Hagberg, Carl August
Shakspeare's dramatiska arbeten / öfversatta af Carl August Hagberg.
Lund, [Sweden] : C. W. K. Gleerup Förlag, 1861.
Hagberg, Carl August| Bolin, Wilhelm| Gilbert, John
Shakspeare's dramatiska arbeten, efter Carl August Hagsbergs öfversattning... / Bearbetade af Wilh. Bolin ; med illustrationer af Sir John Gilbert.
Lund : C. W. K. Gleerups Forlag, [1880-87].
Hagberg, Carl August
Shakespeares dramatiska arbeten / öfversatta af Carl August Hagberg.
Lund : C. W. K. Gleerups Forlag, [1892-3].
Shakespeare, William| Irving, Henry
The complete works of William Shakespeare : with biographical introduction / William Shakespeare ; [introduction and essay on Shakespeare and Bacon by Henry Irving]
London ; Glasgow : Collins' Clear Type Press, [191-]
date unknown
Shakespeare, William| Abrahall, Harriette Charlotte Hoskyns
Songs of Shakespeare / illuminated by H.C. Hoskyns Abrahall.
London : Printed published by Day Son, Limited, [1866]
Shakespeare, William| Rowe, Nicholas
The works of Mr. William Shakespear; : in six volumes ; adorn'd with cuts / revis'd and corrected, with an account of the life and writings of the author by N. Rowe.
London : Printed for Jacob Tonson ..., 1709.
Shakespeare, William| Webling, Ethel
Julius Caesar / by William Shakespeare. Her Majesty's Theatre, London. A record by Ethel Webling.
London : [unpublished], 1898.
Shakespeare, William
[King Lear in Armenian]
[Tiflis : publisher not identified], 1898.
Shakespeare, William
William Shakespeare : sonnets/sonety / [translated into Czech by Martin Hilsky]
[Prague : Tomas Hron, 2015]
Hogenberg, Frans| Ortelius, Abraham
Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio Auctore Antonio Ienkensono Anglo edita Londini 1562 dedicata illustriss D. Henrico Sydneo Wallie presidi.
[? From: Ortelius...Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Antwerp, Ex Offina, Plantiniana, 1595]
Clarke, Graham
W. Shakespeare Gent, his Life Times / By Graham Clarke
Boughton Monchelsea, Graham Clarke, 1995
Clarke, Graham
Not So Neither; or; A Midsummer Nights Dream by Wil. Shakespeare Gent. Publickly acted / By Graham Clarke
Boughton Monchealeas, Graham Clarke, 1992
Shakespeare, William
The pocket portrait Shakespeare.
Glasgow : David Bryce Son, [1899?].
Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard
An historical account of the New Place, Stratford-upon-Avon, the last residence of Shakespeare / by James O. Halliwell.
London : Printed by J.E. Adlard, 1864.
Singleton, Esther
The Shakespeare garden / by Esther Singleton ; with numerous illus. from photos and reproductions of old wood cuts.
London : Methuen Ltd, (1922).