Shakespeare, William
Hamlet ; Much ado about nothing ; Richard III / edited by O.B. Davis ; Charles Church ; Philip Burnham.
[New York] : An Avon Book, [1964.
Shakespeare, William
The complete works of Shakespeare / edited by David Bevington.
New York ; Harlow : Longman, [1997].
Shakespeare, William
The complete plays / William Shakespeare ; [the editors: Stanley Wells... et al.]
London : Folio Society, 1988.
Upton, Chris.,
To be or not to be remembered : commemorating the bard of Stratford / Chris Upton.
[U.K. : West Midlands History, 2013]
Church of England, Archdeaconry of Barnstaple
Wills in the Archdeaconry Court of Barnstaple : 1506-1858 / edited by Cliff Webb.
London : British Record Society, [2013].
Lorenzen, Richard L.,
The history of the Prince of Wales's Theatre, London, 1771-1903 / Richard L. Lorenzen.
Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK : University of Hertfordshire Press, [2014].
Leifchild, Franklin.,
Hamlet : a new reading / [by Franklin Leifchild]
[U.K. : The Contemporary Review, 1883]
[Letters on Shakspeare [sic]].
[U.K.] : [Blackwood's Magazine], [1818].
Tung-Chi, Lin,
"Sullied" is the word : a note in Hamlet criticism / by Lin Tung-Chi.
Shanghai : Fudan English Studies, 1980.
Lufft, Hermann.,
Die Weltanschauung des "Hamlet" / Dr. Hermann Lufft.
Leipzig : Xenien Verlag, 1909.
McAlindon, T.,
Indecorum in Hamlet / by T. McAlindon.
[Dubuque : Wm. C. Brown Co., 1969]
Mackenzie, Henry.,
[Two essays on the character of Hamlet / Henry Mackenzie]
[U.K. : The Mirror, 1780.
Mad or not.
[U.K. : publisher not identified, 1868]
Mahony, J. W.,
Hamlet's mission : a critical enquiry into, and a defence of his mode of carrying out the command of the ghost / by J. W. Mahony.
Birmingham : Taylor and Son, 1875.
Mangasarian, Mangasar M.,
Hamlet : the drama of human destiny / Sermon by Mangasar M. Mangasarian.
Philadelphia : Wm. H. Bartholomew, [1887]
Meadows, Arthur.,
Hamlet : an essay / by Arthur Meadows.
Edinburgh : MacLachlan Stewart, 1871.
Meier, Konrad.,
Klassisches in Hamlet / [by Konrad Meier]
[Dresden : B. G. Teubner, 1907]
Montgomerie, William.,
More an antique Roman than a Dane / by William Montgomerie.
[U.K.] : [The Hibbert Journal], [1960].
Montgomerie, William.,
Review of 'The occult philosophy in the Elizabethan age', by Frances A. Yates / William Montgomerie.
[Midlothian] : [M. Macdonald], [1980].
Montgomery, Marshall.,
"Cursed Hebona" as Guaiacum officinale (or Lignum vitae) in Shakespeare's Hamlet, I, v. 62 / by Marshall Montgomery.
London : John Bale, Sons Danielsson, 1921.
Mueller, Johannes.,
Die politischen Anspielungen in Shakespeare's Hamlet / [Johannes Mueller]
[Berlin : Heinicke, 1864]
Murray, Gilbert.,
Hamlet and Orestes : a study in traditional types / by Gilbert Murray.
London : British Academy, 1914.
Hamlet clearly not mad.
[U.K. : New Shakespeare Society, 1882]
Nicholson, Brinsley
Was Hamlet mad? / by Dr. Brinsley Nicholson.
[U.K.] : [New Shakespeare Society], [1882].
Noire, Louis.,
Hamlet : zwei Vortraege / gehalten im Verein fuer Kunst und Literatur zu Mainz von Dr. Louis Noire.
Mainz : Verlag von Victor v. Zabern, 1856.
Oswald, Eugen.,
Hamlet und kein Ende : zur Geschichte des Hamlet-Dramas / [Eugen Oswald]
[Germany : Das Magazin fuer die Literature des In und Auslandes, 1881]
Perlmann, S. M.,
Hamlet an actor / by S. M. Perlmann.
London : R. Mazin Co., 1913.
Petronella, Vincent F.,
Hamlet's "To be or not to be" soliloquy : once more onto the breach / by Vincent F. Petronella.
[Boston : Boston State College, 1974]
Phialas, Peter G.,
Hamlet and the grave-maker / Peter G. Phialas.
[U.S.A. : Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 1964]
Proelss, Robert.,
Shakespeare's Hamlet / erlaeutert von Robert Proelss.
Leipzig : Ed. Wartig's Verlag, 1878.
Recent editions of Shakespeare.
[London] : [The Quarterly Review], [1847].
Rooney, Michael W.,
Hamlet, firest edition (1603) : the last leaf of the lately discovered copy, carefully reprinted, with a narrative of its discovery, remarks on its probable date - on the date of the first edition or Lear, and on the pirated quartos / by [Michael W. Rooney]
Dublin : Mr. W. Rooney, 1856.
Savage, DS
Alchemy in Shakespeare's Hamlet : an essay in creative interpretation / Mr. D. S. Savage.
[India : The Aryan Path, 1952]
Schaeffer, Charles C.,
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark : an earthquake of critic and criticisms / essay (with daigram) by Prof. C. C. Schaeffer.
Philadelphia : Charles, Brother Co., 1884.
Semler, Christian.,
Shakespeare's Hamlet / die Weltanschauung und der Styl des Dichters / von Dr. Christian Semler.
Leipzig : Ed. Wartig's Verlag, 1879.
Sister Joseph, Miriam.,
Hamlet, a Christian tragedy / by Sister Miriam Joseph.
[U.S.A.] : Studies in Philology, 1962.
Shainess, Natalie.,
Hamlet : the coup that failed / Natalie Shainess.
New York : Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, 1975.
Shakspeare [sic] in Germany : Shakspeare's [sic] tragedies, Hamlet.
[London] : Blackwood Magazine, [1835].
Sjoegren, Gunnar.,
"Get thee to a nunnery" / Gunnar Sjoegren.
[Stockholm : Moderna Sprak, 1959]
Sjoegren, Gunnar.,
How old is 'young Hamlet'? : a tentative soluntion of an old problem / [Gunnar Sjoegren]
[Oslo : Universitetsforlaget, 1962]
Sjoegren, Gunnar.,
"The stamp of one defect" / Gunnar Sjoegren.
[Germany : Zeitschrift fuer Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 1962]
Hanmer, Thomas
Some remarks on the tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, written by Mr. William Shakespeare / [ascribed to Sir Thomas Hanmer].
London : Printed for W. Wilkins, 1736.
Somers, Edward.,
An address on Hamlet's ecstasy : hysteria the true cause / delivered to the members of the Manchester Playgoers' Club by Dr. Edward Somers.
Manchester : M. Carr Co., [1925]
Stamm, Rudolf.,
The theatrical physiognomy of "The Spanish tragedy" and "Hamlet" / Rudolf Stamm.
[Roma] : [Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura], [1966].
Stefansson, Jan.,
Shakespeare at Elsinore / by Jan Stefansson.
London : Isbister and Company, 1896.
Stoll, Elmer Edgar.,
Hamlet and Iago / Elmer Edgar Stoll.
[Boston : Ginn Co., 1913]
Stoll, Elmer Edgar.,
Hamlet, the man / by Elmer Edgar Stoll.
[Oxford] : [Oxford University Press], 1935.
Stone, Brian 1919-, | Open University,
Hamlet / prepared by Brian Stone and Cicely Havely for the Arts Foundation Course Team.
Bletchley (Walton Hall, Bletchley, Bucks.) : Open University Press, [1971]
Storffrich, D. B.,
Psychologische Aufschluesse ueber Shakespeare's Hamlet / von D. B. Storffrich.
Bremen : Schuenemann's Buchhandlung, 1859.
Struve, Heinrich von.,
Hamlet : Eine Charakterstudie / von Dr. Heinrich von Struve.
Weimar : A. Huschke, 1876.
Striyenski, Casimir.,
Notes philologiques et litteraires sur Hamlet / par Casimir Striyenski.
Havre : Imprimerie du Journal le Havre, 1886.
Trahndorff, K. F. E.,
Ueber den Orestes der alten Tragoedie und den Hamlet des Shakespeare / [K. F. E. Trahndorff]
[Berlin : Gedruckt bei G. Reimer, 1833]
Tuerck, Hermann.,
Die Uebereinstimmung von Kuno Fischers und Hermann Tuercks Hamlet Erklaerung / von Hermann Tuerck.
Jena : Maukes Verlag, 1894.
Turgenev, Ivan
Hamlet and Don Quixote / an essay by Ivan Turgenev ; translated by Robert Nichols.
London : Hendersons, [1930]
Van Wart, Albert.,
Studies on the character of Hamlet / by Albert van Wart.
Sheffield : Sir W. C. Leng and Co., 1889.
Vincke, Gisbert von.,
Immermann's Einrichtung des Hamlet / von Gisbert Freiherrn Vinke.
[Germany : Jahrbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare Gesellschaft, 1886]
Vining, Edward P.,
Time in the play of Hamlet / by Edward P. Vinning.
[New York] : Press of New York Shakespeare Society, 1886.
Wade, Thomas.,
What does Hamlet mean? : a lecture. Delivered before the President and members of the Jersey Mechanics' Institute / by Thomas Wade.
London : Printed at the office of "The British Press", [1840].
Watts-Dunton, Theodore.,
"Hamlet" : critical comment / by Theodore Watts-Dunton.
[New York : Harper Brothers], 1904.
Whately, E. W.,
The character of Hamlet : a lecture / by the Rev. E. W. Whately.
Dublin : William Curry and Company, 1863.
Wood, Dyson W.,
Hamlet : from a psychological point of view / by W. Dyson Wood.
London : Longmans, 1870.
Zaubitz, H. M.,
[Shakespeares Hamlet / H. M. Zaubitz]
[Stuttgart : Cotta'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1859]
Zerbi, Rocco de.,
Amleto : studio psicologico / Rocco de Zerbi.
Torino : F. Casanova, 1880.
[Collection of articles from German periodicals from 1850s to 1880s relating to Hamlet]
[Germany] : [various publishers], [1850-1880].
Kening Hindrik de Fjirde / oerset fen S. D. Jong.
[Frisia : Moanneskrift fen de Fryske Bibleteek, 1929]
Shakespeare, William
King Henry IV : the first part. A historical play, in five acts / by William Shakespeare.
Edinburgh : Oliver and Boyd, [1812?]
Shakespeare, William
King Henry IV. Part 1 : a tragedy, in five acts / by William Shakspeare [sic]
London : John Cumberland, [1831]
Shakespeare, William
King Henry IV. Part 1 : a play, in five acts / by William Shakespeare.
London ; New York : Samuel French, [187-].
Shakespeare, William
King Henry IV. Part 1 : a play, in five acts / by William Shakespeare.
London ; New York : Samuel French, [187-].
Shakespeare, William
King Henry the Fourth, part I / arranged for performance at the A. D. C. Michaelmas Term, 1886.
Cambridge : University Press, 1886.
Jaggard, Gerald Quentin
An informative pamphlet on William Shakespeare's King Henry IV, Parts I II : containing the stories of the plays with notes on their stage and literary history and details of previous productions of special interest in 300 years... / written and published by G. Q. Jaggard.
Stratford-upon-Avon : G. Q. Jaggard, The Shakespeare Press, 1964.
Kipling, Rudyard.,
The marred drives of Windsor / by Rudyard Kipling.
[U.K.] : [Daily Mail], [1908].
Quartich, Bernard.,
An uknown manuscript analogue of Shakespeare's I Henry IV / [Bernard Quaritch Ltd]
[London : Bernard Quaritch, 1991]
Empson, William
Falstaff and Mr. Dover Wilson / William Empson.
[Ohio : The Kenyon Review, 1953]
MacIntyre, A.,
First part of Henry IV, act 2, scene 3 / [commentary by A. MacIntyre]
[place of publication unknown : publisher not identified, date not identified]
date unknown
"Madcap Harry" and Sir John Popham.
[U.K. : Walford's Antiquarian, 188-]
Michaels, Wendy.,
The theme of honour's tongue : a workshop approach to Henry IV, part 1 / Wendy Michaels ; edited by Peter Jones.
Rozelle : St. Clair Press, [1991].
Morgan, A. E.,
Some problems of Shakespeare's 'Henry the Fourth' : a paper read before the Shakespeare Association on Friday, November 23rd, 1922 / by A. E. Morgan.
[London] : [The De La More Press], 1922.
On the character of Sir John Falstaff.
[Edinburgh] : [Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine], [1852].
Picton, James A.,
Falstaff and his followers : a Shakespearean inquiry / by Jas. A. Picton.
[Manchester : Manchester Literary Club, 1881]
Shapter, William.,
The original of Falstaff / [by William Shapter].
[London] : [Longmans, Green, and Co.], [1899].
Stoll, Elmer Edgar.,
Falstaff / Elmer Edgar Stoll.
[Minneapolis] : [University of Minnesota], 1914.
Fisher, Sidney T
A letter to a university librarian on Sir John Falstaff / written by Sidney Fisher.
Montreal : Redpath Press, [1962]
Jenkins, Harold
The structural problem in Shakespeare's Henry the Fourth / by Harold Jenkins.
London : Methuen Co., [1956].
The second part of King Henry IV / by William Shakespeare.
London : Cassell, 1908.
King Henry IV, part II : an historical play, in five acts / by William Shakspeare [sic] ; revised by J. P. Kemble.
London : John Cumberland, [183-]
date unknown
King Henry IV, part II : an historical play, in five acts / by William Shakespeare ; with an illustration and remarks.
London ; New York : Samuel French ; Samuel French Son, [187-].
Phillimore, W. P.,
Shakespeare and Gloucestershire / by W. P. Phillimore.
London : Elliot Stock, 1881.
Stopes, Charlotte Carmichael
Justice Shallow : not intended as a satire on Sir Thomas Lucy / [by Charlotte Carmichael Stopes]
[London : Chapman Hall, 1903]
Shakespeare, William
King Henry the Fifth / by William Shakspeare [sic]
[U.K. : J. McCreeny for Robert Scholey, 1807]
Shakespeare, William
King Henry V : an historical play / by William Shakspeare.
London : Sherwood Co., 1849.
Shakespeare, William
King Henrythe Fifth : an historical play, in five acts / by William Shakespeare.
London ; New York : Samuel French ; Samuel French Son, [1862].
Calvert, Charles| Shakespeare, William
Shakspere's historical play of Henry the Fifth / as produced by Mr. George Rignold at Drury Lane Theatre, November 1st, 1879.
[London] : [Aubert's Steam Printing Works, 11, Maiden Lane, Strand], [1879].
Jaggard, Gerald Quentin
An informative pamphlet on William Shakespeare's King Henry V : containing the story of the play with notes on its stage and literary history and details of previous productions of special interest in 300 years... / written and published by G. Q. Jaggard.
Stratford-upon-Avon : G. Q. Jaggard, The Shakespeare Press, 1964.
Barnett, T. Duff
Notes on Shakespeare's play of King Henry V / by T. Duff Barnett.
London : George Bell and Sons, 1888.
Davison, Peter Hobley.,
Henry V in the context of the popular dramatic tradition / Peter Davison.
Winchester : King Alfred's College, 1981.
Lee, Sidney
Shakespeare's Henry V : an account and an estimate / by Sidney Lee.
London : Smith, Elder, 1900.
MacIntyre, Angus
King Henry the Fifth, act 2, scene 3 / [Angus MacIntyre]
[place of publication unknown : unpublished, 19--]
Thomas, John Peyre.,
Shakespeare in arms : an address / by Col. John P. Thomas, member of the board of visitors and former superintendent of the South Carolina Military Academy...
[Charleston] : [S.C. The Citadel], [1964].
Van Wart, Albert.,
An opposition to Hazlitt's view of the character of Shakspere's [sic] Henry V / [Albert van Wart]
[place of publication unknown : publisher not identified, 1908]
Jaggard, Gerald Quentin
An informative pamphlet on William Shakespeare's King Henry VI, part I, II, III : containing the story of the play with notes and literary history and details of outstanding players and performances... / written and published by G. Q. Jaggard.
Stratford-upon-Avon : G. Q. Jaggard, The Shakespeare Press, 1963.
Fleay, Frederick Gard.,
Who wrote Henry VI / [by Frederick Gard Fleay]
[U.K. : Macmillan's Magazine, 1875]
Flower, Charles Edward
Notes on the stage arrangements of the first, second, and third parts of King Henry VI / by the late C. E. Flower.
[Stratford-upon-Avon : publisher not identified], 1899.
Ikeda, Hitoshi.,
Shakespeare's use of historical materials in his earliest histories / Hitoshi Ikeda.
[Japan : publisher not identified, 1979]
Lucy, Margaret.,
On the Shakespearean authorshop of the three parts of Henry VI / by Margaret Lucy.
Stratford-upon-Avon : J. Morgan, 1906.
MacIntyre, A.,
Second part of King Henry VI, act III, scene 2, line 94 / [commentary by A. MacIntyre]
[place of publication unknown : unpublished, date not identified]
date unknown
Shakespeare, William
King Henry VIII : with notes / [William Shakespeare]
Edinburgh ; London : W. R. Chambers, [1884]
Shakespeare, William
Henry VIII / by Shakespeare.
New York : John B. Alden, [1887].
Shakespeare, William
Henry VIII / William Shakespeare ; edited by H. M. Richmond.
Iowa : Wm. C. Brown Publishers, [1971]
Shakespeare, William
King Henry VIII : a play / by W. Shakspeare [sic] ; with prefactory remarks. The only edition existing which is faithfully marked with the stage business, and stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal. By W. Oxberry, comedian.
London : W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 1823.
Shakespeare, William
King Henry VIII : an historical play, in five acts / by Shakespeare.
London : Thomas Hailes Lacy, [185-]
date unknown
Shakespeare, William
King Henry the Eighth : an historical play, in five acts / by William Shakspeare [sic]
London : Thomas Hailes Lacy, [186-]
date unknown
Etty, J. L.,
Studies in Shakespeare's history / by J. L. Etty.
London : Macmillan and Co., [1901].
Bailey, William Henry
Henry VIII and the last work of Shakespeare / by Sir William H. Bailey.
[Manchester : Manchester Shakespeare Society, 1902?]
Shakespeare, William
[Julius Caesar in Arabic / translated into Arabic by Mohamed Hamdi]
[Cairo : publisher not identified, 1912]
Shakespeare, William
[Julius Caesar : from Shakespeare's comedies, histories, tragedies and poems / edited by C. Knight]
[London : Knight, 1844]
Jancke, Theodor.,
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar / erklaert von Theodor Jancke, ord. Lehrer an der Realschule zu Koeln.
Koeln, Verlag der M. DuMont-Schauberg'schen Buchhandlung, 1861.
Shakespeare, William
Julius Caesar, tragedi af Shakespeare Med inleidung och anmaerkningar, foer skolor och sjelfstudium.
[Sweden : Hellstroem, 1872]
Shakespeare, William| Vollbehr, Eduard.,
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar / übersetzt von Eduard Vollbehr.
Kiel : Akademische Buchandlung, 1853.
Shakespeare, William| Vollbehr, Eduard.,
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar / übersetzt von Eduard Vollbehr.
[Ploen : Druck von G. W. Hirt, 1853.]
Shakespeare, William| Resch, Josef.,
William Shakespeare : Julius Caesar. Ein Trauerspiel / mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen versehen von Josef Resch.
Wien : Verlag von Karl Graeser, 1905.
Shakespeare, William| Damirale, M. N.,
[Julius Caesar in modern Greek / translated by M. N. Damirale]
[Athens : publisher not identified], 1886.
Sharpe's Diamond dictionary of the English language ; with forty-five decorations, from the works of Shakespeare.
London : Tilt and Bogue, 1841.
Shakespeare, William| Miron, Dan.,
[Julius Caesar / translated into Hebrew by Dan Miron, for a production at the Cameri Theatre, Tel Aviv in 1977]
[Tel Aviv : Cameri Theatre, 1977]
Shakespeare, William| Adamovičs, Fr.
Viljams Sekspirs Juliijs Cezats : bedluga piecos celienos / Tulkojis Fr. Adamovics.
Riga : Valtera un Rapas akc. sab. izdevums, 1934.
Shakespeare, William
Gulju Cesri / William Shakespeare ; tragedja f'5 atti Maqluba ghall-Malti minn Val V. Barbara.
Malta : [publisher not identified], 1970.
Shakespeare, William
Juljusz Cezar : tragedja w pieciu aktach / Tlumaczenie A. Pajgerta.
Warszawa ; Krakow [etc.] : Naklad Gebethnera i Wolffa, [1926]
Shakespeare, William
William Shakespeare's Julius Caezar / kimetafsiriwa na Julius K. Nyerere.
Nairobi : Oxford University Press, 1963.
Shakespeare, William
William Shakespeare's Julius Caezar / kimetafsiriwa na Julius K. Nyerere.
Nairobi : Oxford University Press, 1963.
Shakespeare, William
Julio Cesar/ isinalin sa Wikang Pilipino ni Jose Villa Panganiban.
[Rizal : unpublished, 1964]
Some notes on Sol T. Plaatje's translation of Julius Caesar.
[place of publication unknown : unpublished, 1983]
Shakespeare, William
Julius Caesar : a play, in five acts / by William Shakespeare.
London : Thomas Lacy, 1859.
Shakespeare, William
Julius Caesar : a play, in five acts / by William Shakespeare.
London ; New York : Samuel French ; Samuel French Son, [187-].
Shakespeare, William
Julius Caesar : a tragedy, in five acts / by William Shakespeare.
London : John Cumberland, [1830].
Shakespeare, William
Julius Caesar : a tragedy, in five acts / by William Shakespeare.
London : Davidson, Peter's Hill, [1830].
Shakespeare, William| Parry, Thomas.,
Selections from Julius Caesar : consiting of three passages of 150 lines each with introduction, notes, and an appendix of prefixes and terminations. An English text-book for upper standards under the Mundella code / by Thomas Parry.
London : Longmans, Green, and Co., 1886.
Camden Society, | Machyn, Henry
The diary of Henry Machyn : citizen and merchant-taylor of London, from A.D. 1550 to A.D. 1563 / edited by John Gough Nichols.
London : printed for the Camden Society, by J. B. Nichols and son, 1848.
Edwards, Edward 1812-1886.,
The life of Sir Walter Ralegh : based on contemporary documents preserved in the Rolls House, the Privy Council office, Hatfield House, the British museum, and other manuscript repositories, British and foreign : together with his letters now first collected / by Edward Edwards.
[London] : Macmillan and Co., 1868.
Franklin, Kenneth James
William Harvey : Englishman: 1578-1657 / Kenneth J. Franklin.
London : MacGibbon Kee, 1961.
Agate, James
Alarums and excursions / by James Agate.
London : Grant Richards, [1922]
Creighton, M. (Mandell), 1843-1901.,
Queen Elizabeth / by Mandell Creighton.
London ; New York (etc.) : Longmans, Green, 1900.
Clifford, Anne| Sackville-West, Vita
The diary of the Lady Anne Clifford / with an introductory note by V. Sackville-West.
New York : G.H. Doran, 1923.
Oastler, Christopher Lewis.,
John Day, the Elizabethan printer / C.L. Oastler.
Oxford (Bodleian Library, Oxford) : Oxford Bibliographical Society, 1975.
Rees, Joan.,
Samuel Daniel : a critical and biographical study / Joan Rees.
Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, 1964.
Knights, Lionel Charles
How many children had Lady Macbeth? : An essay in the theory and practice of Shakespeare criticism / by L.C. Knights.
Cambridge, Eng. : G. Fraser, The Minority Press, 1933.
Winter, William
The stage life of Mary Anderson, by William Winter.
New York, G. J. Coombes, 1886.
Brown, Ivor John Carnegie
The women in Shakespeare's life / by Ivor Brown.
London : Bodley Head, 1968.
Whitaker, Wilfred B. (Wilfred Barnett) 1898-,
Sunday in Tudor and Stuart times / by W. B. Whitaker.
London : Houghton, [1933].
Bloom, James Harvey
A History of Preston-upon-Stour in the county of Gloucester / by J. Harvey Bloom.
Hemsworth : C.E. Turner, 1896.
Irving, Washington| Savage, Richard| Brassington, William Salt
Stratford-upon-Avon : from "The sketch book" of Washington Irving / With notes and original illustrations. Edited by Richard Savage and William Salt Brassington.
Stratford-upon-Avon : Printed by E. Fox at the Shakespeare Quiney Press, 1900.
Stratford-upon-Avon Grammar School of King Edward VI : tercentenary volume.
[Stratford-upon-Avon] : Edward Adams printers, 1853.
Stratford-upon-Avon Grammar School of King Edward VI : tercentenary volume.
[Stratford-upon-Avon] : Edward Adams printers, 1853.
Leigh, Chandos
Walks in the country / Lord Leigh.
London : Moxon, 1844.
Furnivall, Frederick James, 1825-1910., | Shakespeare, William| Delius, Nikolaus, 1813-1888.,
The illustrated Leopold Shakspere [sic] : the poet's works, in chronological order, from the text of Professor Delius, with "The Two Noble Kinsmen" and "Edward III.," and an introduction by F. J. Furnivall.
London, Paris, New York : Cassell, Petter Galpin, [1877]
Laneham, Robert
Laneham's letter describing the magnificent pageants presented before Queen Elizabeth at Kenilworth Castle : repeatedly referred to in the romance of Kenilworth.
London : printed for J.H. Burn, 1821.
Washbourn, John, 1760?-1829.,
Bibliotheca gloucestrensis: a collection of scarce and curious tracts : relating to the county and city of Gloucester; illustrative of, and published during the civil war / with an historical introduction, notes, and an appendix.
Gloucester : Printed for the author, 1825.
Shakespeare, William
The dramatic works of William Shakspeare : complete in two volumes.
London : Published by William Miller, 1806.
Romeo and Juliet / by William Shakespeare ; painted by Ludovic Marchetti, Lucius Rossi, Oreste Cortazzo.
London ; New York : R. Tuck and Sons, [1890]
The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the church, according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland : together with the proper lessons for Sundays and other holy-days., Book of common prayer.
Oxford : printed at the University Press. London: R. and A. Suttaby, 2 Amen Corner, E.C. M.DCCC.LXXI [1871].
Tellier, J. J.,
The dance of the knife : an episode of the Great War / by J.J. Tellier., La danse du Poignard : un episode de la Grande Guerre / par J. J. Tellier.
Stratford-upon-Avon : Shakespeare Head Press, 1915.
Wivell, Abraham
An inquiry into the history, authenticity, and characteristics of the Shakspere [sic] portraits : embracing Martin Droeshout's engraving, the Chandos picture, the Janssen, and others of that period, together with the Stratford monument, Roubiliac's and the one in Westminster Abbey / by Abraham Wivell.
London : Charles Knight Co., 1840.
Reader, William.,
The history and antiquities of the city of Coventry : from the earliest authentic period to the present time: comprehending, a description of the antiquities, public buildings, remarkable occurrences, etc. Embellished with engravings / compiled by W. Reader.
Coventry : Rollason and Reader, [1810].
Shakespeare, William
Julius Caesar : Trauerspiel in fünf Akten / von William Shakespeare.
Dresden : R. von Grumblow, Hof Verlag, 1883.
Shakespeare, William
Jules César / de William Shakespeare ; traduction de M. Louis de Gramont. Représenté pour la première fois au Théâtre national de l’Odéon le 4 décembre 1906.
[Paris : L'Illustration theatrale], 1906.
Shakespeare, William
Sammansvaerjningen emot Julius Caesar : tragedi i 5 akter / af William Shakspeare [sic], fritt oeversatt och laempad foer scenen af P. Westerstrand.
Stockholm, Hoerbergska Boktryckeriet, 1839.
Jaggard, Gerald Quentin
An informative pamphlet on William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar : containing the story of the play with a note on outstanding actors performances... / written and published by G. Q. Jaggard.
Stratford-upon-Avon : G. Q. Jaggard, The Shakespeare Press, 1957.
Asch, M
Shakspere's [sic] and Voltaire's Julius Caesar compared / M. Asch.
Gardelegen : [publisher not identified, 1881]
Cunningham, Allan| Burns, Robert
The complete works of Robert Burns: containing his poems, songs, and correspondence / illustrated by W.H. Bartlett, T. Allom, and other artists. With a new life of the poet, and notices, critical and biographical, by Allan Cunningham.
London : James S. Virtue, 1841.
[Nea hestia]
[Athenais : Graphihai Technai "kontou"], 1964.
Coyne, Joseph Stirling
This house to be sold : (the property of the late William Shakespeare) : inquire within : a musical extravaganza in one act / by J. Stirling Coyne.
London : National Acting Drama Office, [ca. 1847].
Hornby, Mary
Extemporary verses, written at the birth place of Shakespeare / Mary Hornby.
[Stratford-upon-Avon : Barnacle, 1818?]
Shepherd, F. N.,
Shakspeare's [sic] birthplace : an artist's pilgrimage to Stratford-upon-Avon / by F. N. Shepherd, Esq.
London : H. G. Clarke and Co., [18--].
Bisse, Thomas
The beauty of holiness in the common-prayer: as set forth in four sermons preach'd at the Rolls Chapel. By Tho. Bisse, ...
London : printed by W. B. [William Bowyer] for Henry Clements, 1716.
Wheler, Robert Bell
History and antiquities of Stratford-upon-Avon : comprising a description of the collegiate church, the life of Shakspeare, and copies of several documents relating to him and his family, never before printed : with a biographical sketch of other eminent characters, natives of, or who have resided in Stratford : to which is added, a particular account of the jubilee, celebrated at Stratford, in honour of our immortal bard / by R.B. Wheler ; embellished with eight engravings.
Stratford-upon-Avon : Printed and sold by J. Ward..., [1806]
Stratford-upon-Avon Grammar School of King Edward VI : tercentenary volume.
Stratford-upon-Avon : Edward Adams, [1853]
Mott, John.,
The Old landmarks of Stratford-on-Avon : a scrip for pilgrims / John Mott.
London : Griffith Farran, [1893].
The tragicall historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke / by William Shakespeare.
[Hammersmith] : [Doves Press], 1909.
The works of Shakespeare : The text of the first folio with quarto variants and a selection of modern readings / ed. by Herbert Farjeon.
New York : Nonesuch Press, [1929-33].
Genee, Rudolf 1824-1914.,
Klassische Frauenbilder : Aus dramatischen Dichtungen von Shakespeare, Lessing, Goethe und Schiller / von Rudolp Genee.
Berlin : R. Gaertners Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1884.
Gerwig, George William, b. 1867,
Shakespeare's ideals of womanhood / George William Gerwig.
East Aurora, New York : The Roycroft Shops, 1929.
Murray, Gilbert 1866-1957.,
The tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark / by William Shakespeare. With engravings by Eric Gill an introduction by Gilbert Murray.
[High Wycombe] : [Printed for the members of the Limited Editions Club by Hague and Gill], [1933].
Shakespeare, William
[Othello in Persian / translated by Aboulkassem Khan Nasserol-Molk.]
[Paris : Imprimerie Nationale, private print, 1961.]
Shakespeare, William
Hamlet : Danemark'eko erregegaia / William Shakespeare ; Ametzaga Aresti tar Bingen'ek euskeratus.
Buenos Aires : Editorial Vasca Ekin, [1952]
Shakespeare, William| Weissenborn, Hellmuth
Shakespeare's sonnets / [by William Shakespeare] ; with decorations by Hellmuth Weissenborn.
[London] : The Acorn Press, [1982].
Brett-Smith, Herbert Francis Brett
Shakespeare's sonnets.
Stratford-upon-Avon Oxford : at the Shakespeare Head Press ; Basil Blackwell, 1921.
Shakespeare, William| Shakespeare Head Press,
Venus and Adonis / William Shakespeare.
Stratford-on-Avon : Shakespeare Head Press, 1905.
Jennings, Elizabeth b. 1926.,
In Shakespeare's company / poems by Elizabeth Jennings, with illustrations.
[Shipston-on-Stove] : The Celandine Press, [1985]
Shakespeare, William
Sonety / William Shakespeare.
[Prague] : Lyra Pragensis, 1987.
Poems for Shakespeare. 6 / edited and with an introduction by Roger Pringle.
London : Globe Playhouse Publications, 1977.
The antiquities of Honeybourne / by the Reverend M. A. W. Newman.
Evesham (Worcs.) : Red Apple Press, 1966.
Shakespeare, William
15 poems for William Shakespeare / edited by Eric W. White ; with an introduction by Patrick Garland, John Lehmann William Plomer.
Stratford-upon-Avon : Trustees guardians of Shakespeare's birthplace, 1964.
Shakespeare, William
15 poems for William Shakespeare / edited by Eric W. White ; with an introduction by Patrick Garland, John Lehmann William Plomer.
Stratford-upon-Avon : Trustees guardians of Shakespeare's birthplace, 1964.
Shakespeare, William
15 poems for William Shakespeare / edited by Eric W. White ; with an introduction by Patrick Garland, John Lehmann William Plomer.
Stratford-upon-Avon : Trustees guardians of Shakespeare's birthplace, 1964.
Shakespeare, William
15 poems for William Shakespeare / edited by Eric W. White ; with an introduction by Patrick Garland, John Lehmann William Plomer.
Stratford-upon-Avon : Trustees guardians of Shakespeare's birthplace, 1964.
Shakespeare, William
15 poems for William Shakespeare / edited by Eric W. White ; with an introduction by Patrick Garland, John Lehmann William Plomer.
Stratford-upon-Avon : Trustees guardians of Shakespeare's birthplace, 1964.
Sentiments and similes of William Shakespeare : a classified selection of similes, definitions, descriptions, and other remarkable passages in the plays and poems of Shakespeare / by Henry Noel Humphreys.
London : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1851.
Sentiments and similes of William Shakespeare : a classified selection of similes, definitions, descriptions, and other remarkable passages in the plays and poems of Shakespeare / by Henry Noel Humphreys.
London : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1851.
Shakespeare, William
The complete works of William Shakespeare / With a biographical introduction by Henry Glassford Bell. Illustrated with sixty-five photo-engravings of eminent historionic artists.
London ; Glasgow : William Collins, Sons, Co. Ltd. Collins Clear-type Press, [1899]
Kinney, Arthur., | Besnia, Howard John
On seven Shakespearean tragedies / Arthur Kinney ; designed and illustrated with original wood engravings by Howard John Besnia.
Sterling Junction [Mass.] : Scarab Press, [1968].
Kinney, Arthur F., 1933-, | Besnia, Howard John
On seven Shakespearean comedies / [by] Arthur F. Kinney. Designed and illustrated with original wood engravings by Howard John Besnia.
Sterling Junction : Scarab Press, [1969].
Barnett, T. Duff
Notes on Shakespeare's play of Julius Caesar / by T. Duff Barnett, B. A.
London : George Bell Sons, [1890].
Clark, S. H.,
Marc Antony's funeral oration as a study in tact / by S. H. Clark.
[New York] : Werner's Magazine, 1894.
Froissart, Jean
Froissarts Cronycles / translated out of the French by Sir John Bourchier Lord Berners.
[Stratford-upon-Avon and Oxford] : Printed at the Shakespeare Head Press, Stratford-upon-Avon published for the Press by Basil Blackwell Oxford 1927-1928
The gardener and the bear; together with, The hunter, the fox and the leopard; and, The carpenter and the ape / [by Bidpai]
[Evesham] : Red Apple Press, 1968.
Eliot, John
The parlement of pratlers, a series of Elizabethan dialogues and monologues illustrating daily life and the conduct of a gentleman on the grand tour, extracted from Ortho-epia Gallica, a book on the corect pronunciation of the French language written by Iohn Eliot, and published in the year 1593.
London : The Fanfrolico press, 1928.
Geelan, Christopher.,
Julius Caesar / [follow-up notes compiled by Christopher Geelan]
[U.K.] : English Shakespeare Compan, [1992]
Michaels, Wendy., | Watson, Ken.,
The dogs of war : a workshop approach to Julius Caesar / Wendy Michaels, Ken Watson.
Rozelle, New South Wales : St Clair Press, c1991.
Schneeberger, Hieronymus.,
Die Wechselbeziehung zwischen Schillers Tell und Shakespeares Julius Caesar / von P. Hieronymus Schneeberger. Programm des kgl. Gymnasiums zu Muennerstadt, etc.
Schweinfurt, Druck von Fr. J. Reichardt, 1882.
Schoene, F.,
Ueber Shaksperes [sic] Julius Caesar mit besonderer Beruecksichtigung des Verhaeltnisses zur Quelle des Stueckes / von Prof. F. Schoene.
Dresden : Druck von E. Blockmann und Sohn, 1873.
Stewart, J. I. M. (John Innes Mackintosh) 1906-1994.,
Shakespeare's lofty scene / by J. I. M. Stewart.
London : Oxford University Press [for] the British Academy, 1971.
Wordsworth, Charles.,
Mark Antony's friendship for Julius Caesar : was it real? / [Charles Wordsworth]
[U.S.A. : Remington's Annual, 188-]
date unknown
Yamada, Naomichi.,
Two tragedies in harmony in Julius Caesar : Shakespeare's reinterpretation of Plutarch / Naomichi Yamada.
Japan : The Hitotsubashi Academy, 1986.
The celebrated quarrel scene from Julius Caesar.
[U.K.] : [The Punch], [1851].
Shakespeare, William
Life and death of King John : The life and death of King Richard II ; The first part of King Henry the fourth: a history ; The second part of King Henry the fourth: a history ; The life of King Henry, an historical play / edited by C. E. Flower.
London : Samuel French, [1893?].
Shakespeare, William
Kral Jan : historicka hra v peti jednanich / Prelozil Jos V. Sladek.
Praha : J. Otto, [1917?]
King John : a historical play / by William Shakspeare.
London : Pub. for the Proprietors, by W. Simpkin, and R. Marshall [etc.], 1819.
The poems sonnets of William Shakespeare / edited by Gwyn Jones.
London : Golden Cockerel Press, 1960.
An explanatory introduction to Thorpe's edition of Shakespeare's Sonnets 1609 : with text transcription / Clara Longworth Chambrun.
Aldington, Kent : Hand and Flower Press, 1950.
Overington, William John Godfrey.,
Elizabethan imprints / by William J. G. Overington.
[Church Honeybourne] : Red Apple Press, 1966.
Shakespeare, William
The sonnets / William Shakespeare.
[Prague] : [Bonaventura Publishing House], [1997].
Shakespeare's The tragedie of Cymbeline : printed from the folio of 1623.
London : [Ernest Benn], 1923.
Shakespeare's Loves labour's lost : Newly printed from the Folio of 1623. London 1924.
London : [Ernest Benn], 1924.
Shakespeare's The tragedie of King Lear : newly printed from the first folio of 1623.
London : [Ernest Benn], 1927.
Shakespeare's The tragedie of Julius Caesar : newly printed from the first folio of 1623.
London : [Ernest Benn], 1925.
Shakespeare's A midsommer nights dreame : newly printed from the first folio of 1623.
London : [Ernest Benn], 1924.
Shakespeare's The tragedie of Macbeth : printed from the folio of 1623.
London : [Ernest Benn], 1923.
Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice : Printed from the Folio of 1623. London 1923.
London : [Ernest Benn], 1923.
Passe, Crispijn van de| Rohde, Eleanour Sophy Sinclair| Shipton, Margaret
Hortus floridus : the second book: contayning a very lively and true description of the flowers of the summer, autumn and winter / by Crispin van de Pass ; with a preface by Eleanour Sinclair Rohde : calligraphy by Margaret Shipton: the text translated from the Latin by Spencer Savage.
London : The Cresset Press, 1929.
Passe, Crispijn van de| Rohde, Eleanour Sophy Sinclair| Shipton, Margaret
Hortus floridus : the second book: contayning a very lively and true description of the flowers of the summer, autumn and winter / by Crispin van de Pass ; with a preface by Eleanour Sinclair Rohde : calligraphy by Margaret Shipton: the text translated from the Latin by Spencer Savage.
London : The Cresset Press, 1929.
Graves, Robert 1895-1985.,
The sonnets / William Shakespeare ; preface by Robert Graves ; with drawings by Clarke Hutton.
London : The Swallow Press, 1975.
Shakespeare, William| Kean, Charles John
Shakespeare's play of King John, arranged for representation at the Princess's Theatre, with historical and explanatory notes / By Charles Kean, F.S.A., as performed on Monday, October, 18th, 1858. Entered at Stationers' Hall.
London : Printed by John K. Chapman and Co, 1858.
Shakespeare, William
King John : a play, in five acts / by William Shakespeare.
London : Thomas Hailes Lacy [187-?]
Shakespeare, William| Parry, Thomas.,
Selections from Shakespeare's King John : containing the story of Prince Arthur with introduction, notes and an appendix of prefixes and terminations ; an 'English' text-book for upper standards under the government code / by Thomas Parry.
London : Longmans, Green and Co, 1884.
Jaggard, Gerald Quentin
An informative pamphlet on William Shakespeare's King John : containing the story of the play, with a note on outstanding actors performances... / written and published by G. Q. Jaggard.
Stratford-upon-Avon : G. Q. Jaggard, The Shakespeare Press, 1957.
Knight, Joseph.,
"King John" / critical comment by Joseph Knight ; pictures by Edwin A. Abbey.
[New York] : Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1903.
Rose, Edward.,
Shakespeare as an adapter / [Edward Rose].
[U.K.] : [Macmillan's Magazine], [1878].
Cavendish, George
The life and death of Thomas Wolsey : the great Cardinal of England / By George Cavendish.
Chipping Campden : Newly printed at The Alcuin Press, MCMXXX [1930].
Hughes, Ted
Shakespeare's Ovid / Ted Hughes ; Christopher Le Brun.
London : Enitharmon Press, 1995.
Shakespeare, William| Grabhorn, Mary
The tragedie of Julius Caesar / by William Shakespeare ; pictures designed and cut by Mary Grabhorn.
San Francisco : The Grabhorn Press, 1954.
Griffiths, Jeremy
The Tollemache Book of secrets : a descriptive index and complete facsimile with an introduction and transcriptions together with Catherine Tollemache's Receipts of pastery, confectionary c / by Jeremy Griffiths, completed by A. S. G. Edwards.
[London] : The Roxburghe Club, 2001.
Shakespeare, William
Sonety / William Shakespeare.
[Prague] : Lyra Pragensis, 1987.
Shakespeare, William
The first twenty sonnets of William Shakespeare.
Harvington : The Waseley Hills Press, 1995.
Rudkin, David
Will's way / David Rudkin.
Shipston-on-Stour : Celandine Press, c1993.
Rudkin, David
Will's way / David Rudkin.
Shipston-on-Stour : Celandine Press, c1993.
Rudkin, David
Will's way / David Rudkin.
Shipston-on-Stour : Celandine Press, c1993.
Shakespeare, William
Sonette : Englisch und Deutsch / William Shakespeare.
Leipzig : Verlag Philipp Reclam, 1964.
Brown, George Mackay
In the margins of a Shakespeare / George Mackay Brown ; wood-engravings by Llewellyn Thomas.
Llandogo, nr. Mommouth, Gwent : Old Stile Press, [1991]
Strong, Roy Colin
William Larkin : icons of splendour / text by Roy Strong.
[Milano] : Franco Maria Ricci, [1995].
Spenser, Edmund
The works of Edmund Spenser / [edited by W.L. Renwick ; the decorations ... designed and engraved on wood by Hilda Quick]
Oxford : Printed at the Shakespeare Head Press at St. Aldates Oxford published for the press by Basil Blackwell, 1930-1932.
The lives of the noble Grecians and Romanes / compared together by that grave learned philosopher and historiographer, Plutarke of Chæronea ; translated out of Greeke into French by James Amyot ; and out of French into Englishe, by Thomas North ; the illustrations by T.L. Poulton ; with the fifteen supplementary lives of 1603.
London : Nonesuch Press, 1929.
Tellier, J. J.,
The dance of the knife : an episode of the Great War / by J.J. Tellier., La danse du Poignard : un episode de la Grande Guerre / par J. J. Tellier.
Stratford-upon-Avon : Shakespeare Head Press, 1915.
Tellier, J. J.,
The dance of the knife : an episode of the Great War / by J.J. Tellier., La danse du Poignard : un episode de la Grande Guerre / par J. J. Tellier.
Stratford-upon-Avon : Shakespeare Head Press, 1915.
The Shakespeare Hotel at Stratford-upon-Avon.
[Oxford] : [Shakespeare Head Press], [1935?]
Bullen, Arthur Henry
The willow, etc. / written by A. H. Bullen.
Stratford : Shakespeare Head Press, 1916.
Bullen, Arthur Henry
The Shakespeare Head Press / [Arthur Henry Bullen].
Stratford-upon-Avon : Shakespeare Head Press, 1904.
Rogerson, Ian., | Manchester Polytechnic. Library.,
Shakespeare Head Press : an exhibition of the books of A.H. Bullen and Bernard Newdigate / catalogue and introduction by Ian Rogerson.
Manchester : Manchester Polytechnic Library, 1988.
[Shakespeare Head Press items in the Shakespeare Centre Library and the Records Office]
[Stratford-upon-Avon : unpublished, 1988]
Shakespeare, William| Van Vliet, Claire
The tragedie of King Lear / by William Shakespeare ; with woodcuts by Claire Van Vliet.
Bangor : Theodore Press, 1986.
Parkinson, John
Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris / by John Parkinson. Faithfully reprinted from the edition of 1629.
London : Methuen co., 1904.
Milton, John
Paradise lost : a poem in twelve books / John Milton.
[London] : Cresset Press, 1931.
Milton, John
Paradise regain'd : a poem in four books / John Milton.
[London] : Cresset Press, 1931.
Bacon, Francis
The essayes or counsels civill and morall of Francis Lord Verulam Viscount St. Alban / [Francis Bacon].
[London] : Cresset Press, 1927.
Shakespeare, William
Knight's pictorial Shakspere [sic] National edition.
London : Charles Knight, [1850]
Churchill, Charles
The Rosciad and The apology / By Charles Churchill ; Ed. by Robert W. Lowe ; With eight illustrations.
London : Lawrence and Bullen, 1891.
Dallaway, James, 1763-1834.,
Short inquiry into the nature of heraldry / [James Dallaway]
[U.K. : publisher not identified, date not identified]
date unknown
Shakespeare, William
Mansell's Pocket Shakspeare [sic] : King Lear.
[London] : Mansell Son, [185-].
Shakespeare, William
King Lear : a tragedy / by William Shakspeare [sic]
Leipzig : Gustavus Graebner, 1861.
Shakespeare, William
Kong Lear : Sorgespil / Af William Shakspeare [sic] ; Oversat af P. Foersom.
Kiobenhavn (Copenhagen) : Schubothes Boghandel, 1859.
Shakespeare, William
Kong Lear : Tragedie i fem Akter / Af William Shakspeare [sic] ; Oversat af V. Osterberg.
Kiobenhavn (Copenhagen) : P. Hauberg Comp., [1888]
Shakespeare, William
Le roi Lear / W. Shakspeare [sic] ; traduction de Letourneur.
Paris : Librairie de la Bibliotheque Nationale, 1897.
Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare's König Lear / Deutsch von Wilhelm Jordan.
Hildburghausen : Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts, 1865.
Shakespeare, William
König Lear : Tragödie / William Shakespeare.
Stuttgart : Philipp Reclam, [1974]
Shakespeare, William
Lear konungur : sorgarleikur / eptir W. Shakspeare ; i i slenzkri þy ðingu eptir Steingrim Thorsteinsson.
Reykjavik : Kristjan O. Þorgrimsson, 1878.
Shakespeare, William
Krol Lir : Tragedja w 5 Aktach / Przeklad J. Paszkowskiego.
Warazawa : Naklad Gebethnera i Wolffa, [1925]
Shakespeare, William
Konung Lear : tragedi / af Shakspeare. ; Öfwersättning.
Upsala : Em. Bruzelius, 1818.
Tate, Nahum| Tate, Nahum
King Lear : a tragedy / altered from Shakspeare by Nahum Tate.
London : Pub. for the Proprietors, by W. Simpkin, and R. Marshall [etc.], 1820.
[The Holy Bible, conteining the Old Testament, and the Nevv. Newly translated out of the originall tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and reuised, by his Maiesties speciall commandement. Appointed to be read in churches]
[London : Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, printer to the Kings most excellent Maiestie Anno 1613]
Wheler, Robert Bell
History and antiquities of Stratford-upon-Avon : comprising a description of the collegiate church, the life of Shakspeare, and copies of several documents relating to him and his family, never before printed : with a biographical sketch of other eminent characters, natives of, or who have resided in Stratford : to which is added, a particular account of the jubilee, celebrated at Stratford, in honour of our immortal bard / by R.B. Wheler ; embellished with eight engravings.
Stratford-upon-Avon : Printed and sold by J. Ward..., [1806]
Shakespeare, William
King Lear : a tragedy, in five acts / by William Shakspeare [sic]
London : John Cumberland, [1829?]
Shakespeare, William
König Lear : Tragödie in 5 Aufzügen / von William Shakspeare [sic] ; für die Darstellung bearbeitet von Ernst Possart.
München : Adolf Adermann, 1875.
Shakespeare, William| Rusconi, Carlo
King Lear : tragedy / by William Shakspeare [sic] ; Italian version by Carlo Rusconi.
London : Theatre Royal Drury Lane, 1876.
Shakespeare, William
King Lear : a tragedy, in five acts / by William Shakespeare.
London ; New York : Samuel French ; Samuel French Son, [187-].
Arnold, Judd
How do we judge King Lear? / Judd Arnold.
[Detroit : Wayne State University Press, 1972]
Blunden, Edmund
Shakespeare's significances : a paper read before the Shakepeare Association / by Edmund Blunden.
London : Oxford University Press, 1929.
Donner, H.,
'Is this the promised end?' : reflections on the tragic ending of 'King Lear' / [H. Donner]
[Amsterdam : Swets Zeitlinger, 1969]
Shakespearean echoes / edited by Adam Hansen, Kevin J. Wetmore, Jr.
Basingstoke, Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
Doran, Susan.,
Elizabeth I and her circle / Susan Doran.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015.
Jones, Gwilym,
Shakespeare's storms / Gwilym Jones.
Manchester, UK : Manchester University Press, 2015.
Sher, Antony
Year of the fat knight : the Falstaff Diaries / Antony Sher ; with illustrations by the author.
London : Nick Hern Books, 2015.
Shakespeare and his authors : critical perspectives on the authorship question / edited by William Leahy.
London : Continuum, c2010.
Tredell, Nicolas.,
Shakespeare : the tragedies / Nicolas Tredell.
[Basingstoke] : Palgrave Macmillan, [2015].
The renaissance of emotion : understanding affect in Shakespeare and his contemporaries / edited by Richard Meek and Erin Sullivan.
[Manchester] : Manchester University Press, [2015].
Felperin, Howard.,
Shakespearean representation : mimesis and modernity in Elizabethan tragedy / by Howard Felperin.
Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1977.
Linley, Keith
King Lear in context : the cultural background / Keith Linley.
New York : Anthem Press, 2015.
Cummings, Brian.,
Mortal thoughts : religion, secularity identity in Shakespeare and early modern culture / Brian Cummings.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013.
Gontar, David P.,
Unreading Shakespeare / David P. Gontar.
[London ; Nashville : New English Review Press, 2015].
Shakespeare and the idea of Apocrypha : negotiating the boundaries of the dramatic canon / Peter Kirwan.
[Cambridge] : Cambridge University Press, [2015]
Shakespeare and continental philosophy / edited by Jennifer Ann Bates and Richard Wilson.
Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, [2014].
Titus Andronicus : critical essays / edited by Philip C. Kolin.
New York ; London : Garland Pub., 1995.
The merchant of Venice : critical essays / [edited by] Thomas Wheeler.
New York ; London : Garland, 1991.
James, Susan E. 1945-,
Women's voices in Tudor wills, 1485-1603 : authority, influence and material culture / Susan E. James.
[Farnham] : Ashgate, [2015].
Reading what's there : essays on Shakespeare in honor of Stephen Booth / Edited by Michael J. Collins.
Newark : University of Delaware Press, [2014].
Silverstone, Catherine.,
Shakespeare, trauma and contemporary performance / Catherine Silverstone.
New York : Routledge, [2011].
Shakespeare, William
The complete Richard II : an annotated edition of the Shakespeare play / [edited by] Donald J. Richardson.
[Bloomington] : authorhouse, [2015]
Mullaney, Steven.,
The reformation of emotions in the age of Shakespeare / Steven Mullaney.
Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, [2015].
A handbook to the reception of Ovid / edited by John F. Miller and Carole E. Newlands.
[Chichester, West Sussex] : Wiley, [2014]
Wiggins, Martin| Richardson, Catherine
British drama 1533-1642 : a catalogue. Volume V 1603-1608 / Martin Wiggins in association with Catherine Richardson.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2015]
The Shakespeare book.
[London] : Dorling Kindersley Limited, [2015].
Emm, Adele 1953-,
Tracing your trade and craftsmen ancestors : a guide for family historians / Adele Emm.
[Barnsley] : Pen Sword Family History, [2015].
Logan, Robert A., 1935-,
Christopher Marlowe at 450 / edited by Sara Munson Deats and Robert A. Logan.
[Surrey, England Burlington, VT] : Ashgate, [2015]
Rabb, J. Douglas., | Richardson, J. Michael.,
Joss Whedon as Shakespearean moralist : narrative ethics of the Bard and the Buffyverse / J. Douglas Rabb and J. Michael Richardson ; foreword by Kim Fedderson.
Jefferson, North Carolina : McFarland Company, Inc., Publishers, [2015].
Lesser, Zachary.,
Hamlet after Q1 : an uncanny history of the Shakespearean text / Zachary Lesser.
Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, [2015]
Hodges, Cyril Walter
Shakespeare's Second Globe : the missing monument / [by] C. Walter Hodges.
Oxford University Press : London, 1973.
Hodges, Cyril Walter
The Globe Playhouse, 1599-1613. A conjectural drawing by C. W. Hodges.
London : Ernest Benn Limited, 1972.
Illustrations of Stratford-upon-Avon and the life of Shakespeare : from original drawings.
Stratford-upon-Avon : F.E. Ward, 1851.
Knight, Charles
The works of Shakspere [sic] / with notes by Charles Knight.
London : Virtue Co. Ltd. [1873-76]
Green, Valentine
The history and antiquities of the city and suburbs of Worcester ... / Valentine Green.
London : printed for the author by W.Bulmer and Co. and sold by G. Nicol ..., 1796.
Camden, William
Britannia: or A chorographical description of Great Britain and Ireland, together with the adjacent islands / Written in Latin by William Camden, ... and translated into English, with additions and improvements..
London : Printed by Mary Matthews, for Awnsham Churchill, and sold by William Taylor ... MDCCXXII [1722]
Hawkes, David.,
Shakespeare and economic theory / David Hawkes.
London : Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, 2015.
Corelli, Marie
Ziska : the problem of a wicked soul / By Marie Corelli.
Bristol : Arrowsmith, 1897.
"These our players" The Stratford-upon-Avon Festival Company annual souvenir 1934.
London : J. Miles Co., Ltd. 68-70 Wardour Street, 1934.
Julius Caesar.
[London] : Play Pictorial, [date not identified]
date unknown
Play Pictorial : Shakespeare Festival, Stratford-upon-Avon.
[London] The Play Pictorial. 1938.
Power, Ben,
Royal Shakespeare Company production of A tender thing / [photographys by Keith Pattinson].
[Stratford-upon-Avon] : [self published], [2009].
Tyrrell, Henry.,
The doubtful plays of Shakspere : being all the dramas attributed to the muse of the world's great poet; revised from the original editions. Accompanied with historical and analytical introductions to each play, and notes critical and explanatory / by Henry Tyrrell, Esq. Elegantly and appropriately illustrated by portraits engraved on steel, from daguerreotypes of the greatest and most intellectual actors of the age.
London ; New York : Printed and published by John Tallis and Company, [ca. 1850].
Shakespeare, William| Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard
The complete works of Shakspere : revised from the original editions. With historical and analytical introductions to each play, also notes explanatory and critical, and a life of the poet / by J. O. Halliwell...
London ; New York : printed and published by John Tallis and Company, [1851?].
Sillars, Stuart
Shakespeare and the visual imagination / Stuart Sillars.
[New York] : Cambridge University Press, [2015].
De Freston, Tom.,
Scavengers : paintings and poems in response to the plays of Shakespeare / by Tom de Freston and Kiran Millwood Hargrave ; edited by Edward Quekett.
[Cambridge : publisher not identified, 2011]
Griffiths, Mark.,
Shakespeare : his true likeness revealed at last / [Mark Griffiths].
[London] : Country Life, 2015.
Griffiths, Mark.,
New Shakespeare play revealed : the work that changed his life / [Mark Griffiths].
[London] : Country Life, 2015.
Brown, Carolyn Elizabeth
Shakespeare and psychoanalytic theory / Carolyn Brown.
London : Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, 2015.
Shakespeare, William
Cassell's illustrated Shakespeare / edited by Charles and Mary Cowden Clarke.
London : Cassell Company, [18--]
date unknown
Rodway, Alfred.,
The heraldry of Shakespeare : being the arms, banners, badges, liveries, insignia of the personages and towns in the plays / by Alfred Rodway.
Birmingham : [unpublished], 1924.
Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare, as put forth in 1623 : a reprint of Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories Tragedies ; published according to the true originall copies.
London : printed by Isaac Iaggard, and Ed. Blount, 1623 ; and re-printed for Lionel Booth 1864.
[Merridew, John].,
A catalogue of engraved portraits of nobility, gentry, clergymen, and others, born, resident in, or connected with the county of Warwick : alphabetically arranged, with names of the painters and engravers, and the size of each plate; to which are added Numerous Biographical Notices, compiled or selected with great assiduity, research, and care.
Coventry : printed for and sold by John Merridew; published in London by William Pickering, Piccadilly; sold also by all the principal booksellers in Birmingham, Warwick, Leamington, Rugby, etc. etc. 1848
Shakespeare's world of words / edited by Paul Yachnin.
London : Arden Shakespeare, [2015].
An introduction to Shakespeare / edited by Hardin Craig, David Bevington.
Glenview, Ill. : Scott, Foresman, [1975]
Shakspear's [sic] seven ages of man / [illustrations by T. Stothard].
London : H. D. Symonds, 1799.
Dibdin, Charles
Shakespear's [sic] garland : or the Warwickshire jubilee. Being a collection of ballads as perform'd at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane / composed by Mr. Dibdin.
London : Printed and sold by John Johnston, 1769.
Dibdin, Charles
Shakespear's [sic] garland : or the Warwickshire jubilee. Being a collection of ballads, catches glees as perform'd at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane / composed by Mr. Dibdin.
London : Printed and sold by John Johnston, 1769.
The tragedie of Hamlet, prince of Denmarke / William Shakespeare ; edited by J. Dover Wilson from the text of the second quarto printed in 1604-5, "according to the true and perfect coppie" ; with which are also printed the Hamlet stories from Saxo Grammaticus and Belleforest and English translations therefrom ; illustrated by Edward Gordon Craig.
Weimar : Cranach Press, 1930.
[John Massey Wright (1777-1866), research archive : Shakespeare illustrations]
[U.K : unpublished, date not identified]
date unknown
Fox, Levi
The Shakespeare Centre at Stratford-upon-Avon / by Levi Fox.
[Ohio] : [OSU Theatre Collection Bulletin], [1966].
Lawson, Wayne P.,
The holdings of the Shakespeare Memorial Library, Stratford-upon-Avon : a selected survey for scholars / Wayne P. Lawson.
[Ohio] : [OSU Theatre Collection Bulletin], [1970].