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London : Michael Joseph, 1987.
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Birmingham : privately printed, 1949.
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DiPietro, Cary, 1971-,
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Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Woof, Robert| Hanley, H. J. M. (Howard J. M.), | Hebron, Stephen., | Wordsworth Trust,
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Bethlehem : London : Lehigh University Press ; Associated University Presses, 1993.
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Warwick : John Merridew, 1822.
Field, William, 1768-1851.,
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Hereford : Lapridge, c1994.
Huckell, John, 1729-1771.,
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Stratford-upon-Avon : J. Ward, 1811.
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Stratford-upon-Avon : J. Ward, 1811.
Horniblow, T. B. D.,
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Leamington Spa : The Courier Press, 1923.
Shakespeare, William| Fletcher, John| Rasmussen, Eric| Proudfoot, G. R.,
The two noble kinsmen : 1634 / [John Fletcher and William Shakespeare] ; edition prepared by G.R. Proudfoot and Eric Rasmussen.
Oxford : Published for the Malone Society by Oxford University Press, 2005.
Hooke, Della.,
Warwickshire's historical landscape - the Arden / Della Hooke.
Birmingham : School of Geography, University of Birmingham, c1993.
Foster, Bob.,
Snitterfield heroes : a brief history of the names on the village war memorial / Bob Foster.
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Griffin, Alan.,
This noble duty : a history of fire-fighting in Warwickshire.
Warwick : Feldon, 1989.
Howe, David, 1940-,
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Hutchings, David., | Higgins, David.,
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[place of publication unknown] : David Hutchings, [date not identified]
date unknown
William, Hawkes| Dugdale Society,
The Diaries of Sanderson Miller of Radway : together with his memoir of James Menteath / edited by William Hawkes.
[Stratford-upon-Avon] : The Dugdale Society in association with the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, 2005.
Moncrieff's guide to Leamington Spa and its vicinity : containing the ancient and modern history of Leamington ....
Leamington : J. Merridew, 1830.
Hopper, Richard.,
The history of Leamington Priors : from the earliest records to the year 1842 / by Richard Hopper.
Leamington : published for the author..., 1842.
A Brief account of the rise, progress and patronage of the Leamington Spa charity instituted for the gratuitous relief of invalids ....
Birmingham : Printed by Thomson and Wrightson, 18124.
Bisset, James
A Descriptive guide of Leamington Priors containing a brief account ... / by J. Bisset (late of Birmingham).
Birmingham : Printed by Thomson and Wrightson, 1814.
Field, William, 1768-1851.,
An historical and descriptive account of the town castle of Warwick and of the neighbouring spa of Leamington : to which are added, short notices of the towns, villages, c. within the circuit of ten miles : intended principally for the information of strangers.
The Visitors' new guide to the spa of Leamington Priors and its vicinity ... / by William THomas Moncrieff.
Leamington : W.G. Elliston, 1818.
A Directory of the town of Shipston-on-Stour.
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Henley-in-Arden : A.E. Gould, 1892.
Holt, Gordon.,
Around Stratford and Warwick / Gordon Holt.
Gloucester : Proveplan Ltd., 1980.
Institute of Journalists.,
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Birmingham : Conference Excursions Committee, 1902.
Hubbard, Elbert.,
Little journeys to the homes of good men and great : Shakespeare / Elbert Hubbard.
London : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1895.
Leisure breaks in Shakespeare's country, 1992-93.
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Agricultural labourers' strike.
Willmott, Hugh (Hugh B.), | Council for British Archaeology.,
Early post-medieval vessel glass in England, c.1500-1670 / Hugh Willmott.
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Lerry, Ronald.,
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Miller, George
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Kineton : Roundwood Press, 1967.
Miller, George
Rambles round the Edge Hills and in the Vale of the Red Horse / George Miller.
London : Elliot Stock, 1900.
Miller, George
Rambles around the Edge Hills and the Vale of the Red Horse / by George Miller.
Banbury : William Potts, printer, 1896.
Miller, George
Glossary of Warwickshire dialect / compiled by the Rev. George Miller.
Leamingon Spa : "Courier" Printing Works, 1898.
Morley, George
In russet mantle clad : scenes of rural life / George Morley.
London : Skeffington and Son, 1897.
Morley, George
Sweet Arden : a book of the Shakespeare Country / by George Morley.
London ; Edinburgh : T. N. Foulis, 1906.
Mordaunt, Charles, Sir., | Verney, Walter Robert.,
Annals of the Warwickshire Hunt 1795-1895 : from authentic documents / Sir Charles Mordaunt and the Hon. and Rev. W.R. Verney ; illustrated. Vol.1.
London : Sampson Low, Marston and Company, 1896.
Mordaunt, Charles, Sir., | Verney, Walter Robert.,
Annals of the Warwickshire Hunt 1795-1895 : from authentic documents / Sir Charles Mordaunt and the Hon. and Rev. W.R. Verney ; illustrated. Vol.2.
London : Sampson Low, Marston and Company, 1896.
Millward, Roy., | Robinson, Adrian, 1925-,
The Avon Valley and the Cotswold edge / (by) Roy Millward and Adrian Robinson.
London : Macmillan, 1971.
Luckett, Fred., | Flint, Ken., | Lee, Peter.,
A History of brewing in Warwickshire / edited by Fred Luckett, Ken Flint Peter Lee.
(Coventry) ((45 Sir Thomas Whites Rd., Chapelfields, Coventry)) : (Campaign for Real Ale, Coventry Mid Warwickshire Branch), (1983).
Marks, Margaret.,
The Forest of Arden on old picture postcards / Margaret Marks.
Keyworth : Reflections of a Bygone Age, 1991.
Ludlum, Stuart D., | Quiller-Couch, Arthur Thomas
Exploring Shakespeare country 100 years ago / selected and edited by Stuart D. Ludlum.
London : Thames and Hudson, 1985.
Morris, D.,
The geography of Warwickshire : for use in schools / by Rev. D. Morris.
[place of publication unknown] : George Philip and Son, 1872.
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Oxford : Oxfordshire County Council Leisure and Arts, 1993.
Howard-Drake, Jack., | Oxfordshire, Department of Leisure and Arts
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Oxford : Oxfordshire County Council Leisure and Arts, 1997.
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Oxford : Oxfordshire County Council Leisure and Arts, 1998.
Mills, Henry.,
Poll book, South Warwickshire election, 1865.
Warwick : [the author], 1865.
Howard-Drake, Jack., | Oxfordshire, Department of Leisure and Arts
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Oxford : Oxfordshire County Council Leisure and Arts, 1999.
Howard-Drake, Jack., | Oxfordshire, Department of Leisure and Arts
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Oxford : Oxfordshire County Council Leisure and Arts, 2003.
Howard-Drake, Jack., | Oxfordshire, Department of Leisure and Arts
Oxford church courts : depositions / Jack Howard-Drake. [Vol.8], 1616-1622.
Oxford : Oxfordshire County Council Leisure and Arts, 2005.
Lane, Joan
Apprenticeship in Warwickshire cotton mills, 1790-1830 / Joan Lane.
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Martin, J.M.,
The Small landowner and parliamentary enclosure in Warwickshire / J.M. Martin.
[U.K. : publisher not identified], 1979.
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Birmingham : W. Husband, 1896.
Kingsley, Rose G.,
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Martin, J.M.,
Marriage and economic stress in the Felden of Warwickshire during the eighteenth century / J.M. Martin.
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Howard-Drake, Jack., | Oxfordshire, Department of Leisure and Arts
Oxford church courts : depositions / Jack Howard-Drake. [Vol.3], 1581-1586.
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Nimrod, 1778-1843.,
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Parsons, Harold.,
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Bourne End : Spurbooks, 1975.
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Leamington : W. Reeve, [1845?]
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Hartley, Andrew James
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New York ; Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
Newey, Katherine
Women's theatre writing in Victorian Britain / Katherine Newey.
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
Tredell, Nicolas.,
Shakespeare, Macbeth / Nicolas Tredell ; consulting editor, Nicolas Tredell.
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
Prescott, Paul, 1974-,
Richard III / Paul Prescott.
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
Kidnie, Margaret Jane.,
The taming of the shrew / Margaret Jane Kidnie.
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
Escolme, Bridget
Antony and Cleopatra / Bridget Escolme.
[Basingstoke] : Palgrave Macmillan, [2006]
Hamlet / John Russell Brown.
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
Cannan, Paul D
The emergence of dramatic criticism in England : from Jonson to Pope / Paul D. Cannan.
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
Russell, R. G.,
Freemasonry in Warwickshire, 1728-1978 : R.G. Russell.
Birmingham : Warwickshire Peace Memorial Temple Ltd, 1978.
Price, Jo., | Price, Merlin.,
Traditional Warwickshire recipes / by Jo Merlin Price.
Peterborough : Minimax Books, 1983.
Nicholls, E., | Warwickshire County Library.,
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[Warwick] : Warwickshire County Council, 1988.
Quiller-Couch, Arthur Thomas
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[New York] : [Harper Brothers], [1891]
Turner, Henry S.,
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Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006.
Smith-Howard, Alycia
Studio Shakespeare : the Royal Shakespeare Company at The Other Place / Alycia Smith-Howard.
Aldershot : Ashgate, 2006.
Smith-Howard, Alycia
Studio Shakespeare : the Royal Shakespeare Company at The Other Place / Alycia Smith-Howard.
Aldershot : Ashgate, 2006.
Tomlinson, Sophie.,
Women on stage in Stuart drama / Sophie Tomlinson.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2005.
History of D Company : four months in 1939.
Harvie, Jen., | Allain, Paul| Allain, Paul
The Routledge companion to theatre and performance / Paul Allain and Jen Harvie.
London : Routledge, 2006.
North Warwickshire Water Company.,
[Map showing area under North Warwickshire Water Act 1900]
London : Lombard Press, [1900?]
Sabatini, F. L.,
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[place of publication unknown] : Jarrold and Sons Ltd, [ca1900]
Scott, Dixon.,
Beautiful Britain : Stratford-on-Avon with Leamington and Warwick / Dixon Scott.
[place of publication unknown] : Adam and Charles Black, 1911.
The Royal cabinet album of Kenilworth, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwick and Leamington.
[London] : [R.B. P.], [1864]
Sillars, Stuart
Painting Shakespeare : the artist as critic, 1720-1820 / Stuart Sillars.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Bogdanov, Michael
Shakespeare : the director's cut. Vol. 2, The histories / Michael Bogdanov.
Edinburgh : Capercaillie, 2005.
The essential Shakespeare live : The Royal Shakespeare Company in performance.
London : British Library, 2005.
Showell, Charles.,
Shakespeare's Avon : from source to Severn / illustrated with 180 pen ink drawings by the author ; Charles Showell.
Birmingham : Cornish Brothers, 1901.
Showell, Charles.,
Shakespeare's Avon : from source to Severn / illustrated with 180 pen ink drawings by the author ; Charles Showell.
Birmingham : Cornish Brothers, 1901.
Cooper, Tarnya| Shapiro, James., | Pointon, Marcia R., | Wells, Stanley William
Searching for Shakespeare / Tarnya Cooper ; with essays by Marcia Pointon, James Shapiro and Stanley Wells.
London : National Portrait Gallery, 2006.
Cooper, Tarnya| Shapiro, James., | Pointon, Marcia R., | Wells, Stanley William
Searching for Shakespeare / Tarnya Cooper ; with essays by Marcia Pointon, James Shapiro and Stanley Wells.
London : National Portrait Gallery, 2006.
Cooper, Tarnya| Shapiro, James., | Pointon, Marcia R., | Wells, Stanley William
Searching for Shakespeare / Tarnya Cooper ; with essays by Marcia Pointon, James Shapiro and Stanley Wells.
London : National Portrait Gallery, 2006.
Shurey, Richard.,
Shakespeare's Avon from source to Severn / Richard Shurey.
Manchester : Whitethorn Press, 1981.
Smith, Francis
Warwickshire delineated : being a concise historical and topographical description of that interesting county; its towns, remarkable villages ... interspersed with brief biographical sketches of the lives and actions of eminent men natives of Warwickshire.
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Thorne, James, 1815-1881.,
The Avon of Shakespeare / by James Thorne with a series of illustrations redrawn from old prints.
London : The De La More Press, 1902.
Sutherland, Graham.,
Dastardly deeds in Victorian Warwickshire / Graham Sutherland.
Studley : Brewin Books, 1999.
Smith, Betty, 1929-,
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Slinn, L. A.,
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Stratford district property market 1950.
Showell, Charles.,
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Anderson, Thomas Page
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Aldershot : Ashgate, 2006.
Gieskes, Edward, 1968-,
Representing the professions : administration, law, and theater in early modern England / Edward Gieskes.
Newark : University of Delaware Press, c2006.
Lemon, Rebecca, 1968-,
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Ithaca, N.Y. ; London : Cornell University Press, 2006.
Burton, Jonathan, 1967-,
Traffic and turning : Islam and English drama, 1579-1624 / Jonathan Burton.
Newark : University of Delaware Press, c2005.
Kaaber, Lars.,
Staging Shakespeare's Hamlet : a director's interpreting text through performance / Lars Kaaber.
Lewiston, N.Y. ; Lampeter : Edwin Mellen Press, 2005.
Makaryk, Irena R., | Price, Joseph G.,
Shakespeare in the worlds of communism and socialism / edited by Irena R. Makaryk and Joseph G. Price.
Toronto ; London : University of Toronto P., 2006.
Saville, G. Edward (George Edward), 1915-,
The Lower Arrow Valley (Warwickshire) in Domesday Book 1086 / G. Edward Saville.
Alcester : Alcester District Local History Society, 1986.
Smith, Chris J. (Chris John), 1912-, | Juby, B. A. (Bernard A), | Birmingham and Midland Society for Genealogy and Heraldry,
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Birmingham : Birmingham Midland Society for Genealogy Heraldry, 1987.
Somerville, H. G.,
Wanderings in Warwickshire : round about Coventry, Kenilworth, Leamington, Warwick and Stratford-on-Avon / by H. G. Somerville ; illustrated by A. J. and A. H. Wall.
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Great Western Railway (Great Britain),
Shakespeare-land : the world's great travel shrine.
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Savage, Richard
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Stratford-on-Avon : J. Morgan, 1899.
Quiney, Nathaniel., | Hiron, William., | Warwick, Court of Assize
Trial of Nathaniel Quiney, Thos. Heytrey, Henry Adams and Samuel Sidney, for the wilful murder of Mr. W. Hiron : before the Honourable Sir John Richardson, Knight, at the Warwickshire Lent Assizes, 1821.
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Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Quiney, Nathaniel., | Hiron, William., | Cave, Edmund., | Rabone, Ann., | Warwick, Court of Assize
The Trials of Nathaniel Quiney, Thos. Heytrey, Henry Adams and Samuel Sidney, for the wilful murder of Mr. W. Hiron : before the Honourable Sir John Richardson, Knight, at the Warwickshire Lent Assizes, 1821. To which are added the trials of Edmund Cave and other s for rioting at Coventry and of Ann Rabone for administering poison....
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A Copy of the poll of the electors of the southern division of Warwickshire : taken on 21st July 1865 ....
Warwick : Joseph Squires, 1865.
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Stratford-upon-Avon : Edward Fox and Sons, 1959.
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Warwick : R. Spennell, 1903.
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Stratford-upon-Avon : J. Morgan, 1865.
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University of Warwick,
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Warwickshire Federation of Women's Institutes.,
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Newbury : Published jointly by Countryside Books and the Warwickshire Federation of Women's Institutes, 2000.
Warwickshire Federation of Women's Institutes.,
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Newbury : Published jointly by Countryside Books and the WFWI, 1993.
Weeks, Roy.,
Warwickshire countryside : a collection of articles published between January 1959 and December 1962 / (by) Roy Weeks ; foreword by Norman Painting.
(Kineton) : (The author) : (Distributed by Roundwood Press), 1977.
Weeks, Roy.,
Warwickshire countryside reflections / Roy Weeks ; foreword by Norman Painting.
(Leamington Spa) ((11 Acacia Rd, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire)) : The author, 1978.
West, Florence E.,
Warwickshire through the centuries / Florence E. West.
Exeter : A. Wheaton and Co, 1926.
Woodmen of the Forest of Arden., | Bedford, W. K. Riland
Records of the Woodmen of Arden from 1785 : with roll of members of the society and other notes mainly compiled from the archives of the forest.
(Edinburg) : Printed for private circulation, 1885.
Warwickshire, Economic Development Unit
Warwickshire conference and visitor guide.
[place of publication unknown] : Warwickshire Books, 1994
Rules of the friendly society held at the Stag Inn, Red Hill in the parish of Binton in the county of Warwick.
Alcester : Printed by Hemming, 1830.
Rules and regulations to be observed by the members of the friendly sick and dividend society held at the Falstaff Inn, Birmingham Road, Stratford-upon-Avon.
Stratford-upon-Avon : Printed by Henry Cordingly, [1880?]
Waterloo Friendly Society.,
Rules of the Waterloo Friendly Society which began on the 8th day of February, 1819, held at the Corn Exchange in Stratford-upon-Avon in the County of Warwick.
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Rules of the Loyal Bank of Avon Lodge, no. 1278 of the Stratford-on-Avon district branch of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Manchester Unity Friendly Society.
Stratford-upon-Avon : Printed by John Smith, 1882.
Rules of the Loyal Shakespeare Lodge, no. 2243 (established June 1840) of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Birmingham district branch of the Manchester Unity Friendly Society.
Stratford-upon-Avon : Printed by J. Morgan, 1870.
Warwickshire, County Council
Yearbook of the County Council of Warwickshire : 1966-1967.
Warwick : Spennell Press, [1966]
Whitehead, Frederick William Newton
Warwickshire water-colours / Frederick Whitehead
London : A C Black, 1916.
Warwickshire Federation of Women's Institutes.,
The Warwickshire village book / compiled from the Warwickshire Federation of Women's Institutes from notes and illustrations sent by Institutes in the County.
Newbury : Published jointly by Countryside and the WFWI, 1988.
White, Alan Willoughby Arthur
Men and mining in Warwickshire : a short account of six ventures in coal mining between Coventry and Nuneaton and the market which they sought to exploit during the period 1595 to 1800 / A.W.A. White.
Kenilworth (c/oP. Boyers, 10 Grange Ave., Kenilworth, Warwickshire) : Historical Association (Coventry Branch), 1970.
A visitors' handbook and guide to picturesque and historical Warwickshire.
London : Morgan Laird, [1930?]
Unett, Dorothy.,
Edge Hills countryside / Dorothy Unett.
[U.K. : publisher not identified, 195-?]
Unett, Dorothy.,
Edge Hills countryside / Dorothy Unett.
[U.K. : publisher not identified, 195-?]
Webster, Graham., | Hobley, Brian.,
Aerial reconnaissance over the Warwickshire Avon : based on photographs taken by Arnold Baker and James Pickering / Graham Webster and Brian Hobley.
London : Royal Archaeological Institute, 1965.
White, A. Frederick.,
The Homeland of William Shakespeare / A. Frederick White.
[London] : [Temple Magazine], [1900?]
Young, John L.,
Visit and conference of delegates from the oversea legislatures attending the Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference 1948 / John L. Young.
London : Commonwealth Parliamentary Assoc., [1949]
Warwickshire Rural Community Council.,
Directory of Warwickshire rural craftsmen.
Leamington Spa : Warwickshire Rural Community Council, 1955.
James, George.,
Francis Bacon in the sonnets / by George James.
Birmingham : [publisher not identified], 1900
Warwickshire County Library.,
Picture postcard Warwickshire. 1, Central Warwickshire.
Warwick : Warwickshire County Library, 1984.
Warwickshire County Library.,
Picture postcard Warwickshire. 2, Rugby surrounding villages.
Warwick : Warwickshire County Library, 1985.
Warwickshire, the county handbook.
London : Burrow, (1975).
Warwickshire at leisure.
Cheltenham : Burrow, (1973).
Ilmington parish plan.
Warwickshire Museum Service.,
Organisations concerned with the countryside / compiled by Warwickshire Museum Service.
Warwick : Warwickshire Museum Service, [1977]
Scouting on the bear trail : a history of Warwickshire scouting, 1907-1957.
[Rugby] : [Rugby Advertiser, printes], [1957]
Warwickshire County Garage.,
Shakespeare country tours.
[U.K. : publisher not identified, 194-]
Warwickshire Naturalists' and Archaeologists' Field Club.,
[Announcements of meetings from 1892-1901].
[U.K.] : Warwickshire Naturalists' and Archaeologists' Field Club, [1892-1901]
Warwickshire Natural History and Archaeological Society.,
[Sketch of the history of the society and description of the museum]
[Warwick : Robert Spennell, printer, 1893?]
Warwickshire, County Council
Welcome to Shakespeare's county ...
Warwick : Planning and Transportation Department, [1987]
Warwickshire, County Council
101 things to do in Warwickshire.
Warwick : Planning and Transportation Department, [1989]
Hayes, Alfred, 1857-1936., | Baker, Oliver
The vale of Arden / Alfred Hayes ; with illustrations by Oliver Baker.
Birmingham : Cornish Brothers, 1897.
Deakin, Andrew.,
Sketches in Shakespeare villages / drawn by Andrew Deakin.
Birmingham : Midland Educational Co. for the author, [1885?]
Niven, William, architect.,
Illustrations of old Warwickshire houses / by W. Niven ; 31 copper etchings, with descriptive notes.
London : Printed for the author, 1878.
Blair, Alexander| Jaffray, James.,
Graphic illustrations of Warwickshire / [edited] by James Jaffray.
Birmingham : London : T. Underwood; ; Moore M'Queen, 1862.
Sumner, Heywood, 1853-1940.,
The Avon from Naseby to Tewkesbury : twenty-one etchings.
London : Seeley, Jackson, Halliday, 1882.
Ewert, Kevin, 1965-,
Henry V / Kevin Ewert.
Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
Commissioners for Inquiring Concerning Charities,
[Further report of the Commissioners concerning charities : containing that part which relates to the county of Warwick]
[U.K. : publisher not identified, 1835?]
Commissioners for Inquiring Concerning Charities,
[Further report of the Commissioners concerning charities : containing that part which relates to Stratford-upon-Avon]
[U.K. : publisher not identified, 1835?]
Midland counties' volunteer review before H.R.H. the duke of Cambridge at Warwick 24th July, 1861.
[place of publication unknown] : H.T. Cooke, 1861.
Simpson, R. T.,
A curious Warwickshire custom : collection of 'wroth silver' / by R.T. Simpson.
Leicester : J T. Spencer, [18--]
Simpson, R. T.,
A curious Warwickshire custom : collection of 'wroth silver' / by R.T. Simpson.
Leicester : J T. Spencer, [18--]
Warwickshire, County Council
A pamphlet issued by the records committee of the Warwickshire County Council upon the collection and preservation of local historical records at the Shire Hall, Warwick.
[place of publication unknown] : Warwickshire County Council, 1935.
Biographical memoirs of Fellows [of the British Academy] iv, Rodney Howard Hilton, 1916-2002 / Christopher Dyer.
[U.K. : publisher not identified], 2005.
Andrews, William| Warwickshire Naturalists' and Archaeologists' Field Club.,
The Ancient British place names of Warwickshire / Alderman Wm. Andrews.
Warwick : Robert Spennell, 1903.
Andrews, William| Warwickshire Naturalists' and Archaeologists' Field Club.,
The Ancient British language in Warwickshire / Alderman Wm. Andrews.
Warwick : Robert Spennell, 1903.
Notices of the Churches of Warwickshire, deanery of Warwick : Nos.1 and 2, St. Mary's, Warwick.
Warwick : H.T. Cooke, [188-?]
Warwickshire Agricultural Society.,
Premiums to be awarded at the anual meeting to be held at Alcester ... 1877.
Warwick : H. Sharpe, printer, 1877.
Adkins, Henry
The Policy of the foldyard : a letter addressed to the most noble Marquis of Hertford / by Henry Adkins.
[U.K. : publisher not identified], 1877.
Library Association.,
Birmingham meeting Sept. 20th to Sept. 23rd, 1887 : programme of excursions.
Birmingham : The Herald Press, 1887.
Shakespeare's country : a pilgrimage to Stratford-on-Avon, Kenilworth, Warwick, Evesham, Broadway, Leamington etc.
[London] : [Kelly Kelly, printers], [189-?]
British Association for the Advancement of Science,
Excursions guide : Birmingham August 30-September 6.
[Birmingham] : [The Birmingham Printers], [1950]
Wilson, Harrison Corbett
Leamington : a poem / by Harrison Corbett Wilson.
London : Longman and Co, 1843.
Whitley, T. W.,
The New and authentic handy guide and history of the town and castle of Warwick ... / T.W. Whitley.
Coventry : Robertson and Gray, 1892.
Bloom, James Harvey
An Introduction to the cartulary of St. Mary's, Warwick / by the Rev. J. Harvey Bloom.
[U.K : publisher not identified, 1915?]
Smith, Solomon Charles Kaines
The arms of Birmingham / S.C. Kaines Smith.
Worcester : Baylis Son. Ltd, 1936.
Birmingham Reference Library,
Birmingham: Domesday to 1948 : an exhibition of books, manuscripts and maps.
[Birmingham] : [Birmingham Reference Library], [1948]
Charlecote church : its monuments etc..
[Warwick : R. Spennell, printer, 19--]
Notes on the parish church of St. Peter, Coughton.
[U.K.] : [s.n.], 1933.
The General municipal charities of the city of Coventry.
Coventry : Caldicott Feltham, city press, 1925.
Fox, Levi
The Early History of Coventry / Levi Fox.
[U.K : publisher not identified], 1945.
Henley-in-Arden : presentation to Charles Couchman ....
[U.K. : publisher not identified], 1919.
Kemp, Thomas.,
The Carrying out of the will of Thomas Oken and the keeping of his feast day / Thomas Kemp.
Warwick : Robert Spennell, 1896.
Ward, H. M.,
A brief history of St. Michael's church, Whichford / H. M. Ward.
[place of publication unknown : publisher not identified], 1931.
Wadley, Thomas Proctor
Wixford church, Warwickshire / T.P. Wadley.
[U.K. : publisher not identified], 1878.
Rules and regulations of the Long Compton Association for the Protection of Persons and Property and for Prosecuting Felons, etc. : established in 1834.
Shipston-on-Stour : S. White printer, 1837.
National Trust,
Charlecote Park : a property of the National Trust.
London : Country Life for The National Trust, [1946?]
The manor of Henley-in-Arden.
[U.K. : publisher not identified], 1919.
Warwickshire farmer's guide.
Leamington Spa : Warwickshire County Agricultural Executive Committee and the National Agricultural Advisory Service, 1968.
Solomon Carter's adventures on the Henley-in-Arden railway.
[U.K : publisher not identified, 1894]
Henley-in-Arden Beaudesert peace celebrations, July 19th 1919.
[Henley-in-Arden] : [J. Stephens, printer], 1919.
Cooke, Thomas.,
A Handbook of Tamworth, its church and castle : with a short account of places of interest in the neighbourhood / Thomas Cooke.
Tamworth : J. Thompson, printer, 1876.
Simmonds, George.,
Stories about Warwick / compiled from numerous sources by George Simmonds.
Warwick : W.H. Smith Son, [189-]
The Warwick Pageant : a folk play ... to be enacted each day in the grounds of Warwick Castle from Monday July 2nd to Saturday July 7th. [Programme].
[Warwick] : [Henry Cooke], 1906.
Longland, S. E.,
Notes on the history of Leek Wootton / [compiled by S.E. Longland et al]
Leamington Spa : A. Tomes, 1935.
Kenilworth, Warwickshire : the official guide.
Cheltenham : Ed. J. Burrow, [194-?]
Salmon, Nathaniel.,
[London : publisher not identified, 1731]
Rules, orders and regulations for the government of the county gaol : Warwickshire.
Stratford-upon-Avon : W. Barnacle, printer, [1825]
Official guide and handbook to Aston Hall and Park, inaugurated by Her Most Gracious Majesty ...15th June 1851.
Birmingham : M.Billing, printer, [1858]
Leamington parish church : foreward, historical notes and notes on points of interest.
Leamington Spa : Courier Press, [1948]
Thomas Jarrett (Firm),
Capital stock to be sold by auction by Thos. Jarrett on ... 17th-20th April 1805 on the premises of Mr John Zouch (deceased) at Milcote ... : the live and dead stock, implements in husbandry, dairy utensils, household furniture, plate, linen, china and other effects.
Stratford-upon-Avon : J. Cox, printer, [1805]
Elliott, W. H.,
The Collegiate Church of St. Mary, Warwick / W. H. Elliott.
Gloucester : British Publishing Company, 1949.
Warwick, Town Council
Warwick town of history : the official guide, (1957-1958).
Derby Cheltenham : The New Centurian Publishing and Publicity Co., [1958]
Environment Agency,
Local environment agency plan. Warwickshire Avon : First annual review, Febuary 2000.
[U.K.] : [Environment Agency], 2000.
Environment Agency,
Local environment agency plan. Warwickshire Avon : Action plan, November 1998.
[U.K.] : [Environment Agency], 1998.
Warwickshire, County Council
Warwickshire structure plan : report of the panel conducting the examination in public 4-13 September 1990.
[Warwick] : [Warwickshire County Council], [1990]
Warwickshire, County Council
Warwickshire 21 : Warwickshire structure plan. Alterations 1989-2001 : explanatory memorandum.
[Warwick] : [Warwickshire County Council], [1990]
Warwickshire, County Council
Warwickshire 21 : Warwickshire structure plan. Alterations no. 1 : draft explanatory memorandum.
[Warwick] : [Warwickshire County Council], [1990]
Warwickshire, County Council
Warwickshire 21 : Warwickshire structure plan review. Choices for the future : the issues.
[Warwick] : [Warwickshire County Council], [1989]
Warwickshire, County Council
Warwickshire 21 : Warwickshire structure plan review. Consulation document 1 : strategy.
[Warwick] : [Warwickshire County Council], [1989]
Warwickshire, County Council
Warwickshire 21 : Warwickshire structure plan review. Consulation document 2 : policies.
[Warwick] : [Warwickshire County Council], [1989]
Warwickshire, County Council
Draft county structure plan 1972 : written statement.
[Warwick] : [Warwickshire County Council], [1972]
Country life : Warwickshire supplement.
[London] : [Country Life], 1938.
Floods '98 : a journal special publication.
[Evesham] : [Newsquest], 1998.
Brassington, William Salt
Notes on ecclesiastical seals of Warwickshire / by W. Salt Brassington.
[Walsall] : [Birmingham Midland Institute, Archaelogical section], [1894]
Miller, M.G.,
Avon breakthrough / M.G. Miller.
London : Country Life, 1976.
Bloom, James Harvey
Two Warwickshire muniment rooms [at Compton Verney and Warwick Castle] / J. Harvey Bloom.
[Walsall] : [Birmingham Midland Institute, Archaelogical section], [1905]
Kinvig, Robert Henry.,
Warwickshire : R.H. Kinvig.
Cambridge : University Press, 1954.
Rock, Nora.,
In solitary confinement : hermits of Britain / Nora Rock.
London : Country Life, 1977.
Warwickshire, past and present : by camera, pen and pencil.
Nottingham : Lenton Press, 1924.
Warwickshire Yeoman cavalry / Paul Morgan.
Warwick : Warwickshire Yeomanry Museum, [1993]
Williams, Gordon
British theatre in the Great War : a revaluation / Gordon Williams.
London : Continuum, 2005.
Fuchs, Theodore.,
Stage lighting / Theodore Fuchs.
Boston [Mass.] : Little, Brown and Co., 1929.
Wilson, Ian
Shakespeare : the evidence : unlocking the mysteries of the man and his work / Ian Wilson.
London : Headline, 1993.
Ratcliff, S. C., | Court of Quarter Sessions, England and Wales| Warwickshire, Records Committee| Johnson, H. C.,
Warwick county records. Vol.1, Quarter Sessions order book Easter, 1625, to Trinity, 1637 / edited by S.C. Ratcliff and H.C. Johnson with a foreword by Lord Hanworth.
Warwick : L. Edgar Stephens, 1935.
Ratcliff, S. C., | Johnson, H. C., | Court of Quarter Sessions, England and Wales| Warwickshire, Records Committee
Warwick county records. Vol.3, Quarter Sessions order book Easter, 1650, to Epiphany, 1657 / edited by S.C. Ratcliff and H.C. Johnson with a foreword by Sir Archibald Flower.
Warwick : L. Edgar Stephens, 1937.
Ratcliff, S. C., | Johnson, H. C., | Court of Quarter Sessions, England and Wales| Warwickshire, Records Committee
Warwick county records. Vol.4, Quarter Sessions order book Easter, 1657, to Epiphany, 1665 / edited by S.C. Ratcliff and H.C. Johnson with a foreword by Sidney Webb.
Warwick : L. Edgar Stephens, 1938.
Ratcliff, S. C., | Johnson, H. C., | Court of Quarter Sessions, England and Wales| Warwickshire, Records Committee
Warwick county records. Vol.5, Orders made at Quarter Sessions Easter, 1665, to Epiphany, 1674 / edited by S.C. Ratcliff and H.C. Johnson with a foreword by Sir Wilfrid Greene.
Warwick : L. Edgar Stephens, 1939.
Ratcliff, S. C., | Johnson, H. C., | Court of Quarter Sessions, England and Wales| Warwickshire, Records Committee
Warwick county records. Vol.6, Quarter Sessions indictment book Easter, 1631, to Epiphany, 1674 / edited by S.C. Ratcliff and H.C. Johnson with a foreword by Lord Ilkeston.
Warwick : L. Edgar Stephens, 1941.
Ratcliff, S. C., | Johnson, H. C., | Court of Quarter Sessions, England and Wales| Warwickshire, Records Committee
Warwick county records. Vol.7, Quarter Sessions records Easter, 1674, to Easter, 1682 / edited by S.C. Ratcliffand H.C. Johnson with a foreword by Sir Cyril Flower.
Warwick : L. Edgar Stephens, 1946.
Johnson, H. C., | Williams, N. J., | Court of Quarter Sessions, England and Wales| Warwickshire, Records and Museum Committee
Warwick County records. Vol.9, Quarter sessions records Easter, 1690, to Michaelmas, 1696 / edited by H.C. Johnsonand N.J. Williams, foreword by the Right Hon. Lord Denning.
Warwick : published by Sir Edgar Stephens, 1964.
Exchequer, | Walker, Margaret.,
Warwick county records: hearth tax returns : Hemlingford hundred, Tamworth and Atherstone divisions / edited by Margaret Walker. volume 1.
Warwick : L.E. Stephens, 1957 (i.e. 1958).
Ellerslie, M.R.,
Wroxall Abbey. a short history.
[U.K. : publisher not identified, 2006]
Alveston Manor Hotel.
[U.K. : publisher not identified, 19--]
Lower Avon Navigation Trust.,
Avon News : the official organ of the Lower Avon Navigation Trust.
Evesham : The Lower Avon Navigation Trust.
Woodward, Alfred, 1921-,
A pictorial History of Brailes. pt. 1, Lower Brailes / edited by Alfred Woodward.
Shipston-on-Stour : Braywood Publishing, 2005.
Rugby remembered : more images of Rugby.
Derby : Breedon Books, 2005.
Jenkins, Stanley C., | Carpenter, Roger S
The Alcester branch / by Stanley C. Jenkins and Roger Carpenter.
Didcot : Wild Swan Publications Ltd, c2005.
Field, Jean.,
Whitnash / Jean Field.
Stroud : Tempus Publishing, 2005.
Corelli, Marie
Jane : a social incident / Marie Corelli.
London : Methuen, 1911.
Coventry Cathedral : a souvenir publication to commemorate the reconstruction and consecration of the Cathedral Church of St Michael, Coventry.
Leamington Spa : English Counties Periodicals, 1964.
Cholmondeley, Rose Evelyn., | Cholmondeley, Lionel Berners.,
Adlestrop : its cottages and their inmates, 1876-1877 / by Rose Evelyn Cholmondeley ; edited by Lionel Berners Cholmondeley.
Oxford : Shakespeare Head Press, 1935.
Fowler, Simon.,
Workhouse : the people, the places, the life behind doors / Simon Fowler.
London : National Archives, 2006.
Scarth, Bob.,
We'll all be union men : the story of Joseph Arch and his union / Bob Scarth.
Coventry : Industrial Pioneer Publications, 1998.
Austen, Caroline
Reminiscences of Caroline Austen / introduction by Deirdre Le Faye.
[place of publication unknown] : Jane Austen Society, 1986.
Tricot, Xavier., | Lacy, Alison.,
Macduff : a tragedy : sequel to Macbeth by William Shakespeare / translation by Alison Lacy.
[place of publication unknown] : Devriendt, 2006.
Bearman, Robert
Henry Austen and the Cubbington living / Robert Bearman.
[Vancouver] : [Jane Austen Society of North America], [1988]
King, Gaye.,
Visiting Edward Cooper / Gaye KIng.
[Vancouver] : [Jane Austen Society of North America], [1987]
Archer, James Henry Lawrence
Brief memorials of English families of the name of Archer / [By Captain J.H.L. Archer]
Edinburgh : [publisher not identified], 1856.
Dromgoole, Dominic
Will and me : how Shakespeare took over my life / Dominic Dromgoole.
London : Allen Lane, 2006.
Bradley, Andrew Cecil
Shakespearean tragedy : lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth / A.C. Bradley ; introduction to the fourth edition by Robert Shaughnessy.
[Basingstoke] : Palgrave Macmillan, [2006].
Myrone, Martin., | Frayling, Christopher John| Warner, Marina, 1946-, | Tate Britain,
Gothic nightmares : Fuseli, Blake and the Romantic imagination / Martin Myrone ; with essays by Christopher Frayling and Marina Warner ; and additional catalogue contributions by Christopher Frayling and Mervyn Heard..
London : Tate, 2006.
Worrall, David.,
Theatric revolution : drama, censorship, and Romantic period subcultures 1773-1832 / David Worrall.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006.
Billings, Derek
Kenilworth's last brickworks / Derek Billings.
Kenilworth : Peter Richard Books, 2005.
Rees, Henry.,
Warwickshire Symphony Orchestra : the first sixty years, 1940-2000 / Dr. Henry Rees.
[U.K.] : [Warwickshire Symphony Orchestra], [2004]
Shakespeare, William| Shakespeare, William
The Irving Memorial Shakespeare / with introduction by George Brandes...
London : The London Book Co., 1906.