi
Shakespeare's town, Stratford-upon-Avon : a pictorical record with historical introduction and descriptions.
Coventry, Eng : H. J. Busst, 1949.
Gill, Maud.,
See the players / With a foreword by Sir Cedric Hardwicke.
Birmingham (Eng.) : G. Ronald, (1948).
Flatter, Richard, 1891-1960.,
Hamlet's father / by Richard Flatter.
New Haven : Yale University Press, 1949.
Hole, Christina
English sports and pastimes / by Christina Hole.
London ; New York : B.T. Batsford, 1949.
Hobson, Harold, Sir.,
Theatre / Harold Hobson.
London, New York : Longmans, Green, [1948].
Galbraith, Vivian Hunter
Studies in the public records.
London ; New York : T. Nelson, (1948).
Dobbs, Leonard George, 1902-1945., | Kingsmill Lunn, Hugh
Shakespeare revealed / Ed. with an introductory memoir by Hugh Kingsmill (pseud.).
London ; New York : Skeffington, [1948].
Fraser, Mickie F. K.,
Alexandra Theatre : the story of a popular playhouse / by M.F.K. Fraser.
Birmingham : Cornish Bros, [1948]
Fox, Levi
Coventry's heritage : an introduction to the history of the city / Levi Fox.
(Coventry) : Coventry Evening Telegraph, (1947).
Flatter, Richard, 1891-1960.,
Shakespeare's producing hand : a study of his marks of expression to be found in the First folio / by Richard Flatter.
London : William Heinemann, 1948.
Ellis, Ruth.,
The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre / Ruth Ellis.
London : Winchester Publications, 1948.
Ellis, Ruth.,
The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre / Ruth Ellis.
London : Winchester Publications, 1948.
Ellis, Ruth.,
The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre / Ruth Ellis.
London : Winchester Publications, 1948.
Ellis, Ruth.,
The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre / Ruth Ellis.
London : Winchester Publications, 1948.
Beaumont, Cyril William| Browse, Lillian., | Hurry, Leslie
Leslie Hurry, settings costumes for Sadler's Wells ballets : Hamlet (1942), Le lac des cygnes, and the Old Vic Hamlet (1944) / With an introduction by Cyril W. Beaumont. Edited by Lillian Browse.
(London) : Pub. for the Shenval press by Faber and Faber limited, (1946).
Dodd, Alfred.,
The martyrdom of Francis Bacon / being a close inquiry into the circumstances surrounding his "fall" as lord chancellor. The evidence now adduced proves conclusively that he was the victim of a plot. A remarkable story is revealed, told with vivid fidelity to the facts of the times, how an innocent man, the greatest genius in history, was forced to "Desert his Defence" under duress, and to enter a plea of "Guilty" to charges of corruption and bribery at the express command of King James. By Alfred Dodd.
London ; New York (etc.) : Rider co, (1945?).
Forbes-Winslow, D.,
Daly's : the biography of a theatre / by D. Forbes-Winslow.
London : W. H. Allen, 1944.
Kemp, Thomas C., | Jackson, Barry Vincent
Birmingham repertory theatre : the playhouse and the man / by Thomas C.Kemp ; with a foreword by Sir Barry Jackson.
Birmingham : Cornish Brothers, 1944.
Kernodle, George Riley, 1907-,
From art to theatre : form and convention in the Renaissance / George R. Kernodle.
Chicago : University of Chicago press, [1944]
Kennedy, Milton Boone.,
The oration in Shakespeare / Milton Boone Kennedy.
Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, 1942.
Jourdain, Silvester, d. 1650.,
A discovery of the Barmudas (1610) / by Silvester Jourdain; with an introduction by Joseph Quincy Adams.
New York, N. Y : Scholars' facsimiles reprints, 1940.
Gruner, E. Hamilton., | Jaggard, William
With golden quill : a cavalcade, depicting Shakespeare's life and times. In three acts / by E. Hamilton Gruner. With a Tudor cameo (as preamble) by William Jaggard. Illustrated with twenty portraits and views of early Stratford, old London, c.
Statford-on-Avon : The Shakespeare Press, [1936].
Greg, WW
The variants in the first quarto of King Lear' : a bibliographical and critical inquiry / by W. W. Greg.
London : Printed for the Bibliographical society at the University press, Oxford, 1940 (for 1939).
Coles, Blanche., | Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare studies: Julius Caesar / by Blanche Coles.
New York : R.R. Smith, 1940.
Hardman, David.,
What about Shakespeare / By David Hardman.
London ; New York : Nelson, [1938].
Anthony, Gordon| Saint-Denis, Michel
John Gielgud : camera studies / by Gordon Anthony, with an introduction by Michel Saint-Denis.
London : G. Bles, (1938).
Lisle, John.,
Warwickshire / / by John Lisle, with twelve illustrations.
London : F. Muller, ltd, 1936.
Lanchester, Elsa, 1902-,
Charles Laughton and I / by Elsa Lanchester.
(London) : Faber and Faber limited, (1938).
Kelly, Francis Michael, 1879-1945.,
Shakespearian costume for stage and screen / by F.M. Kelly ... with nine plates and ninety three line drawings.
London : A. and C. Black, 1938.
Hotson, Leslie
I, William Shakespeare, do appoint Thomas Russell,esquire / by Leslie Hotson.
London : Jonathan Cape, 1937.
Galbraith, Vivian Hunter
An introduction to the use of the public records : by V. H. Galbraith.
Oxford : The Clarendon press, 1934.
Granville-Barker, Harley| Harrison, George Bagshawe
A companion to Shakespeare studies / edited by Harley Granville-Barker and G. B. Harrison.
New York ; Cambridge, Eng : The Macmillan company : The University press, 1934.
Holland, Hubert Henry, 1873-,
Shakespeare, Oxford and Elizabethan times / by Rear-Admiral H. H. Holland.
London : D. Archer, 1933.
Harrison, George Bagshawe
Shakespeare at work, 1592-1603 / by G. B. Harrison.
London : Routledge, 1933.
Guthrie, Tyrone
Theatre prospect / Tyrone Guthrie.
London : Wishart, 1932.
Douglas, Alfred Bruce, Lord, 1870-1945.,
The true history of Shakespeare's sonnets / by Lord Alfred Douglas.
London : M. Secker, 1933.
Foss, George Rose, 1859-1938.,
What the author meant / by George R. Foss.
London : Oxford university press, H. Milford, 1932.
Donnelly, Ignatius
The great cryptogram : Francis Bacon's cipher in the so-called Shakespeare plays / by Ignatius Donnelly. Vol.1.
London : Sampson Low, Marston, Searle Rivington, 1888.
Donnelly, Ignatius
The great cryptogram : Francis Bacon's cipher in the so-called Shakespeare plays / by Ignatius Donnelly. Vol.1.
London : Sampson Low, Marston, Searle Rivington, 1888.
Douglas, Montagu William, 1863-,
The Earl of Oxford as "Shakespeare" : an outline of the case / by Lieut.-Colonel Montagu W. Douglas.
(London) : C. Palmer, (1931).
Goldsworthy, W. Lansdown (William Lansdown),
Ben Jonson and the first folio / by W. Lansdown Goldsworthy.
[London] : G. Palmer, [1931]
Frisbee, George.,
Edward De Vere, a great Elizabethan / by George Frisbee.
(London) : C. Palmer, (1931).
Doran, Madeleine, 1905-, | Stanford University,
The text of King Lear / by Madeleine Doran.
Stanford University, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1931.
Eagle, Roderick L. (Roderick Lewis), b. 1887.,
Shakespeare : new views for old / by Roderick Eagle.
London : C. Palmer, (1930).
Granville-Barker, Harley
On dramatic method / being the Clark lectures for 1930 / by Harley Granville-Barker.
London : Sidgwick Jackson, ltd, 1931.
Granville-Barker, Harley
A national theatre / by Harley Granville-Barker.
London : Sidgwick Jackson, Ltd, 1930.
Forrest, Henry Telford Stonor, 1870-,
The original "Venus Adonis" / by H. T. S. Forrest.
London : John Lane, [1930].
Fripp, Edgar Innes
Shakespeare studies : biographical and literary / by Edgar I. Fripp.
Oxford : London : Oxford University Press ; Humphrey Milford, 1930.
Fripp, Edgar Innes
Shakespeare studies : biographical and literary / by Edgar I. Fripp.
Oxford : London : Oxford University Press ; Humphrey Milford, 1930.
Fripp, Edgar Innes
Shakespeare studies : biographical and literary / by Edgar I. Fripp.
Oxford : London : Oxford University Press ; Humphrey Milford, 1930.
Fripp, Edgar Innes
Shakespeare studies : biographical and literary / by Edgar I. Fripp.
Oxford : London : Oxford University Press ; Humphrey Milford, 1930.
Hartmann, Louis.,
Theatre lighting : a manual of the stage switchboard / by Louis Hartmann ; foreword by David Belasco.
New York, London : D. Appleton and company, 1930.
Fripp, Edgar Innes
Shakespeare's haunts near Stratford / by Edgar I. Fripp.
London : Oxford University Press, H. Milford, 1929.
Fripp, Edgar Innes
Shakespeare's haunts near Stratford / by Edgar I. Fripp.
London : Oxford University Press, H. Milford, 1929.
Fripp, Edgar Innes
Shakespeare's haunts near Stratford / by Edgar I. Fripp.
London : Oxford University Press, H. Milford, 1929.
Fripp, Edgar Innes
Shakespeare's haunts near Stratford / by Edgar I. Fripp.
London : Oxford University Press, H. Milford, 1929.
Lawrence, William John
Shakespeare's workshop / by W.J. Lawrence.
Oxford : Blackwell, 1928.
Fripp, Edgar Innes
Shakespeare's Stratford / by Edgar I. Fripp.
London : Oxford University Press, 1928.
Fripp, Edgar Innes
Shakespeare's Stratford / by Edgar I. Fripp.
London : Oxford University Press, 1928.
Fripp, Edgar Innes
Shakespeare's Stratford / by Edgar I. Fripp.
London : Oxford University Press, 1928.
Fripp, Edgar Innes
Shakespeare's Stratford / by Edgar I. Fripp.
London : Oxford University Press, 1928.
Gray, Arthur, 1852-1940.,
A chapter in the early life of Shakespeare : Polesworth in Arden / by Arthur Gray.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1926.
Harman, Edward George
The "impersonality" of Shakespeare / examined and discussed by the late Edward George Harman, C. B.
London : C. Palmer, (1925).
Haines, Charles Moline., | Shakespeare Association (Great Britain),
Shakespeare in France : criticism : Voltaire to Victor Hugo / by C. M. Haines.
London : Published for the Shakespeare Association, by H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1925.
Hotson, Leslie
The death of Christopher Marlowe / by J. Leslie Hotson.
London ; Cambridge : The Nonesuch Press : Harvard University Press, 1925.
Lawrence, Basil Edwin
Notes on the authorship of the Shakespeare plays and poems / by Basil E. Lawrence.
London : Gay and Hancock, 1925.
Forbes-Robertson, Johnston
A player under three reigns.
London : T. Fisher Unwin, (1925).
Fripp, Edgar Innes
Master Richard Quyny : bailiff of Stratford-upon-Avon and friend of William Shakespeare / by Edgar I. Fripp.
London : Oxford University Press, H. Milford, 1924.
Harker, Joseph Cunningham, 1855-,
Studio and stage / by Joseph Harker; with an introduction by Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson.
London : Nisbet Co, [1924].
Chamberlin, Frederick Carleton, b. 1870., | Elizabeth I,
The sayings of Queen Elizabeth / by Frederick Chamberlin ... with two illustrations in colour.
London ; New York : John Lane : Dodd, Mead and Company, (1923).
Kellett, E. E. (Ernest Edward), 1864-1950.,
Suggestions: literary essays / by E. E. Kellett.
Cambridge (Eng.) : The University press, 1923.
Houghton, Frederick Tyrie Sidney
Worcestershire / by F.T.S. Houghton, with twenty-four illustrations, two plans and two maps.
London : Methuen co. ltd, (1922).
Lee, Sidney
A life of William Shakespeare / by Sidney Lee; with portraits and facsimiles.
London : J. Murray, 1922.
Lee, Sidney
A life of William Shakespeare / by Sidney Lee; with portraits and facsimiles.
London : J. Murray, 1922.
Fleay, Frederick Gard, 1831-1909.,
Shakespeare manual / by F.G.Fleay.
London : Macmillan and Co, 1876.
Jacox, Francis, 1825-1897.,
Shakspeare diversions : second series, from Dogberry to Hamlet / by Francis Jacox.
London : Daldy, Isbister, co, 1877.
Jacox, Francis, 1825-1897.,
Shakspeare diversions : second series, from Dogberry to Hamlet / by Francis Jacox.
London : Daldy, Isbister, co, 1877.
Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard
An introduction to Shakespeare's Midsummer night's dream / by James Orchard Halliwell.
London : W. Pickering, 1841.
Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard
An introduction to Shakespeare's Midsummer night's dream / by James Orchard Halliwell.
London : W. Pickering, 1841.
Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard
Memoranda on the Midsummer night's dream, A.D. 1879 and A.D. 1855 / by J.O. Halliwell-Phillipps.
Brighton : Printed by Messrs. Fleet and Bishop, 1879.
Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard
Memoranda on the tragedy of Hamlet / by J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps.
London : J.E. Adlard, 1879.
Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard
Memoranda on the tragedy of Hamlet / by J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps.
London : J.E. Adlard, 1879.
Conolly, John
A study of Hamlet / By John Conolly.
London : E. Moxon Co, 1863.
Conolly, John
A study of Hamlet / By John Conolly.
London : E. Moxon Co, 1863.
Conolly, John
A study of Hamlet / By John Conolly.
London : E. Moxon Co, 1863.
Harries, Frederick J (Frederick James), b. 1865.,
Shakespeare and the Welsh / by Frederick J. Harries.
London : T. F. Unwin, 1919].
Harries, Frederick J (Frederick James), b. 1865.,
Shakespeare and the Welsh / by Frederick J. Harries.
London : T. F. Unwin, 1919].
Harries, Frederick J (Frederick James), b. 1865.,
Shakespeare and the Welsh / by Frederick J. Harries.
London : T. F. Unwin, 1919].
Ellacombe, Henry Nicholson
Shakespeare as an angler / By Rev. H. N. Ellacombe.
London : E. Stock, 1883.
Grinfield, Thomas, 1788-1870.,
Remarks on the moral influence of Shakspeare's plays : with illustrations from Hamlet / By the Rev. Thomas Grinfield, M.A.
London : Longman, Brown, and co.; (etc., etc.), 1850.
Kemble, Fanny
Notes upon some of Shakespeare's plays / by Frances Anne Kemble.
London : R. Bentley Son, 1882.
Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard
Memoranda on Love's labour's lost, King John, Othello, and on Romeo and Juliet / by. J.O. Halliwell-Phillipps....
London : Printed by J.E. Adlard, 1879.
Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard
Memoranda on All's well that ends well, The two gentlemen of Verona, Much ado about nothing, and on Titus Andronicus / by J.O. Halliwell-Phillipps....
Brighton : Printed by Messrs. Fleet and Bishop, 1879.
Griffiths, Lemuel Matthews
Evenings with Shakspere : A handbook to the study of his works, with suggestions for the consideration of other Elizabethan literature and containing special help for Shakspere societies / L.M. Griffiths, honorary secretary of the Clifton Shakspere Society.
Bristol : J. W. Arrowsmith, 1889.
Elze, Karl, 1821-1889., | Schmitz, L. Dora.,
Essays on Shakespeare / by Karl Elze ; translated with the author's sanction by L. Dora Schmitz.
London : Macmillan, 1874.
Feis, Jacob.,
Shakspere and Montaigne : an endeavour to explain the tendency of 'Hamlet' from allusions in contemporary works / By Jacob Feis.
London : K. Paul, Trench, Co, 1884.
Hunter, Robert E., | Shakespeare Tercentenary Committee,
Shakespeare and Stratford-upon-Avon, a "chronicle of the time" : comprising the salient facts and traditions, biographical, topographical, and historical, connected with the poet and his birth-place; together with a full record of the Tercentenary celebration / By Robert E. Hunter, late secretary to the Stratford-upon-Avon Committee.
London : Whittaker and co; (etc., etc.), 1864.
Hunter, Robert E., | Shakespeare Tercentenary Committee,
Shakespeare and Stratford-upon-Avon, a "chronicle of the time" : comprising the salient facts and traditions, biographical, topographical, and historical, connected with the poet and his birth-place; together with a full record of the Tercentenary celebration / By Robert E. Hunter, late secretary to the Stratford-upon-Avon Committee.
London : Whittaker and co; (etc., etc.), 1864.
Hunter, Robert E., | Shakespeare Tercentenary Committee,
Shakespeare and Stratford-upon-Avon, a "chronicle of the time" : comprising the salient facts and traditions, biographical, topographical, and historical, connected with the poet and his birth-place; together with a full record of the Tercentenary celebration / By Robert E. Hunter, late secretary to the Stratford-upon-Avon Committee.
London : Whittaker and co; (etc., etc.), 1864.
Hunter, Robert E., | Shakespeare Tercentenary Committee,
Shakespeare and Stratford-upon-Avon, a "chronicle of the time" : comprising the salient facts and traditions, biographical, topographical, and historical, connected with the poet and his birth-place; together with a full record of the Tercentenary celebration / By Robert E. Hunter, late secretary to the Stratford-upon-Avon Committee.
London : Whittaker and co; (etc., etc.), 1864.
Hunter, Robert E., | Shakespeare Tercentenary Committee,
Shakespeare and Stratford-upon-Avon, a "chronicle of the time" : comprising the salient facts and traditions, biographical, topographical, and historical, connected with the poet and his birth-place; together with a full record of the Tercentenary celebration / By Robert E. Hunter, late secretary to the Stratford-upon-Avon Committee.
London : Whittaker and co; (etc., etc.), 1864.
Hunter, Robert E., | Shakespeare Tercentenary Committee,
Shakespeare and Stratford-upon-Avon, a "chronicle of the time" : comprising the salient facts and traditions, biographical, topographical, and historical, connected with the poet and his birth-place; together with a full record of the Tercentenary celebration / By Robert E. Hunter, late secretary to the Stratford-upon-Avon Committee.
London : Whittaker and co; (etc., etc.), 1864.
Hunter, Robert E., | Shakespeare Tercentenary Committee,
Shakespeare and Stratford-upon-Avon, a "chronicle of the time" : comprising the salient facts and traditions, biographical, topographical, and historical, connected with the poet and his birth-place; together with a full record of the Tercentenary celebration / By Robert E. Hunter, late secretary to the Stratford-upon-Avon Committee.
London : Whittaker and co; (etc., etc.), 1864.
Hamley, Edward Bruce
Shakespeare's funeral and other papers / by Sir Edward Hamley.
Edinburgh ; London : W. Blackwood, 1889.
Hamley, Edward Bruce
Shakespeare's funeral and other papers / by Sir Edward Hamley.
Edinburgh ; London : W. Blackwood, 1889.
Collier, John Payne
Notes and emendations to the text of Shakespeare's plays : from early manuscript corrections in a copy of the folio, 1632, in the possession of J. Payne Collier ... forming a supplemental volume to the works of Shakespeare by the same editor, in eight volumes, octavo.
London : Whittaker and co, 1853.
Collier, John Payne
Notes and emendations to the text of Shakespeare's plays : from early manuscript corrections in a copy of the folio, 1632, in the possession of J. Payne Collier ... forming a supplemental volume to the works of Shakespeare by the same editor, in eight volumes, octavo.
London : Whittaker and co, 1853.
Collier, John Payne
Notes and emendations to the text of Shakespeare's plays : from early manuscript corrections in a copy of the folio, 1632, in the possession of J. Payne Collier ... forming a supplemental volume to the works of Shakespeare by the same editor, in eight volumes, octavo.
London : Whittaker and co, 1853.
Collier, John Payne
Notes and emendations to the text of Shakespeare's plays : from early manuscript corrections in a copy of the folio, 1632, in the possession of J. Payne Collier ... forming a supplemental volume to the works of Shakespeare by the same editor, in eight volumes, octavo.
London : Whittaker and co, 1853.
Collier, John Payne
New facts regarding the life of Shakespeare : in a letter to Thomas Amyot... / from J. Payne Collier....
London : Thomas Rodd, 1835.
Ditchfield, Peter Hampson
The England of Shakespeare / by P. H. Ditchfield.
London : Methuen, (1917).
Geikie, Archibald
The birds of Shakespeare / by Sir Archibald Geikie.
Glasgow : J. Maclehose and sons, 1916.
Kenny, Thomas.,
The life and genius of Shakespeare / By Thomas Kenny.
London : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green, 1864.
Hart, Joseph C.,
The romance of yachting : voyage the first / by Joseph C. Hart.
New York : Harper brothers, 1848.
Shakespeare Society, | Halpin, Nicholas John
Oberon's vision in the Midsummer-night's dream : illustrated by a comparison with Lylie's Endymion / by the Rev. N. J. Halpin.
London : Printed for the Shakespeare society, 1843.
Greenwood, Granville George
Is there a Shakespeare problem? : witha reply to Mr. J.M. Robertson and Mr. Andrew Lang / by G. G. Greenwood....
London : John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1916.
Shakespeare, William| Greenhill, James., | Harrison, William Anthony| Furnivall, Frederick James, 1825-1910.,
A list of all the songs passages in Shakspere : which have been set to music / (William Shakespeare) ; compiled by J. Greenhill, The Rev. W. A. Harrison, and F. J. Furnivall ; the words in old spelling, from the quartos and first folio, edited by F. J. Furnivall and W. G. Stone.
London : Truêbner, 1884.
Lawrence, William John| Brooke, Gustavus Vaughan
The life of Gustavus Vaughan Brooke : tragedian / By W. J. Lawrence.
Belfast : W. G. Baird, 1892.
Hales, John Wesley
Notes and essays on Shakespeare / by JohnW. Hales.
London : G. Bell and sons, 1884.
Doran, Dr. (John), 1807-1878.,
The history of court fools / by Dr. Doran.
London : R. Bentley, 1858.
Hazlitt, William Carew
Shakespear, himself and his work : a biographical study / by W. Carew Hazlitt.
London : B. Quaritch, 1912.
Howells, William Dean, 1837-1920.,
The seen and unseen at Stratford-on-Avon : a fantasy / by W.D. Howells.
New York ; London : Harper Brothers, 1914.
Howells, William Dean, 1837-1920.,
The seen and unseen at Stratford-on-Avon : a fantasy / by W.D. Howells.
New York ; London : Harper Brothers, 1914.
Howells, William Dean, 1837-1920.,
The seen and unseen at Stratford-on-Avon : a fantasy / by W.D. Howells.
New York ; London : Harper Brothers, 1914.
Howells, William Dean, 1837-1920.,
The seen and unseen at Stratford-on-Avon : a fantasy / by W.D. Howells.
New York ; London : Harper Brothers, 1914.
Grinfield, Charles Vaughan.,
A pilgrimage to Stratford-upon-Avon : the birthplace of Shakspeare.
London : Longman, Brown co, (etc., etc.) 1850.
Kennard, Nina H.,
Rachel / by Mrs. Arthur Kennard.
London : W. H. Allen co, 1885.
Lang, Andrew
Shakespeare, Bacon, and the great unknown / by Andrew Lang ; with eight illustrations.
London : Longmans, Green and co, 1912.
Baillot, A| Hugo, Victor Marie
William Shakespeare / By Victor Hugo ... Authorized copyright English translation, by A. Baillot.
London : Hurst and Blackett, 1864.
Harris, Mary Dormer
The Story of Coventry / by Mary Dormer Harris; illustrated by Albert Chanler.
London : J. M. Dent, 1911.
Law, Ernest Philip Alphonse
Shakespeare as a groom of the Chamber / by Ernest Law.
London : G. Bell and Sons, 1910.
Law, Ernest Philip Alphonse
Shakespeare as a groom of the Chamber / by Ernest Law.
London : G. Bell and Sons, 1910.
Lee, Sidney| Shakespeare Birthplace Trust,
Four quarto editions of plays by Shakespeare : the property of the Trustees and Guardians of Shakespeare's Birthplace / described by Sidney Lee ... with five Illustrations in Fac-simile [sic]
Stratford-upon-Avon : The Trustees and guardians of Shakespeare's birthplace, 1908.
Harting, James Edmund, 1841-1928.,
The birds of Shakespeare / critically examined, explained, and illustrated by James Edmund Harting.
London : J. Van Voorst, 1871.
Gomme, George Laurence, 1853-1916.,
Index of municipal offices / comp. from the appendixes to the first report of the commissioners appointed to inquire into the municipal corporations in England and Wales, 1835. With an historical introduction. By G. Laurence Gomme.
London : Pub. for the Index society by Longmans, Green co, 1879.
Fitzgerald, Percy Hetherington
Shakespearean representation : its laws and limits / by Percy Fitzgerald.
London : E. Stock, 1908.
Fitzgerald, Percy Hetherington
Shakespearean representation : its laws and limits / by Percy Fitzgerald.
London : E. Stock, 1908.
Foster, John.,
A Shakespeare word-book : being a glossary of archaic forms and varied usages of words employed by Shakespeare cby John Foster.
London ; New York : Routledge : Dutton, (1908).
Fox-Davies, A. C. (Arthur Charles),
Heraldic badges / by Arthur Charles Fox-Davies.
London ; New York : J. Lane : J. Lane company, 1907.
Holland, Clive, 1866-1959., | Whitehead, Frederick William Newton
Warwickshire / painted by Frederick Whitehead; described by Clive Holland.
London : A. C. Black, 1906.
Kilbourne, Frederick Wilkinson, 1872-,
Alterations and adaptations of Shakespeare / by Frederick W. Kilbourne, PH. D.
Boston : The Poet lore company, 1906.
Gerard, John
What was the Gunpowder Plot? : the traditional story tested by original evidence / by John Gerard.
London : Osgood, McIlvaine Co, 1897.
Fitzgerald, Percy Hetherington
The Garrick club / by Percy Hetherington.
London : E. Stock, 1904.
Ingram, John Henry, 1842-1916.,
Christopher Marlowe and his associates / by John H. Ingram.
London : G. Richards, 1904.
Colvile, Frederick Leigh, 1819-1886.,
The worthies of Warwickshire who lived between 1500 and 1800 / By the Rev. Frederick Leigh Colvile.
Warwick ; London : H.T. Cooke and son : J.R. Smith, (1870).
Colvile, Frederick Leigh, 1819-1886.,
The worthies of Warwickshire who lived between 1500 and 1800 / By the Rev. Frederick Leigh Colvile.
Warwick ; London : H.T. Cooke and son : J.R. Smith, (1870).
An historical account of the New Place, Stratford-upon-Avon, the last residence of Shakespeare / by James O. Halliwell.
London : Printed by J.E. Adlard, 1864.
Dudley, Robert| Burgoyne, Frank James
History of Queen Elizabeth, Amy Robsart and the Earl of Leicester : being a reprint of "Leycesters commonwealth", 1641 / edited by Frank J. Burgoyne.
London ; New York : Longmans, Green, 1904.
Garnett, Richard, 1835-1906.,
William Shakespeare, pedagogue poacher : a drama / by Richard Garnett.
London ; New York : J. Lane, 1905.
Garnett, Richard, 1835-1906.,
William Shakespeare, pedagogue poacher : a drama / by Richard Garnett.
London ; New York : J. Lane, 1905.
Collins, John Churton
Studies in Shakespeare / by J. Churton Collins.
Westminster : A. Constable, 1904.
Heine, Heinrich, 1797-1856., | Benecke, Ida
Heine on Shakespeare : a translation of his Notes on Shakespeare heroines / by Ida Benecke.
London : A. Constable, 1895.
Lee, Sidney
The alleged vandalism at Stratford-on-Avon / by Sidney Lee with twelve illustrations.
Westminster : A. Constable co., ltd, 1903.
Lee, Sidney
The alleged vandalism at Stratford-on-Avon / by Sidney Lee with twelve illustrations.
Westminster : A. Constable co., ltd, 1903.
Lee, Sidney
The alleged vandalism at Stratford-on-Avon / by Sidney Lee with twelve illustrations.
Westminster : A. Constable co., ltd, 1903.
Dyce, Alexander, 1798-1869.,
Strictures on Mr. Collier's new edition of Shakespeare, 1858 / by the Rev. Alexander Dyce.
London : J.R. Smith, 1859.
Higgins, Sophia Elizabeth
The Bernards of Abington and Nether Winchendon : a family history / by Mrs. Napier Higgins.
London ; New York (etc.) : Longmans, Green, and co, 1903-04.
Lloyd, William Watkiss
Critical essays on the plays of Shakespeare / by William Watkiss Lloyd.
London : G. Bell and sons, 1875.